Taking care of your back when running and improving posture

Naked eye, it may seem that the múlower back muscles do not take much part in jogging or running, but the reality is that these help to maintain a correct posture during a period of time.íquite long time odo.

The Múmuscles of the lower back form a kind of cortexé, that keeps your spine in one positionón vertical. These múcenturies in  set with the cuádriceps, glútheo major and tendón of the hock create a stable and robust circuit that receives and evenly distributes the load during movement.

You must take care of your back when running to avoid feeling pain

That is why the weakness of any of these múmuscles leads to the fact that part of the load falls on the lower back.

The Músculos glúunderdeveloped teos lead to an increase in tensionón the lower back during the race, which increases the risk of injuryón.

use a téwrong technique to run, can cause low back pain. Take a step too long, forces you to land on suchón and consequently the lower part of the column experiences a stressés additional. Landing should be done in the midfoot to reduce impact force.


Pain experienced when running

Acquiring poor posture when running, can cause pain. The three types máCommon pain symptoms experienced by runners are:

  1. Pain in the lower back as a result of a muscle cramp. accompaniesñado of heaviness and rigidity, in some cases it is pulsáuseful and debilitating.
  2. Feeling throbbing pain in your lower back, originating from the foot, can be a yesíntoma of ciácheck it outñor in the intervertebral discs.
  3. Sensationón constant stiffness and increasing pain in the lower back during walking may indicate arthritis.

pain experienced afterés to run

pain experienced afterés to runIt is important to take care of your back when running and improve posture, because otherwise low back pain may appear, this is due to the following factors:

  • Insufficient preparationón física
  • Incorrect posture when jogging
  • Téexecution techniqueóno wrong
  • Overweight
  • Flat feet
  • Wrong or expired sports shoes

¿running can giveñon my back?

Many expert trainers hold the philosophyíto from “no pain no results”, without embargo isán poorly informed in physiologyíto the injuries. Pain tells us that something is wrong.á happening. If when running you start to feel the múfatigued back muscles, It's time to stop before you suffer an injuryón.

On the other hand, your body weight is pressing on the foot with each step, meter to meter, during hours. Despite the fact that the main load is taken by the jointóno of the foot, ankle and knees, all this exerts a stressés end on the spine.

First of all, you should choose good sports shoes, that provides a high degree of protectionón and efficacy. AND, if you run regularly, cóbuy new shoes before the old ones lose their resistance. To be possible, runs along a soft surface.

The constant impact on the spine, leads to the following consequences:

  • Structural changes in the intervertebral disc
  • Formationón of bumps (deformations of the intervertebral discs), hernia (the output of the disc content to the outside)
  • Pinch of the raíspinal nerve cells

Generally, these processes areán associated with aging of the body and advancing age, but a greater load when jogging can contribute to its development in the youngóyou come.

Exercises that will help you take care of your back when running

To take care of your back when running, You must develop the strength and flexibility of the músculi that support the vertebral column. But, spaghettién should be strengthened múthigh and buttock muscles to decrease the load on the lower back.

We propose the following training pear is propósite:

Exercise “Plank”

Plank exercise to take care of your back when running

To start, adopt the positionón of “éemphasis on elbows”, just as the picture shows. AssegúTry to place your elbows strictly below your shoulder joints to avoid stress.és excessive in the shoulders. Feet must stay together.

It is important not to lift the pelvis, nor bend the knees, otherwise, the load on the múabdominal muscles decreaseá and the effect of performing the exercise will beá míYOU. The abdomen should retract and keep you in this position.ón lasting 1 minute.

then accuéstate sideways and apóyacht on one elbow, lift your hips and pelvis so that your body forms a líthe right one. Mantéin this positionón lasting 1 minute. Change your hand and follow the same sequence.

hyperextension exerciseón

hyperextension exerciseón to take care of your back when running

The hyperextension exerciseón creates a load on the entire muscle group of the regionón lumbar, and as a result, effectively strengthens the corsé of the trunk. It is a perfect exercise to take care of your back when running.

To perform this exerciseéstate facing the simulator. Start with legs behindás of the stops the hands crossed on the chest, like in the image. Tensing the buttocks and múback muscles, raise the body until it forms a lístraight line with legs, then gently lower the trunk back into positionón original. make 3 series of 15 repetitions.

Posterior extensions

Rear extensions exercise to take care of your back when running

Acuébelly state al simulator (If you don't have a simulator, you can lean on a flat press bench), with your hands grasp the handles on the sides, legs without bending and lowered, but without touching the floor.

tensing the múgl sculesútheos and the back, raise your hips until you areén parallel to the floor. Pause briefly and return to the positionóinitial n. Makes 3 series of 15 repetitions.

Bridge exercise

Bridge exercise to take care of your back when running

This exercise requires the activationón of the múabdominal and lumbar muscles. to start hereélie on the ground with your back. Bend your legs into a áangle of 90 degrees at knees, with heels firmly on the floor. The hands areán located on the sides of the body.

Raise the hips until the body forms a lístraight line with shoulders and knees. press the glúteos while elevating the hip. Mantéin the positionón lasting 5 seconds and afterés returns to the positionóinitial n.

Tips for running with a safe back

Warm up before running

To take care of your back when running, the body should warm up. Warm-up includes neck exercises, the joints of the back, the hip, knee and ankle. Try doing push-ups and jumping jacks on the spot.

Run correctly

Many run tensing the body. This positionón contributes to pressureóexcessive n in the intervertebral discs. The whole body mustíto run, not just legs.

the positionón of the body is vertical, don't tilt your chest forward.

Look forward, not to the ground. Manténo head straight. This will helpá to maintain a correct posture.

Don't step on itón, mayíthe onesñhurt the spine and very likely you will end up with a headache. The forefoot better absorbs the load during the ride.