How to avoid walking badly so as not to suffer back pain

Regardless of the type of exercise we practice, walking is the activity fímain activity that we carry out daily. Therefore, It is essential to walk correctly to avoid back pain at the end of each day. Así that we must avoid walking incorrectly to prevent such pain.

Many people pay attentionón to your técynic when they go to the gym and use mácorners, but they often neglect their posture when walking, which can cause discomfort and injury.

There is a correct way to walk. Let's see witháThis is the correct posture for each part of the body if we want to prevent any type of ailment..


Cóhow to avoid walking wrong

To walk healthily and avoid possible long-term injuries, It is essential to pay attentionón a la tétread cone. Physical therapists Brad Heineck and Bob Schrupp, known for their presence on the Internet, They highlight the importance of this aspect in a series of videos on YouTube. Its focus is on the way the foot hits the ground and cóHow does this affect the rest of the body?.

First, it is crucial to consider cóhow the footprint is made. Instead of first supporting suchón, It is advisable to use the forefooté or the midfoot area to better absorb impact. This tétaper allows the calf and thigh to actúas natural shock absorbers, decreasing thusí the load on other parts of the body, like the hips and knees.

The biggestía of people tend to support suchónot when walking, which can generate unnecessary tensions in various áareas of the body over time. Thus, adopt the téProper taper from the beginning is essential to prevent future injuries and discomfort.

A simple way to correct thiséconical is to shorten the steps. This does not necessarily mean walking más slowly, but reduce the length of each stride. In doing so, It is important to lean slightly forward to favor the “landingón” with the front of the foot. This posture adjustment helps ensure a smoother stride.áIt's natural and healthy.

It is important to remember that this change in téwalking taper may require time and práethics to integrate effectively. It is not simply about forcing the posture, but to allow the body to gradually adapt to the new way of movement. With the right perseverance, These settings will becomeán part of your usual routine and contributeán significantly to maintain health and well-being fílong-term health.

Además of the tétread cone, There are other aspects that can be considered to improve the walking experience and reduce the risk of injury. thenón, Some additional tips are presented:

  • Appropriate footwear: Wear footwear cóAppropriate walking mode is essential to provide good support and cushioning.ón at the feet. It is recommended to choose shoes that fit correctly and provide good support.ón in the bow and the talón.
  • Pre-stretch: Before starting a hike, It is important to perform stretching exercises to prepare the múmuscles and joints. This helps reduce the risk of injury and improves body flexibility..
  • correct posture: Maintaining proper posture when walking is essential to prevent tension.ón and muscle fatigue. Mantékeep your back straight, shoulders relaxed and gaze forward. Avoid slouching or arching your back, as this can cause discomfort and injury.
  • Vary the surface: Try walking on different types of surfaces, like pavement, césped or nature trails. This helps work different muscle groups and reduces the risk of overuse injuries..
  • Regular breaks: If you plan to walk long distances, asegúrate of taking peri breaksómedicines to stretch the musclesúmuscles and recover energyías. Listen to theñrelease your body and don't force yourselfás allá of you límites.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink enough water before, during and afteréWalking is essential to keep the body well hydrated and prevent fatigue.
  • Listen to the body: Pay attentionón at señthose I sent youíto your body while you walk. If you experience persistent pain or unusual discomfort, stop and consult a health professional.

Other tips when walking

Además of the specific aspectsífics related to téwalking technique, There are several general recommendations that can improve your experience and maximize the benefits of this activity física, so that you can make it help you improve the well-being of your body and greater health. Some recommendations are the following:

  • Set achievable goals: Set realistic goals for your walking routine, whether in téterms of distance, durationón or frequency. this will help youá to stay motivated and continue advancing in your progress fíphysical.
  • Incorporate variety: Don't limit yourself to always walking the same route or at the same time of day.ía. Explore different routes, schedules and environments to keep your routine fresh and stimulating. this tooén allow youá discover new places and landscapes while exercising your body.
  • accompaniesñsocial development: Consider walking with friendsñíto friends, family members or pets. The support and motivationónumber of companyñWalking exercisers can make exercise moreáIt's nice and fun.
  • listen música o podcasts: If you prefer to walk alone, you can do it más entertaining listening to your múfavorite music or interesting podcasts. This can help you stay focused and distract you.ído while you travel your route.
  • Breathing practiceóconscious: Pay attentionón to your breathón while you walk and try to synchronize it with your step. When you breatheóDeep, conscious awareness can help reduce stressés, improve oxygenationón of the body and increase your sensationón of well-being.
  • Manténot a positive attitude: Cultivate an optimistic mindset and enjoy the process of walking. Sickócate in the positive aspects, how to improve your cardiovascular health, free usón of endorphins and the connectionón with the nature that surrounds you.
  • Consult a professional: If you have any concernsón specístay on your health or conditionón física, do not hesitate to consult a médoctor or physical therapist before starting a walking program. They will be ableán provide you with guidanceón personalized and recommendations tailored to your individual needs.