
La osteoporosis, quite a deceitful bone diseaseñosa. You may not even know you have it until you break a bone., and that means that the disease is alreadyá very advanced.

If the word osteoporosis is divided into its raíces, is obtained: “osteo” what does bone mean and “ORDERS” what does porous mean.

Although healthy bones have “couples” as part of your designñor in the form of an intricate honeycomb, bones affected by osteoporosis, Nevertheless, they have holesás large, pilgriméndolos más débiles y más prone to breaking.

Hueso normal y hueso con osteoporosis

Any bone can be affected by osteoporosis, but the fractures óyou are from the spine – the Vévertebrae – are especially serious.

Vertebral fractures can cause severe back pain, and that alsoén can lead to spinal deformity, as éIt becomes weak and has difficulty bearing weight.

With this disease you can notice that the upper part of the back begins to curve. Osteoporosis alsoén may cause the patient to become shorter because the bones are not as strong.

The reductionón progressive height with age is a sign of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is máIt is common in elderly people, but it can occur in peopleás jócome tooén.

Women, especially post-menopaus womenáyou use, are the más susceptible to developing osteoporosis, but that doesn't mean men can't develop it, spaghettién.

It is estimated that the 80 % of the 10 Millions of Americans with osteoporosis are women. – which means that 2 millions of men who live tooén con osteoporosis.

In spañthis disease affects the 35% of women older than 50 añand the figures rise with age.

The amazing thing about osteoporosis is that it is preventable. If isás at risk of developing osteoporosis (you can take a test to find out if you are at risk), there are lifestyle choices and changes you can make to keep your bones strong and healthy throughoutés of the toños. Check your diet and make sureúrate of getting enough calcium and vitamin D.

SpaghettiéIt is important to exercise regularly with weight bearing if your conditionódoes not allow it and strengthening exercises. Other lifestyle options, such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, spaghettiéthey can't giveñar the bonesáI know what you think.


¿In qué consists of osteoporosis?

Our bones are the structure that supports our entire body.. These bones are in constant regenerationón by themselves by absorbingón of old bone and replacementón for new bone.

On people from the 30 años, the body begins to lose más bone from which it is formed, as a result the bones weaken. The compositionón of the bones changes to such an extent that they become progressively más débiles y frágiles.

When these mild or moderate changes occur, the Médoctors determine that the person has osteopenia, but once significant bone loss occurs, the Médicos determine that this conditionón es osteoporosis. And while it is true that the progressive changes of this condition cause sípainful symptoms, It is a fact that the risk of bone fractures is increased.

¿WhoéYou are at risk of osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is associated with a considerable number of risk factors, some of which can be controlled, while others don't. Risk factors for osteoporosis that cannot be controlled include:

  • Women who have already experienced menopause
  • Family history of osteoporosis
  • Women, particularly Caucasian womenásica o de origen asiático
  • History of péage related height loss
  • History of bone fractures
  • Problem history méhormone-related drugs, including Cushing's and hypothyroidism
  • Corporal mass steel
  • be older than 50 años

For his part, risk factors for osteoporosis that if they can be controlled, include the following:

  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • Coffee consumptioníalready, salt and proteinínas in excess
  • Calcium and vitamin D deficiency in the daily diet
  • lack of activity nísica
  • Long-term use of certain medications, including glucocorticoids and anticonvulsants
  • Smoke

Anatomíto osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease ówhatever makes your bones weak. To better understand osteoporosis and códoes not affect the spine, is very úuseful to know anatomyíof the spine and what the bones areáno facts.

fabric types óseo

There are two types of fabric óseo in the body. The cortical bone is the hard outer shell of a bone. The trabecular bone (spaghettién called fluffy) it is the honeycomb-shaped bone in the center of the long bones and in the middle of the vévertebrae.

Bone is not dead tissue. Both types of bone areán alive and in a continuous state of degradationón y regenerationónot for the body. This construction cycleón y deconstrucción keeps bones strong.

But in osteoporosis, balance is lost in this cycle. The body actsúto slowly, wearing away the bone nás ráI ask of what can regenerate it.

The trabecular bone it's meás active, and divides and regenerates more rapidly than cortical bone. Because of this, it's meátrabecular bone is likely to be affected when wear and regenerationón bone están out of balance in osteoporosis.

Evolución de la osteoporosis a lo largo de los años

bone growth and mass ósea máxima

the tamaño bone grows during childhood and adolescence. During that time, your body produces más bone of the one who loses. An algaeún moment, beáare you in bulk density ósea máxima, o DMOM; that's myás bone that jamás tenderás. for the eldestíto the people, this comes whenán between the ages of 18 and 25 años.

afterés about reaching your mass peak ósea, BMD either remains constant (with a balanced rest down and regenerationóno of bones), or begins to decline slowly if these two stocks areánot out of balance.

