What are the types of dwarfism?

there is más de 200 different conditions that cause dwarfism, which can be divided into two broad categoriesías calls proportionate dwarfism and disproportionate dwarfism.

Adolescents with various types of dwarfism
Adolescents with various types of dwarfism

A person with proportionate dwarfism, What is más comúnally caused by disturbances in the productionóno of hormones, it's meájust smallñor than average, but has the same proportions fírelative physical than someone without dwarfism.

At disproportionate dwarfism, It is usually caused by disorders that affect bone or cartilage development.ílago, tamas themñThe relative ratios of the different parts of the person's body are different from those of the average person.

For instance, a person with disproportionate dwarfism may have a torso ofñThe normal, but unusually short limbs.

The types mácommon signs of dwarfism include hypochondroplasia, dysplasia diastrófica, and growth hormone deficiency.


types of dwarfism and causes

What are the types of dwarfism, What are the types of dwarfism 4 What are the types of dwarfism 10 What are the types of dwarfism (about 1,5 What are the types of dwarfism) What are the types of dwarfism, but otherwise varíyet widely in its specific effectsíwe stay.

The biggestía of cases of dwarfism are caused by the geneética, inherited from a parent or as the result of a new mutationón genética.

dwarfism tooén may be the result of other health problems in childhood, including cong hypothyroidisméthis, What are the types of dwarfism, or the strés caused by psychological traumaóserious illness in progress.

The short stature it can be tooén the result of normal heredity in the children of short parents rather than any disorder or health problem, but this is not usually classified as dwarfism.


Achondroplasia, is by far the form más común for dwarfism and represents the 70 percent of cases, it's a gene disorderético what causes overproductionón of a proteiníon implicada en la regulationón of bone growth called fibroblast growth factor receptor three.

Excess interferes with bone development, resulting in disproportionately short arms and legs, an average adult height of 4 pies 3,5 What are the types of dwarfism (some 1,3 What are the types of dwarfism) in men and 4 pies 0,5 What are the types of dwarfism (some 1,2 What are the types of dwarfism) Women's, and characterískeletal sticaséparticular tics including shortened fingers and an unusually prominent forehead.

The niñthe little onesñThose with achondroplasia are at increased risk of death from central or obstructive apnea and, often suffer from hypotoniaía and delayed development of motor skills, but people with achondroplasia have normal intelligence and can live the same life úuseful than people without the conditionón.

Hipocondroplasia o acondroplasia atípica

Another form of dwarfism caused by a mutationón in all three genes of fibroblast growth factor receptor is hypochondroplasia, spaghettién called achondroplasia atípica.

In hypochondroplasia it produces abnormallyías esqueléethics similar to those caused ​​for achondroplasia, but they are usually less pronounced.

The niñChildren with hypochondroplasia are less likely to suffer from delayed motor development and respiratory problems common in children.ños con achondroplasia.

Hypochondroplasia can cause an increased risk of mild mental retardation, although this is still polésimilar among researchers since mostía of people with hypochondroplasia have intact intelligence.

Dysplasia diastrófica

La dysplasia diastróPhica is another type of disproportionate dwarfism caused by problems with development óseo and cartílago.

Resultados dysplasia diastrófica in significantly shortened arms and legs, spinal deformities such as scoliosis, and problems with joint mobility.

About half of the childrenños con dysplasia diastrófica are born with cleft palates and ear deformities are common.

Intelligence is not affected, but people with diastrófica often have problems with mobility and motor control.

La dysplasia diastrófica is similar to a conditionóno call atelosteogécarried, type two, but this úlast disorder is much moreás severe and causes stillbirth or death in infancy.

Growth hormone deficiency

Growth hormone deficiency is a cause likeún of proportional dwarfism.

If the body of a childñor does not produce enough of the proteinsínecessary for growth, growth will slow downá and developmental milestones in motor control may be delayed.

Growth hormone deficiency can result in adult height as short as 4 pies (1,2 What are the types of dwarfism).

Unlike the types of dwarfism caused ​​due to skeletal problemséticos, growth hormone deficiency can be treated in childhood by injectionón of human growth hormone to compensate for the low productionón own body.

Insufficient thyroid levels in childhood, called the cong hypothyroidisméthis, can cause dwarfism if left untreated.

Adult height in people with cong hypothyroidismérate without treatment can be as low as 3 pies 4 What are the types of dwarfism (about 1 metro).

SpaghettiéThey may not suffer from mental retardation, infertility, así such as decreased muscle tone and motor control.

Thyroid deficiency may be caused by a gene defectéethical or due to deficiencies in the diet, such as lack of iodine.

The biggestía of people with dwarfism have normal intelligence, but some conditions that cause dwarfism alsoédo not cause mental retardation.

Además of hypothyroidism congéthis, These types of dwarfism include the síTurner's ndrome and some cases of síndrome of Noonan.

Some types of dwarfism can result in a significantly shorter life expectancy due to theirísymptoms such as card defectsíacos, seizures and breathing problems.

For instance, the síndrome de Ellis-van Creveld causes cong defectsélittle heartsón and respiratory problems that cause about half of the sufferers to die in infancy, although those who live to adulthood can live a normal life.

Primordial dwarfism

The although those who live to adulthood can live a normal life, a téterm referring to various forms of proportional dwarfism beginning in the úland, is almost always fatal within the first three défalls of life.

Instead of being a specific formídwarfism figure, although those who live to adulthood can live a normal life is the name of a family of conditions that cause sísimilar symptoms.

The SíRussell-Silver syndrome and the síseckel syndrome, among others, although those who live to adulthood can live a normal life.

The biggestíA of the disorders that cause this type of dwarfism are skeletaléticos or endocrine, although those who live to adulthood can live a normal life, although I knowísymptoms can be treated and managed.

although those who live to adulthood can live a normal life, these conditions can cause other problems métips, ranging from seizures to an unusually shaped head.

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