Musculoskeletal magnetic resonance

The magn resonanceética músculo-esquelética is characterized by being a non-invasive examination to diagnose diseases at the bone level, múbones and joints of the body, the magnetic fieldéAttic and radiofrequency pulses create the imageságenes to study on the computer.

Its main advantage is that it does not use radiation.ón, the imágenes are high sharpness, therefore specialists can detect with más ease some pathologyíto important, The equipment on which the exam is performed is a máwhat type cácapsule which can be closed or open.

The use of a máOpen corner is ideal for cloistered peopleóspouts, although not all clíonly ones have this equipment, If you need to perform the MRI in a máopen corner resobert we have resonance equipment úlast generationón.


¿CuáAn MRI should be doneética músculo-esquelética?

An MRI is recommended.ética múesquel sculoéethics to examine possible diseases at the level of:

  • The joints
  • Spine
  • Study of múdogs, tendons and ligaments
  • Degenerative arthritis
  • Tendon tears, ligaments and menisci
  • Diagnósymptoms of herniated discs
  • fractures
  • Injuries óseas, muscular or joint
  • Tumors
  • Infections
  • Joint inflammations
  • cong malformationséstrength of the extremities
  • Scoliosis

¿Becauseé MRI is usedética músculo-esquelética?

This type of MRI is used to see injuries to the bones.,múmuscles and joints that are imperceptible with other exáis meant, Image quality depends on the power of the máwhich one, the exam allows diagnosingñto the soft tissues.

Resonance can be simple, The study focuses on a specific areaíSingle or double is performed in two areas depending on the patient's needs., on resobert you can choose the resonance that máif it suits you.

The study can be performed on the following parts of the body:

  • Knees
  • Elbow
  • Hip
  • Shoulder
  • Inñeca
  • Elbow
  • Ankle
  • low back pain

It is an exam that is performed on any area of ​​the body that is made up of múcentury, bones and joints.

¿CuáThese are the benefits of MRIética músculo-esquelética?

The applicationón of musculoskeletal magnetic resonance as diagnostic tests include:

  • Does not require exposureón and la radiationón
  • the imágenes that are obtained are más detailed and nítaken
  • Allows timely diagnosis of chronic diseasesóunique
  • Distinguish with preciseón abnormal tissues
  • Contrast material has a low probability of causing reactions toérgicas

It is important to note that to obtain the best imageságenes the patient must remain still and follow the instructions given, for explorationóIt is not important that you areé motionless and in each capture of the image hold your breathón.

¿CuáHow long does MRI last?ética músculo-esquelética?

The time taken to carry out the study is 20 a 45 minutes, It is key that the patient collaboratesón to the instructions given so that the exam is of quality, If the patient suffers from anxiety, it is important to communicate it so sedation can be administered.ón.

¿DóWhere to go for an MRIética?

What can cause back pain due to alterations or inflammation in the area of ​​​​the injury clínica radiológica resobert They have qualified personnel to carry out the exam, the diagnosisóstic is evaluated by a méspecialist, which guarantees obtainingón of reliable results.

Regarding the equipment to perform the magnetic resonanceética músculo-esquelética are the best, as, Eastán equipped with the best technologyíto offer patients comfort of use and imáhigh quality genes.