Pain in back and legs

Pain in back and legs with sísymptoms in both areas at different or same times usually involve an abnormality in the structures: múdogs, joints and bones.

Low back pain can start during daily activity, it is very commonún when lifting light objects, during a move ráI ask to get to something, or by sitting for long periods of time in a bad posture.

Because spinal disorders usually develop slowly and over a period of time,úmere from toños, people become progressively moreás vulnerable to injury and pain from a relatively minor event or slight movement of the body.

raíces of the sciatic nerve

Back pain is very commonún. At least the 80% of people suffer from one or moreás episodes during his life. Although low back pain is a potentially disabling disease, it is not life threatening.

in the majoríto the people, the pain usually goes away within a few weeks. Common causes of back and leg pain are abnormal conditions of the múdogs, the joints and bones of the spine (musculoskeletal disorderséticos).

These conditions include muscle injuries, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, the scoliosis and spondylolisthesis íisthmic and degenerative of the lumbar spine.

The ciática it is a conditionón defined as pain that radiates down the leg and is named after the ciático, the major nerve in the región pélvica that controls the functionóno of the lower extremities.

I understood herón of the nervous thereáTico is myáIt's frequently caused by degenerative lumbar conditions such as herniated discs and spinal stenosis., así like spondylolisthesis.

Here, thereáethics tooéIt's not called radiculopathyía lumbar, since it is essentially an injuryón neurológica of a lumbar nerve, often leads to the sípain symptoms, numbness, tingling and weakness of the múscules of the lower extremities.

The Back pain can be described as sharp, subacute or crónico, depending on whicháhow long have the s been aroundíntomas; acute lower back pain lasts forón less than 4 weeks, sub-acute of 4 a 12 weeks, y cróunique of meás de 12 weeks.

The durationón of the sísymptoms can affect diagnostic testsóordered and the type of treatment recommended.


The sígeneral symptoms of low back pain

Patients who have sudden lower back pain or who have pain from trauma or a caíthey tend to seek attentionón mésay right away.

Nevertheless, the sísymptoms of lower back pain related toón with musculoskeletal disordersétics may be limited to feelings of mild discomfort felt from time to time.

Patients often do not receive careón médica until the pain and conditionón have worsened significantly.

¿Cuáwhen you need to see a méI say?

The sísymptoms that require attentionón méimmediate dica include: lower back pain afterés of any type of injuryón, accompanying painñfeverish, pain that disturbs sleepñO, and pain occurs at rest.

An inability to control either bowel movements or micción, así as marked weakness in the legs is a conditionón Potentially emergent and should be evaluated immediately (véase sícauda equina syndrome).

Leg pain caused by compressed nerves (ciática) may have a sudden onset or be intermittent and range from mild discomfort to severe painósevere nike.

Activities that can aggravate the sísymptoms of leg pain include sitting, is en automówill, cough, sneeze, make efforts, and any similar activity that tends to initiate lower back pain.

Risk factor's

The risk factor's to develop cr painólower back pain have been identified in numerous studies and include: lack of exercise níphysical, smoking excessively, psychological disordersógicos and the sídepressive symptoms, unsatisfiedówork no., major personal problems (for instance, alcohol, relationship problems, financial), a previous history of low back pain, and diagnostic procedures determineán the specific disorder and treatment.

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