
ci nerveático starts in the méspinal game, passes throughés hips and buttocks, and then branches down each leg.

This nerve is the nerve más long body and one of the más important, as it has a direct effect on the ability to control and feel the legs. When this nerve becomes irritated or compressed, if you tryá “here, thereática”.

Here, thereática it's a sensationón which can manifest as moderate to excruciating back pain, the buttocks and the legs.

Spaghettiécan't feel weakness or numbness in these áreas. Here, thereática is an síthe apostle caused by an injuryón underlying the nerve or a áarea that affects the nerve, like the vévertebrae (the bones in the neck and back).

Sayún the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeonsétips, the disease of ciática is máis likely to occur between 30 and 50 añyou of age



¿Whaté cause the thereática?

Here, thereáEthics can be caused by a number of conditions involving spinal column and that can affect the nerves along the back. Other times, the cause is an injuryón, like caídas or tumors of the spinal nerves/ciáticos.

Common conditions that can cause ciáethics are described belowón:

Herniated discs

The Vévertebrae, or spinal bones, they are separated by means of cartílagos. the cardílake is filled with a thick gel-like material, to ensure flexibility and cushioningón, as the spine moves in natural directions. The herniated discs are produced when the first layer of the cartírip lake.

The inner substance can come out and compress the ci nerveático, which results in limb pain and numbness. It is estimated that one of each 50 people sufferá a herniated disc in your life.

Spinal stenosis

Spaghettiéit is not called spinal stenosis lumbar, this conditionón characterized by abnormal narrowing of the upper or lower vertebral canal.

This narrowing exerts pressureón on the méspinal cord and raíci nerve cesático.

Listing o spondylolisthesis

This is one of the associated conditions of degenerative disc disorder.. When a vertebral bone (vévertebrae) moves forward over the previous one, can pinch the ci nerveático.

Síndrome piriforme

He síPiriformis syndrome is a rare neuromuscular disease in which the mútriquetral sculus of the pelvis (the músculus that connects the lower part of the vertebral column to its fédied) involuntarily contracts or hardens, causing the ciática.

Here, thereática occurs due to pressureón that exerts pressure on the ci nerveático. He síPiriformis syndrome may worsen as a result of events such as sitting for long periods of time.íears of time, at approxíand, or being involved in a minor accident.

Síntomas de la ciática

Here, thereática has a character typeístico of síntomas. If isás experiencing pain that flows from the lower back throughés from the gl areaúteos and in the lower extremities, normally it is the ciática.

Here, thereáethics is the result of a dayñit's lesión on the ci nerveático, so others sísymptoms ofñor nerves are often present with pain. Othersíntomas de la ciáethics may include:

Pain that worsens with movement.

Numbness / weakness: It is síSymptom can occur in the legs or feet and is usually felt along the pathway of the civic nerve.ático. In severe cases, there may be a péloss of sensation and/or movement.

SensationóNo punctures from pins or needles: This is a painful tingling in the toes or both.

Incontinence: This is the téterm for the inability to control the bladder or bowels. This is a sírare symptom, Part of sícauda equina syndrome (what is explained más go ahead) and it is a sign of need of attentionóno immediate.

When you should get careón métip

Seek attentionón méImmediate advice in case of the following síntomas:

  • The pain occurs afterés of an injuryón the serious accident.
  • You have sudden, excruciating pain in your leg or lower back that accompaniesña from numbness or muscle weakness in that same leg.
  • You are not able to control your bladder or bowels (síntoma of the sícauda equina syndrome).

Sícauda equina or cauda equina syndrome

This is a rare disorderún which can cause torque problemsálysis, of the bladder and intestine and decreasedóno sexual sensitivity, if it is not.

Because this disorder often develops slowly, as soon as the s appearíntomas, It is important to make an appointment with your mésay right away.

The sísymptoms of this disorder are:

  • Inability to control the bladder or bowels (this also includesén la retentionón)
  • Pain, numbness or weakness in one or both legs, so it is diffíeasy to get up afterés from sitting; the patient may be observed stumbling when trying to get up.
  • there is a progressionón notable o pésudden and severe loss of feeling in the lower body, which includes the álaugh between the legs, go glúteos, the thighs, the back of the legs and heels and the entire foot.

Diagnócity ​​hallática

Since the ciáethics is, and sí, a sísymptom that can vary from state to state and from person to person, the méI say first I wantá get your backgroundécomplete dicos.

This includes if you have had any injuriesóno recent, where do you feel the pain, y cóhow does it feel. The next step is an exam fíphysical that includes tests of your muscle strength and reflexes.

youéI say tambiécan'tíask you to do some stretching and movement exercises to determine whenáthey cause más dolor.

La prónext round of diagnosticsóstic is for people who have dealt with the scienceática during más than a month or who have a serious illness such as cáncer.

The exámenes of nerves allow youádo you have meédoctor examine the way nerve impulses are carried out and check for any abnormalities.

