Reasons not to abuse a muscle relaxant

It is possible that when you have suffered somethingún type of specific muscle pain or a contracture you have found that the specialist has decided to prescribe a muscle relaxant to try to cope with this ailment.

This is a fármaco to getá a effective relief and ráI ask, but keep in mind that it is not a remedy that will solve the problem, but what it does is mask it. Además, given the different side effects it can cause, a muscle relaxant is not the best optionón to deal with that discomfort.

Throughout the following líneas we are going to give you a series of reasons not to abuse muscle relaxants, as they can have very negative consequences for your health. If taken sporásay I won't haveíwhy be a problem, but yesí it exists in case it is abused.


Reasons not to abuse muscle relaxants

They alter the nervous system

by his own name, it may seem like a  muscle relaxant actúby loosening the múthe school that isá contraído, but actually this kind of fádrug what it does is act on the brain or méspinal game, in other words, these relaxers actúeven directly on the nerves that control the múdogs.

This assumes several things, since they cause alterations in the nervous system:

  • Directly affect the functioning of the nervous system, causing relaxationógeneral condition of the organism and not local on the muscle tissue that isá contracted.
  • They can cause síntomas neurológicos What dizziness, sittingón, vómyths or drowsiness. In fact, They can even cause other problems such as incoordinationóno of arms, péloss of reflexes, confusedón, everyoneónot blurry…
  • Can cause snoring at night. When taking the múscules relax, including those in the neck, that are distended and make it more difficult for air to pass through when breathing, causing vibrations in the throat that result in snoring.

It is dangerous to combine a muscle relaxant with other fármacos

Before taking a muscle relaxant It must be taken into account that there are many interactions that can occur between this and other fármacos, hence you should not self-medicate without supervisionón métip. In fact, yes if it combines a muscular relaxant with an ansiolíTico and an analgéphysical, combine itón is very dangerous.

in addition, muscle relaxants are not recommended for people of más de 65 años or for those who work with machinery, since the sedationón to which it induces podríto provoke caíaccidents. Similarly, should not be taken by people with heart diseaseíacas, h diseasesícattle or glaucoma; and it is that some of these muscle relaxants can worsen these conditions.

They can cause addictionón

Until a few years agoñthe atráIt was customary that when talking about a muscle relaxant, if he bet on the one he hasíhim terazepam as active ingredient. This was the muscle relaxant máIt was not known until the European health authorities thoroughly analyzed its side effects..

In fact, untilíz from their investigations they were able to realize that caused cut reactionsáneas that couldían ser graves. This made in theñO 2013 it was decided to withdraw the fádefinitively sign.

in addition, like these fádrugs cause relaxationón general, there is a risk that can cause addictionón. These types of drugs can cause dependency., and for this reasonón, the specialists do not recommend taking them during máit's a week.

Cómo take a muscle relaxant well

Once you know the main reasons not to abuse a muscle relaxant It is time for you to take into account a series of tips báphysicists to take them in the best possible way in the event that a médico has prescribed one to deal with any of the problems you may have in your body.

You should keep in mind that this is not a simple analgéphysical, so you have to take into account a series of recommendations to be able to take them safely; and that in this way you do not put your health at risk with it. Having said that, Keep in mind these tips that we give you belowón:

  • Limit your activities while taking them. Once you have verified the different secondary effects that the consumption of a muscle relaxant, such as drowsiness, The vómyths, dizziness or confusionón, It is highly recommended that you try to reduce any type of activity fíintense physics, for what dutyás limit your activities while taking them. Similarly, both for your safety and that of other users of the vía, dutyás avoid driving. in this way beás making a use más responsible for these medications, without putting yourself or those around you at risk.
  • Tóbad before bed. Although I couldíso take it at any time of the dayía, to be able to take a muscle relaxant The best way possible, it is recommended that it be taken just before going to bed. in functionón the type of relaxant in question, these can have an effect in a r wayárequest and be able to last its effects between 6 and 8 hours. In this way, beás going through it while you sleep, with the advantage that this entails of not feeling its effects during daily activity.
  • baby smallñthe sorbs. Sometimes the muscle relaxants produce sensationósubjective n of dry mouth, so it is recommended to give smallñthe sips of water. Another option that you can resort to is the use of ice chips in your mouth and let them melt slowly..
  • avoid alcohol. Alcohol has a depressant effect on the nervous and respiratory systems., so if I knowñadd to the effects of relaxants, it can lead to being in a situationónot dangerous to health.

It is very important to take into account all these recommendations in order to benefit from the effects of muscle relaxants., and remember that never exceed and always take them under prescriptionón métip.