The greater the mass ówhether a person accumulates as he grows, the less likely it is that you will suffer from osteoporosis. This is the reasonóno for the proper nutritional intake calcium, fóoverstrain, magnesium, and other minerals, así like vitamin D, are so important during childhood and adolescence. good nutritionón and exercise are what build and help keep bones strong.

Anatomía báspinal sica

The spinal column is made up of individual bones called vévertebrae. There are 24 vévertebrae of the vertebral column, más the sacrum and coccyx (cóccix).

The biggestía of adults have seven véneck vertebrae (vértebras cervicales), doce vévertebrae from the shoulders to the waist (the Vértebras torácicas), and five vévertebrae in the lower back (the Vélumbar vertebrae).

The bag isá formed by five vévertebrae between the hip bones that are fused into a single bone. The cóccix isá formed by smallñThe fused bones at the end of the vertebral column.

Because the Vévertebrae of the spine son trabecular bones mainly, son más prone to be weakened by osteoporosis. Standing upright puts a lot of pressureón over the vévertebrae, which means that the débiles can fracture and begin to compress or collapse. If it breaks itselfó a vértebra, tension is addedón in other vévertebrae and puts them at greater risk of fracture.

Sísymptoms of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is sometimes called “the silent disease” and with great reasonón. Early in the disease there may be no síntomas. Many patientsóThey begin to suspect that something is wrong when there is dull pain in the bones or múmuscles that develop in the lower back or neck.

as time goes by, sharp pain may developúsuddenly and last several months. How osteoporosis progressively steals density ósea, the risk of fracture increases. The MUñecas, the hips and spine are the most important sites.ácommon s of fracture.

If left undiagnosed and untreated, osteoporosis may predispose to sudden and painful compression fracturesóno of the spine. Such fractures may result in a péoverall loss of height. Those compression fracturesón the spine tooén can cause the upper spine to curve forward. This forward curve is called cifosis.

A very severe forward curve is called hyperkyphosis. In severe cases of spinal osteoporosis, the nervous system is affected and numbness may be experienced, tingling or weakness. If you have severe kyphosis, spaghettién you may experience difficulty walking and problems with balance, which means you have a higher risk of caíinjuries and fractures of other bones, like the hips.

If you have passed the menopause, undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or you have Back pain cróundiagnosed nico, make an appointment to see your méI say. Early treatment is essential for prevention.ón of fractures related to osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is notówhat a disease of women. Men can also developéin this disease ósea metabófaces.

Let's see the síntomas más common of the silent disease


It is one of theíntomas máCommon signs of frailty caused by osteoporosis. These fractures can occur as a consequence of a caíand, a minor move, even fractures can be caused by a strong sneeze or cough.

back or neck pain

Osteoporosis alsoéCan cause compression fracturesóno of the spine. They can be very painful as the vertebrae collapse and “pinch” the nerves. The sípain symptoms may be mild or the pain may even be debilitating.

and affect both women and men equally

this one tooén is another sísymptom of osteoporosis which is also due to compression fracturesóno of the spine. In fact, this is one of theísymptoms of osteoporosisás notorious.

stooped posture

This includedón of the vertebrae tooén may cause a slight curvature in the upper back, deriving in what is known as hunched back or técynically as kyphosis.

This conditionón can cause pain in the back and neck, It can even have a negative impact on breathing.ón of the person due to pressureón that is exerted on the vírespiratory ace.

Causes of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis can have several causes, some of them are hereditary and some come from lifestyle. Some of the causes of osteoporosis that cannot be controlled are:

Family background: If someone in your family has or has had osteoporosis, there is greater risk.

Sex: Women are justás prone to developing osteoporosis.

Raza: The caucsásicos and soáticos are más more likely to be affected by osteoporosis than blacks or Hispanics, but this does not mean that blacks or Hispanics are notánot at risk.

Causes that can be controlled a little, but alsoéThey may not be out of your control.

stress levelsógeno: The strógene protects bones, so if you have low stress levelsógeno, you have meás at risk of developing osteoporosis.

Menopause causes a decreaseón ráask for stress levelsógeno, so if you are a woman post- menopaáusica, you have to watch your health ósea.

Women can present péfiring óbe at a rate of 4-8 % annually for severalñundress theméI know that your ovaries stop producingógeno.

Además, if the ovaries have been removed, the risk of osteoporosis is increased because the ovaries produce a large amount of stressógeno. This is usually treated with hormone replacement therapy..

