Relief for hemorrhoids and back pain: treatments and solutions

Hemorrhoids and back pain are two conditions thatípermanently notán related. Nevertheless, many people they complain of severe back discomfort while having piles. ¿Whyé? ¡We tell you in our artíass!

SpaghettiéWe will talk about the importance of hemorrhoid ointment y of qué exercises to do to prevent both conditions.


Hemorrhoids: descriptionón y síntomas

Piles are a conditionón howún that impacts many people in Spainña (1). They consist of the inflammationón and enlargement of the veins in the rectum and anus. If you suffer from this conditionóIt is not normal for you to feel anal itching and stinging, pain when sitting and discomfort in your día a día.

Sísymptoms of hemorrhoids

  • Picazón and burning in the área anal.
  • Pain during defecationón.
  • Bleeding during evacuationón intestinal.
  • Discomfort when sitting.
  • Sensationón lump or protuberance in the área anal.

Type of hemorrhoids

There are several types and degrees of piles. It is very important that you know them to be able to take the necessary measures in each particular case..

  • Internal hemorrhoids: East án inside the rectum and are not visible from the outside. in the majoría of the cases, cause bleeding during defecationón.
  • External hemorrhoids: They are located under the skin around the anus and are visible or palpable. They cause itchingón, pain and inflammationón.
  • Mixed hemorrhoids: I'm the matchmakerón of both, internal and external.


Risk factors for hemorrhoids and back pain

We tell you thaté factors can cause you to end up developing piles and, in some cases, Back pain.

  • Beingñiment crósingle or frequent diarrhea.
  • Obesity.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Sitting for a long time.
  • Lift heavy objects frequently.

Hemorrhoids and back pain: ¿becauseé many people relate them?

Back pain and piles, in many cases, have a common cause or triggerún: the sedentary lifestyle.

A sedentary lifestyle is defined as a lifestyle with little or no activity nísica regular. Lack of movement and poor posture when sitting causes tensionón and weakness in the múback muscles, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Regarding piles, sitting for long periods increases presión in the veins of the p zoneélvic and anal. This will facilitateá the formationón of these annoying swollen veins.

It is important to understand that, although back pain and hemorrhoids can occur at the same time, does not mean that a conditionón cause the other. Both can have múmultiple causes and some, common. For instance, the sedentary lifestyle.

Exercises and care to avoid back pain

To prevent or alleviate both conditions, It is important to follow a series of exercises and care. We give you some recommendations:

  • Mantén one Find a balance point to reduce stress and tension by using relaxation techniques such as yoga when sitting and standing. Avoid slouching and ensureúrate of keeping your back straight.
  • Makes strengthening exercises of the múback muscles. For instance, stretching exercises, lower back stretches and flexi exercisesóno and extensionóno of the spine.
  • Practice breathing exercisesón deep and relaxingón to reduce tensionóno in the back.
  • Evita lift heavy objects or make excessive efforts that may put stressóadditional n on the back.
  • Perform exercises strengthening of the múdogs crunches to improve back stability and reduce risk of injury.
  • Makes Vertebral endplate irregularity due to extensive disc invagination soft back and legs to maintain flexibility of the musclesúscles and avoid stiffness.
  • Mantén one Healthy weight a través of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Excess weight puts pressureóadditional n on the back.
  • Avoid spending a long time in the same positionón. You can try taking regular breaks to stretch and move every hour..


Remember that These exercises and care are general and varíand segúin each person. It is always advisable to consult with a professional before starting any exercise program or change in hours.ábits of care.

Other common causes of piles and lower back pain

We have already explained to you that there are factors that cause back pain and hemorrhoids.. Although sedentary lifestyle is the main causeás común of both conditions, we leave you a list of common triggers for these two conditions:

  • Obesity or overweight: Excess weight intensifies spinal load and pressure.ón in the veins, which causes you to suffer from both back pain and piles.
  • strés crónico: The strés cause of tensionón muscular, especially on the back, and alsoén affects the digestive system.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, weight gain and pressureón on the abdomen favor both problems.