Cervical contracture

Cervical contracture is characterized típicically because of pain and difficulty moving the neck, especially when it comes to turning your head to the side.

It is a very common conditionún for which it is known by other names such as stiff neck and tortípackage. This condition alsoécan not go withñado of a headache, Neck Pain, Shoulder pain(s) and / or arm(s), and makes the person have to turn the whole body compared toón with the neck when trying to look to the sides or behindás.

Cervical contracture is not a disease, it's meás either the sign or part of the sísymptoms of another ailment.

Contractura Cervical

The sísymptoms usually last a couple of daysía week or a week and can trigger neck pain that ranges from mildly painful but bothersome, to extremely painful and limiting.

While there are some cases where cervical contracture is a sign of a conditionón mésay serious, the biggestíto the episodes of “neck stiffness” or acute pain are cured ráquickly due to the resilient and recovery natureón of the cervical spine.


Causes and sísymptoms of cervical contracture

The causes máCommon symptoms of stiff neck include, but they are not limited to the following:

distendedón muscle or squirm

With much, the cause más común of a cervical contracture is a muscle sprain or strainón muscular, especially in the músculo lift of the escáanyway.

Located on the back and side of the neck, the músculo lift of the escápula connects the cervical spine (neck) with the shoulder. It is músaculus is controlled by the third and fourth cervical nerves (C3, and C4).

The músculo lift of the escáThe pula can be strained or sprained in the course of many common daily activities., such as:

  • sleeping in one positionón that stresses the múdogs By the neck.
  • Injuries that strain the neck.
  • Any activity that involves repeatedly turning the head from side to side, such as in a swimming raceón crawl style.
  • The bad posture, how to stoop while viewing the computer screen.
  • Excess stressés, which can lead to stressónot on the neck.
  • Hold the neck in one positionón abnormal for a long period, such as when holding a phoneéphone between neck and shoulder.

Posición incorrecta

Meningitis / infectionón

Contracture or stiffness in the neck, in combinationón with a high fever, headache, náuse o vómyths, drowsiness and othersíntomas, may be indicative of meningitis, an infectionóBacterial n that causes the membranes that protect the brain and méSpinal cords become inflamed.

Other infections tooén can cause sísymptoms of stiff neck, like meningoc diseaseócat, an infectionón in the cervical spine.

Every time a cervical contracture is accompaniedñto fever, it is recommended to seek attentionón méimmediate advice to check these possibilities.

Cervical Spine Disorders

Many cervical spine problems can lead to a neck contracture. Contracture or stiffness may be a reactionón to the underlying disorder in the cervical spine.

or ejemplo, a herniated disc cervical or cervical osteoarthritis which can lead to contracture, since the structures and the vías nerviosas of the cervical columna isán all interconnected and a problem anywhere área, can lead to muscle spasms and / or muscle stiffness.

Cervical contracture treatments

As a general rule, it is advisable to seek assistance méSay if I knowísymptoms of cervical contracture do not disappear afteréit's a week.

Attention is recommendedón méimmediate indication if neck stiffness is noted afterés of an injuryón dreamática, or if there areíadditional bothersome symptoms, such as a high fever.

in the great majoría of the cases, a cervical contracture can be treated within a few daysías.