
Microcephaly is a pathologyíto the development of the cráneo and brain accompanimentñado of mental retardation and abnormalías neurolócool.

Microcephaly is a pathologyíto the development of the cráneo

El cráneo forms abnormally smallñO, accompaniesñed by underweight and underdeveloped brain. In this case, body proportions are absolutely normal.

It is characterized by early closure of the cranial sutures and closure of the fontanelle, síconvulsive syndrome, delayed motor development, intellectual defect, underdevelopment or lack of speech.

Microcephaly occurs in equal proportions among niñaxis y niñas. With a frequency of 1 case for each 10.000 inños.

Hereí we will explain the causes, the síntomas, the diagnosisóstico, the treatments sás of microcephaly and its preventionón.


Causes of microcephaly

This pathologyía may have a gene originético, caused by mutationón part gen WDR62. As a result, the development of a protein is violated.íon specífica, microcephalin.

La anomalía can be triggered by a number of factors: as a result of exposureón to harmful factors in the early development of the fetus and due to dañor brain in the terminal stages of intrauterine development, así as in the birth process and in the first months of the baby's lifeé.

The causes máFrequent s that can be identified are:

  • Microcephaly can be caused by infectious diseases from the mother such as Zika or toxoplasmosisIntoxicateón for alcohol and drugs in the early stages of pregnancy
  • Viruses and infectious diseases of the mother such as Zika or toxoplasmosis
  • Intrauterine infections (sarampión, mumps, herpes, rubéola, cytomegalovirus, etc.)
  • Endocrine system failures in pregnant women (diabetes, hyperthyroidism)
  • exhibitionóNo to the antibioticsóticos
  • gene disorderséticos
  • Radiation effectsón y mala ecología
  • As a component of many inherited diseases (síndrome de Payne, síGiacomini syndrome)
  • metabolic disordersólicos
  • This oneóintracranial n of birth
  • Anomalousíthe stickersómicas: Down's disease, síPatau's syndrome, síedwards syndrome, síndrome “cat cry”

In some cases, microcephaly has causes that sometimes cannot be determined, it is evident in the children of healthy parents.


La principal manifestationón symptomátics of microcephaly is a head sizeñthe littleñO, disproportionate in comparisonón with the baby's body. Spaghettién the forehead is observed in a beveled shape, protruding ears and brow ridges.

As the childrenñyou grow up with that disease, especially from the first toñor old, signs of microcephaly are diffíwhich one to ignore. Some general manifestations of this disorder are:

  • La principal manifestationón symptomátics of microcephaly is a small headñahead circumference májust smallñto which the norm
  • Fully closed or small fontanelleñthe dimensions
  • If the fontanelle openedó at the time of birth, this closes r wayáask, a month laterés of childbirth
  • Low muscle tone
  • Weight and height of the childñor under the norm (enanismo)
  • Lack of coordinationón
  • Seizures and péloss of consciousness (Not in all cases)
  • Squint
  • Articulate language absent
  • Absence of twists and tertiary grooves, in the structure of the brain
  • I slowed downón general in development. The niñThey learn late to hold your head, turn around, sit down, crawl and walk.
  • Intellectual deficiency


The diagnosisómicrocephaly can be performed afterés of birth

The diagnosisóMicrocephaly can be performed prenatally or afterés of birth. during pregnancyóno ultrasound studies are performed, to compare pairábiom metersétrichos in the fetus.

Ultrasound can detect smallñas anomalías and dimensions of the child's brainñO. Unfortunately this diagnosisóStico can be done during the week 27 and 30 of pregnancy with a sensitivity of 67%.

It is because of that, if there is a suspicion of microcephaly, what isá connected with a gene abnormalityétick or nerdsómica, the Méall detectionón ultrasound should be complemented with someún diagnóprenatal invasive stimulus What: cordocentesis, amniocentesis, cori villus samplingónicas and fetal karyotype.

If there is a suspicion or a family history of microcephaly, a history should be takeníalong with comprehensive parent assessments. Where will you performán exáis meant genéticos, Scannerícomputed tomography and magnetic resonanceética of the head.

afterés of birth, the diagnosisómicrocephaly is confirmed throughés of an inspectionóvisual no. of receiptén born.

To determine the extensionón and the pronóStico of the abnormalía, tools such as: ecoencefalograma, electroencephalogram, magn resonanceética, Scannerícomputerized and radiographic examinationáfig of the cráneo.

Patients with microcephaly, depending on temperament, can be divided into 2 groups: Patients in the first group are fussy, Very mócities. Patients in the second group, Conversely, are apáticos, boards, indifferent to the environment.

Microcephaly treatments

With microcephaly, the main treatment isá aimed at symptom supportáattic of patients. The use of medicationón regular improves metab processesóliquids in brain tissue, through the administrationón of complex lifeíunique, anticonvulsants and sedatives.

La rehabilitationón in neitherños with microcephaly includes occupational therapy, massages and physiotherapy. The treatment isá development-oriented sípsycho-intellectual childñor and its possible adaptationón social.

These méall are applied in training centersón specialized in stimulating the normal course of metab processesóliquor on the brain.

Patients with microcephaly should be supervised by a neuroópedi logoátrico and a pediatrician.

At the same time, the parents of the boyño play an important role in the rehabilitationón. Microcephaly requires treatment and developmental therapy (memory exercises, I attendedón, stimulationón sensorial, etc.

prevention mechanismsón

The former must be performedápreventive menus for microcephaly, like TORCH profile

La preventionóof microcephaly consists of planningón careful pregnancy. The former must be performedápreventive menus such as the TORCH profile, PCR and protectionón fetal prenatal.

In the case of detectionón early intrauterine microcephaly, it is necessary to decide the possibility of a terminationóartificial pregnancy.

To assess the potential risk of microcephaly in subsequent pregnancies in families with a history of this condition.ón, counseling should be carried outéI say genético.


Microcephaly is a conditionón in which a niñOr is he born with a small head?ñor the head stops growing afterés of birth. It is a conditionóI sleep, Well, a niñor several thousand niñthose born with microcephaly.

The way to determine microcephaly in a childñor is it to measure the circumference of your head 24 hours laterés of birth and compare the result with the indicators establishedáWHO standard for child development.

The niñthose born with microcephaly, as they grow, may have seizures, así like disabilities fíphysics and learning disabilities.

There is no special treatment for microcephaly.