Steps to strengthen the lower back

this depends on each one lower back pain, that affect the lower back area, have become a common problemún due to the long hours we spend sitting every dayía. If you suffer from this discomfort, It is important that you know thaté Steps to take to strengthen your lower back.

The pain is located in this áarea because it provides support to the upper body. It is estimated that the 80% of adults experienceá lower back pain in somethingúno time in their lives, and certain háSedentary habits only increase the chances of suffering from these chronic discomforts.óunique.


Cóhow to strengthen the lower back

the back suffers a great impact and this produces great pain and muscle contraction strengthen the lower back There are different exercises that we can put into practiceáctic, among which are the following:

hip bridge

The hip bridge is an effective exercise to strengthen the muscles.úlower back muscles, go glúteos and múcentral muscles. To perform this posture, You start by lying face up on a surface cómoda, like a yoga mat. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Later, contract the glúmuscles and abdomen, and slowly raise your hips up while keeping your shoulders and head on the floor.

Mantéin the positionón for at least 30 seconds while you breathe deeply. This movement not only strengthens the múlower back muscles, but alsoén helps improve spinal stability.

swim on the ground

The exercise of swimming on the ground is excellent for strengthening the muscles.úlower back muscles and improve spinal flexibility. To perform this posture, acuéstate face down on a flat surface, like the floor or a yoga mat. Extend your arms above your head and your legs behind you.ás, keepéstraight.

Later, Gently lift your arms and legs off the ground as if you were swimming. Mantéin the positionón for a few seconds and then slowly lower. Repeat this movement several times to strengthen the múlower back muscles and improve spinal mobility.

We were inclinedóno of pelvis

Tilt itóPelvic crunch is a simple but effective exercise to strengthen the muscles.úabdominal and lumbar muscles. To perform this posture, acuéstate face up with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the sides of your body to stabilize yourself.

Later, slowly tilt your pelvis up, pressing your lower back against the floor. Mantéin the positionón for a few seconds and then return to the positionóinitial n. Repeat this movement several times to strengthen the múabdominal and lumbar muscles and improve the stability of the spine.

extensionón back in positionón found

La extensionón back in positionóProning is an effective exercise to strengthen the múlower back muscles and improve spinal mobility. To perform this posture, acuéstate face down on a surface cófashion with arms extended forward and legs straight. Later, Gently lift your torso and legs off the floor while keeping your neck aligned with your spine.

Mantéin the positionón for a few seconds and then slowly lower. You can modify the intensity of the exercise by lifting only the torso or only the legs, themselvesún your level of strength and flexibility. Repeat this movement several times to strengthen the múlower back muscles and improve posture.

p exerciseájaro and the dog

The exercise of pájaro and the dog is a full body movement that strengthens the múlower back muscles, go glúteos and múcentral muscles. To perform this posture, colóGet on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.. Extend one arm forward and the opposite leg back.ás, keeping your back straight.

Mantéin the positionón for a few seconds and then return to the positionóinitial n. Alternate sides and repeat the movement several times to strengthen your muscles.úlower back muscles and improve balance and coordination.ón.


Lunges are a popular exercise that strengthens the múleg muscles, go glúshoulders and lower back. To perform this movement, páStand straight with feet hip-width apart. Step forward with one leg and bend both knees until the front leg isé forming a áangle of 90 degrees.

Mantén back straight and torso upright as you lower down. Later, push with the front leg to return to the positionóinitial n. do it again with the other leg. Lunges are great for improving lower back strength and stability, así like hip mobility.


The Superman exercise is excellent for strengthening muscles.úlower back muscles, go glúteos and múcentral muscles. To perform this posture, acuéstate face down on a surface cómoda, like a yoga mat. Extend your arms forward and your legs back.ás, keepéstraight.

Later, he rose and smoothedágently lift your arms and legs off the floor while contracting your muscles.úlower back and glob musclesúteos. Mantéin the positionón for a few seconds and then slowly lower. Repeat this movement several times to strengthen the múlower back muscles and improve spinal stability.

Russian twists with weight

Weighted Russian twists are an effective exercise for strengthening the muscles.úoblique centuries, the lower back and múabdominal muscles. To perform this exercise, andéLie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.. nounén a weight with both hands in front of your chest. Inclíswim slightly backwardás to activate the múabdominal muscles and lift your feet off the floor if you want to increase the intensity.

Later, turn torso to one side, bringing the weight to the ground next to your hips. Return to the center and repeat the movement to the other side. Continúa alternating sides to complete the desired repetitions. This exercise strengthens the múlower back muscles and improves core stability.