Exercise is important for back pain relief

Many people have the wrong ideaóthe line that exercise increases the Back pain. Conversely, in many cases exercise can be a very important component of the búshortness of relief Neck Pain and back.

Bajo la supervisionón of a méI say, exercise can stimulate healingón, release endorphins (the analgsénatural physicos of the body), stimulate the immune systemógico, así how to improve cardiovascular health and functionópulmonary n.

Although the discomfort that is experienced due to conditions such as herniated discs, bulging discs, ciática O spinal stenosis may indicate that you remain imówill, try to resist this temptationón, and you médico encourages you to exercise.

I exercise back

The development of a sedentary lifestyle is notóweaken itá neck and back, but alsoén may increase the risk of coágulos in the blood, circulation problemsón, a weakened immune system and the péloss of muscle mass.


The types of exercise

Although most of the exercise is beneficial, there are certain types of activities that are better for people with neck and back pain.

Usually, choose low-impact exercises, that minimize the amount of presión about your joints. For instance, walking is a low-impact activity, while jogging is high impact.

the swimmingón is low impact, while jumping rope is high impact. Remember that the spine isá formed by vévertebrae, intervertebral discs, facet joints, nerves and múdogs, so a régroan of exercise that strengthens these components without exerting an additional discharge is ideal.

Work with your méI say para diseñCreate an exercise program that includes a variety of exercises, such as abdominal exercises, yoga, a treadmill theíbird, or exercise therapy on a Swiss ball or bicycle isática.

These are low-impact activities that strengthen the múoscules and the ligaments that lengthen in the neck and back.

Other options include hiking, walk the stairs and do aerial exercisesósmooth beaks.

La integrationón of other forms of conservative treatment in your réexercise moan

An added benefit of exercises, además its component of increasing strength, is that they burn heatías. Since the weight of the body exerts a pressureóNo on the spine, burning 350 a 500 heatías cada día can help you lose a few kilos of más and reduce the pressureón of the intervertebral disc.

if you have anyún column problem like scoliosis, lordosis O herniated disc, (among others) when doing activities níI'll give youáDo you realize that being overweight or having a belly is something that gets in the way?.

Although with the passing of theñit becomes every time más difíeasy for metabolism burn heatías, you must have a comprehensive plan for eliminate overweight: low impact diet and exercise.

By reducing torso fat, and increase the flexibility and strength of the múdogs, the load on the structures of the spine decreases

On several occasions we have already recommended to the yoga and the tai chi such as low impact activities, más appropriate as therapy for injuries and diseases of the spine. ask tú medico, if you allow ¡Forward!

Enrich your diet with foods that are high in fiber, calcium and áomega fatty acids- 3, while reducing sugar consumptionúcares añadidas and saturated fat.

And you médico approves, spaghettién It is possible to integrate other forms of conservative treatment into your réexercise moan, such as pain medications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and temperature therapy, with heat and coldíO.

Keep in mind that a diet or exercise plan should never be attempted without your supervision.ón of a méprofessional doctor, nutritionist and an instructor fíphysical.

Never try too hard, and if your neck or back pain worsens with activity, make an appointment with your médrug to modify the treatment approach.