Even if you are a young woman now, añundress themés of menopause, you should think about your stress levelsógeno. The períIrregular ears may indicate low stress levelsógeno and serve as an early warning to take care of your bones.

Irregular periods alsoéThey can be the result of excessive exercise or a dietón deficient, which can increase the pébone loss.

The men tooén have a hormone that protects the bones, but in this case it's testosterone. In summary if there are low levels of sex hormones, Eastánot at higher risk.

history of broken bones: If you have had fractures in the past, mayíYou may be at higher risk of osteoporosis because the broken bone likely lowered your mineral density ósea (DMO).

low body weight: Small-boned men and womenños (less than 60 while the main function of the cervical spine is to support the weight of the head, which is approximately) to begin with they have less mass ósea, so they must be especially vigilant about their health ósea.

Causes we can control

Osteoporosis alsoén is caused by factors that areán completely under your control, and this is what can be done to prevent it. When thinking about the health of your bones, you must consider:

Diet: every dayías, you should consume adequate amounts of various growth-promoting minerals and vitamins óseo. What you eat can have a significant impact on the likelihood of developing osteoporosis. Some foods promote bone growth, while others can atrophy it.

Football: Calcium gives your bones what they need to grow and regenerate. If you don't get enough calcium every dayías, your bones beán más débiles. The amount of calcium you need variesídepending on how old you are.

Vitamin D: Calcium needs vitamin D; without this, your body cannot absorb and use calcium effectively. Not enough vitamin D in your diet, a portion of your calcium intake will go to wasteía, which negatively affects the bones. As with calcium, there are recommended changes in vitamin D intake throughout life.

Other vitamins and minerals: El fóoverstrain, magnesium, vitamin K, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 are alsoén important for growth óseo. Fortunately, a well-balanced diet almost guarantees that you will beás getting enough of these. If no isás consuming enough and want to have good bone health, you may need to take a supplement.

improve diet andí strengthen bones

Unfortunately, everyone who had a poor diet in growth, either because of poverty or bad háfood bits, may not have received enough calcium and other minerals to build strong bones.

Sometimes, having too much of something in your diet can causeñar the bones. (everything in moderationón, this is a lessonóno of life) You should control your consumption:

Proteínas: Sí, you must get the right amount of proteinínas; Nevertheless, too much proteinína can make you lose calcium.

Cafeíalready: limit your coffee intakeíalready, too much limits the way your body absorbs calcium.

Exercise: A good exercise routine will strengthená your bones, and you must have a combinationóNo of air exercisesóbeaks (for instance, walk) and strengthening exercises (for instance, Weightlifting). Nevertheless, if you don't exercise, your bones becomeás débile and osteoporosis may develop.

Smoke: Smoking can increase your chances of getting osteoporosis. lot químicrons it contains make it más difíeasy for your body to use calcium, ademáI know what they doás difícyl to strógenos do your job and protect your bones.

Alcohol: Alcohol abuse can reduce calcium supply and the efficiency with which the body uses calcium.

La alimentación ayuda a prevenir la osteoporosis

Treatment for osteoporosis

Once the history has been obtainedísuitable only, con exáis meant fíphysical and diagnostic testsóstico, that confirm osteoporosis, treatment is warranted.

Treatment for osteoporosis typically includes educationón on foodón/nurseón, the exercise (if there are no fractures) and medications. The goal of osteoporosis treatment is to prevent fractures..

First, the educationón in relationón with adequate vitamin D and calcium intake, además of the nutricióin general, it is necessary.

In this case, exercise and be in shape fíphysical tooén is important to help maintain density óbe and reduce the risk of caíthe. Many of the treatment measures báphysical are preventive measuresóno mentioned above.

There are a number of medications to treat osteoporosis that help reduce the risk of fractures. Usually, these drugs actústill helping to strengthen bones and prevent péfiring ósea.

Drugs currently approved by the FDA for the preventionón and/or treatment of osteoporosis are:

  • bisphosphonates
  • calcitonin
  • SERMS, for instance, raloxifeno
  • therapy with stressógenes/hormones
  • Osteoporosis drugs that increase the formationóno bone:
  • La teriparatida, a parathyroid hormone

¿When to go with himéI say?

The síOsteoporosis symptoms can cause pain and discomfort, but in the majoría of the cases do not require going to the emergency room.

Nevertheless, if the person is experiencing debilitating pain, particularly in the back, Things you may not know about the spine, la muñaeca or hip, You should go immediately to theédoctor since it is possible that he has a bone fracture that requires treatment.