The imaging tests to allowán to one médico get a peek of the spine, that will help youá to determine the cause of ciática. Imaging tests más common used to diagnose ciáethics and finding its cause are the following:

Radiographeríto the spine: the radiographsías normal not to beán able to offer a visión of the fromñor of the nervous thereático, but an x-rayíof the spine can reveal herniated discs and other damageñyou on the nerves.

Imágenes by magnetic resonanceética (IRM): In a magnetic resonanceética an im will be usedán and radio waves to create imádetailed genes of your back.

Scanneríto computerized (TC): One tomographíThe computerized uses radiationón to create imádetailed genes of your body. youéI say tendrá increased chance of injecting a special dye into the spine in a process called myelogram (CT) to help produce imágenes más clear of the méspinal cord and nerves.


The treatment of ciática

at first diagnosisócity ​​hallática, the méI often say I will give youá tips to treat your back painática.

One of the thingsáThe important things to remember is to keep your daily activities moving as much as possible.ás posible, as staying in bed or avoiding activity can create a situationóno worse.

Treatments at home

Some treatments likeúnally suggested at home are described belowón:

fr remediesíO

You can buy ice packs or even use a package of frozen vegetables.. Wrap the bag of ice or frozen vegetables in a towel and then apply to the affected area for 20 minutes, several times a dayía.

This will helpá to reduce swellingón and relieve the pain.

Heat remedies

Spaghettién you can buy hot packs or t padsérmics. The use of ice is recommended for the first couple of days.ías. afterés of two or three días, change to heat.

If the pain persists, try alternating between ice and heat therapy.


The gentle stretch of the lower back alsoéit can't be úto. A good way to do the  stretching with quality is to achieve, therapy física personal, or even yoga classes from a well-known physical therapist or instructor trained in treating your injury.ón.

Over the counter drugs

The use of over-the-counter medications, like aspirin and ibuprofen, spaghettiéThey can't help with the pain., the inflammationón and the swellingón.

Be careful about using aspirin excessively due to its possible complications, including stomach bleeding and úulcerated.

Regular exercise

How much mádo you stay active, your body releases más endorphins. Endorphins are analgéphysical produced by the body.

Mantén low-impact activities at first, how to swim and stationary bike. As your pain decreases and your stamina improves, create an réworkout exercises that include aerial exercisesóbeaks, stability of the abdomen, and strength training.

A Rémoan with these components can decrease the risk of future back problems.

Additional measures

If home treatments fail to treat your pain effectively, the médico can suggest you to take new measures, What:

Therapy física

exercises to help youán to improve posture and strengthen the múback muscles.

prescription drugsón

The Médoctors can prescribe muscle relaxants, that effectively relieve pain, and even antidepressants. Antidepressants can increase productionón of endorphins in your body.

Epidural Steroid Injections

Corticosteroid medications are injected into an area known as the epidural space.. The epidural space is the lífluid that surrounds the méspinal game. Due to the side effects, these injections are given on a limited basis.


Surgery may be neededía for severe pain or situations where the patient has lost control of their bowels and bladder.

The two types mácommon procedures for surgeryía son la discectomía and microdiscectomyía. La discectomía is the extirpationón of the part of the disc that isá pressing the ci nerveático.

La microdiscectomía is the extirpationón of the disc made throughéIt's a little oneñor cut while the médico uses a microscope.

Alternative treatments for ciática

The world of alternative medicine isá growing in popularity. There are a number of alternative remedies for ciática. These include:


Sterile needles are inserted into key points that affect the flow of energy.íinto the body. This procedure is prápractically painless.

chiropractor treatmentáskeptic

a quiropráskeptic can manipulate the spine to achieve the mámaximum mobility of the spine.


A trained professional can induce hypnosis. Hypnosis has the intentionón to put the patient in a very relaxed and focused state of mind, what will allowá receive  healthy suggestions and care instructions.

In the case of pain ciático, the hipn messagesóticos mayístill include pain relief.


In all its varieties.

Risk factors for developing ciática

Certain behaviors or factors can contribute to the chances of having ciática. The factors más common for the development of ciáethics include:

Age: As the body ages, it becomes máParts are likely to wear out or break down.

occupationón: certain races put a lot of stressóno in the back, especially those that involve lifting heavy objects, sit for long periodsíears of time, or the movements of torsión.

Diabetes: This conditionón may increase the risk ofñor nerves.

Smokers: Smoking can cause the outer layer of the spinal discs to deteriorate..

Cómo prevent ciática

The following steps can help avoid ciática or treat it if you already suffer:

Frequent exercise. The strengthening of the múback muscles and stomachómagician are the key to maintaining a healthy back.

Be careful with position. AssegúMake sure your chairs offer adequate support for your back. You must be able to place your feet on the ground, and make sure to use your arms in a positionón natural.

The cóhow you move matters: Cuígive yourself when lifting heavy objects ​​in the proper way, bending your knees and keeping your back straight.

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