How to treat facet osteoarthritis

The facet osteoarthritis it is a conditionón that affects the spine joints. This occurs when the cartridge wears out.ílago, and can lead to lower back pain.ónico, added to sensationón of rigidity and immobility. If diagnosed by través of imaging tests and facet block and its treatment includes physiotherapy, medicines, and in the casesás grave, cirugía.

It can be prevented by maintaining a few hoursáhealthy bits of life, a feedingóbalanced and doing moderate, low-impact exercise. In certain cases, if there is a herniated disc, foraminal stenosis or advanced degenerative changes in the spine, surgery may be necessaryía.


¿Whaté is facet osteoarthritis?

The facet osteoarthritis is a pathologistía that affects the facet joints of the spine. These joints are the connections between the vévertebrae and their functionóThe main thing is to avoid and limit rotationón and previous displacement of the vévertebrae.

Esta está caused by the desgaste o degenerationócard no.ílake of these joints, which causes lower back painóunique and affects the mobility of the spine, being considered a formún of osteoarthritis in older people.

The first cause of facet osteoarthritis is none other than the aging, since the wear and deterioration of the cartílake is más common in those people who are olderás advanced. Nevertheless, It must be taken into account that there are other factors that can contribute to its development, among which are bad postures, traumatic injuriesáethics in the column, the overweight, mechanical overloadárepetitive single in the spine, etcétera.

Similarly, It is necessary to highlight the risk factors for the development of  this sickness, which include being of advanced age, family history of suffering from this disease, recurrent bad posture, obesity and jobs that may involve repetitive movements of the spine itself. All this makes it más likely to suffer from this health problem.

Sísymptoms of facet osteoarthritis

The facet osteoarthritis  is characterized by causing different sísymptoms affecting the spine, sísymptoms that may vary depending onón of intensity and durationón, and which tend to get worse if not treated appropriately. Now, We are going to talk to you about some of theíntomas máfrequent s:

Dolor lumbar crónico

The dolor lumbar crónico is one of theíntomas mácommon symptoms of facet osteoarthritis, an idol that is located in a specific wayípain in the lower back area, It could radiate through the legs and glove.úteos. This pain is usually constant and persistent., increasing frequently after performing an activity fíinjury or after prolonged periods of time standing or sitting. in addition, can interfere with daily activities, así how to affect the patient's quality of life.

Rigidity and immobility

The rigidity and immobility are other of the síntomas mácommon symptoms related to this disease of the spine, causing those who suffer from it to experience difficulty in normal flexi movements.ón, extensionón o rotationócolumn no., a rigidity that can be especially evident by the mañyears or after long periods of inactivity, Some improvement can be seen after long periods of inactivity. May reduce as the patient moves and warms up.


Además of those mentioned, the facet osteoarthritis can present other síntomas, with some cases in which you can experience a sensationón of locking or clicking in the spine when making movements. in addition, spaghettiéThere may be tenderness and pain on palpation.ón in affected areas of the spine. In certain cases, This facet osteoarthritis can cause muscle weakness in the lower extremities or alterations in gait..

Diagnófacet osteoarthritis

The diagnófacet osteoarthritis is carried out throughés of different méall and tests métips, that allow the facet joints of the spine to be evaluated and determine the presence and severity of this condition.ón. Some téconical for this are the following:

  • Imaging tests. These play a key role in the diagnosisófacet osteoarthritis, frequently resorting to the use of radiographyías and magnetic resonancesétics. The first allow you to get imágenes with which to determine the degree of wear and deterioration of the cartílago, being able to identify changes in the structure of the joints, while the magnetic resonanceéethics are very úuseful to be able to visualize soft tissues in greater detail, ligaments and intervertebral discs. Así, you can get informationóAdditional information about the facet joints and the structures around them.
  • facet lock. it's a técone used to confirm that low back pain is associated with the facet joints, and which consists of injecting an anestheticélocal physical in the jointón facet with the guía from a fluoroscopy or imágenes radiolócool.
  • Consult with him specialist: for the diagnosisóIt is essential that you consult with a spine specialist., what to evaluateá the different síntomas, además to take an exam fíphysical and analyze the results of the tests carried out.

Treatment of facet osteoarthritis

The facet osteoarthritis treatment focuses on relief of sísymptoms and improvement of the patient's quality of life. For this, we resort to use of medications for pain control, así like physiotherapy and rehabilitationón, which are essential to improve the mobility of the spine and strengthen the múdogs, being able to resort to complementary therapies such as electrostimulation.ón.

In those people in whom pain persists despite previous treatments, can be carried out térice techniqueófacet lysis, which consists of the applicationón of punctual heat in the facet joints givesñadas, which allows destroying the nerve endings that are responsible for pain.

As úlast resort, you can resort to the cirugía, quir proceduresúrgicos a través of which a stability of the spine can be achieved or the implementationón de prótheses responsible for replacing the joints givesñadas. Everything dependsá of the evaluationóindividual n of each patient.