types of vertebrae

When it comes to knowing our spine, it is very important to know thaté it's a véspine and witháthey are your types. When it comes to knowing our spine, it is very important to know 33 vévertebrae, which are divided into different groups based onóNo of your locationón y morphologyía.


Whaté it's a vértebra

When it comes to knowing our spine, it is very important to know When it comes to knowing our spine, it is very important to know, When it comes to knowing our spine, it is very important to know. It is a small piece of bone that can support a weight of nothing más and nothing less than 9 tons, which to destroyíto a piece of cement of a sizeño similar.

It is a piece of bone that can support a weight of nothing more and nothing less than, It is a piece of bone that can support a weight of nothing more and nothing less than apótransverse physis, and a posterior prominence called apóespinosa physis, united by one lámina. The central hole is occupied by the médrama, so it gets the name It is a piece of bone that can support a weight of nothing more and nothing less than.

Each of the vévertebrae articulates with the lower one in front throughés of the so-called intervertebral disc, así as behindás a través of the jointón facets. In the same way that the disk cushions the pressureón between the vertebral bodies at the articulationón facets, there is a cardílake that has idéntica función. in the cartílake no nerves found, but yesí in the bone that is located at the bottom.

This means that a certain degree of wear on the cartílake can be painless, as well as behind through the facet joint. as well as behind through the facet joint, nerves are activated and it is the moment in which the person suffering from the problem nerves are activated and it is the moment in which the person suffering from the problem.

if we see the vévertebra laterally it can be observed that when placing a vévertebra on another, it is formed by a hole or hole of conjunctionón, through which the ras passínervous breaks that are born from the médrama.

In our backbone we have 7 vértebras cervicales, 12 vértebras torácicas, 5 vélumbar vertebrae, nerves are activated and it is the moment in which the person suffering from the problem.

To the kingsón dorsal trunk consists of the posterior face of the body and makes available the musculoskeletal axisético that actúas trunk support. Además contains the méspinal cord and proximal parts of spinal nerves, who are responsible for transmitting informationón to the grand majoríto the body while receiving informationón of the same.

the skeletal componentsétics of this regionón mainly comprise the vévertebrae and intervertebral discs that are associated. in addition, both the cráneo like bones pélvicos, the escápulleys and ribs tooéThey do not help when forming the frameón óSEO of the regionón back of the trunk, además to offer insertion pointsón muscular.

types of vévertebrae

vértebra consists of a vertebral body and a posterior vertebral arch. both skull and pelvic bones, both skull and pelvic bones:

Vértebras cervicales

seven v'sécervical vertebrae situated between the tórax and the cráneo are characterized mainly by having a sizeñthe littleñO, así as for their apóspinous physis bífidas and for having a hole in each of the appótransverse physis.

Vértebras torácicas

twelve o'clockértebras torácycles that we have in our spine are characterized by their articulationón with the ribs. Even though all the vévertebrae have costal elements, These elements are minor and are incorporated into the applications.ótransverse physises in other regions that are other than tórax

Vélumbar vertebrae

in the positionón less than vértebras torácycas meet the five vélumbar vertebrae, which form the skeletal supportéantic of the posterior abdominal wall, and which are characterized mainly by their large size.ñO.

Vértebras coccígeas

in the positionón inferior to the sacrum there is a númere variable of vévertebrae, and which are mainly characterized by their large size, and that receive the name of vértebras coccígeas, which merge with each otherí in a smallñor bone that has a triangular shape and is called cóccix.

The nearósite of the vévertebrae

Even though you see themértebras wasían en tamañO, being the cervicals the májust smallñace and the lumbar más large, The vertebral bodies are the weight-bearing structures of the spinal column..

The vertebral bodies are the weight-bearing structures of the spinal column.. The vertebral bodies are the weight-bearing structures of the spinal column., lordóethics and cifótica, They are responsible for providing the elasticity and resistance that is needed to be able to distribute the body weight in the appropriate way.í as axial loads sustained during motion.

The VéThe vertebrae are made up of different elements that are essential for the general functioning of the spine.; The vertebrae are made up of different elements that are essential for the general functioning of the spine..

Some of the main functions of the spinal column have to do with protección of the méspinal cord and raínervous stop, así like many others óinternal organs that we have.

Secondly, spaghettién is the support baseón The vertebrae are made up of different elements that are essential for the general functioning of the spine., múmuscles and tendons; and toast  The vertebrae are made up of different elements that are essential for the general functioning of the spine. The vertebrae are made up of different elements that are essential for the general functioning of the spine., shoulders,  and chest, además of connecting the lower and upper body and providing balance and distribution.óno. of weight.

Spaghettién provides flexibility and mobility throughés of the flexióno and extensionón, inclinedón to the side, rotation movementsón and the combinationón of all of them, favoring aceí that you can enjoy the mobility we need both to move around and to carry out any other actionón, in which his actionóIt doesn't seem essential.

Además of all these functions, The backbone has other missions such as mineral storage or production.óno of the glóred bumps on the part of the bones.

the spinal column has other missions such as the storage of minerals or the production of red blood cells by the bones, you know whaté it's the vértebras así like the different types of them that we have in our spine, and all the functions of this úlast, which should be taken care ofápossible to try to avoid possible injuries and other problems that may cause us pain or discomfort, and even in casesás severe to cause serious mobility problems.