What products can be found in VISTAFARMACIA?

The places where they sell medicines are quite frequented at the moment in which it is required. health púpublic service is served by these establishments, called pharmacies or parapharmacies. Their difference lies in the fact that, in the first they sell medicines with récipe and in the second no. Además, they do not need to be attended by a professional in the field, but any worker can be part of this group. Así that, do not stop reading and know all the details of the cheap parapharmacy, where to findás múmultiple products that you canán be of use.

Pharmacy: ¿Whaté est productsán available in VISTAFARMACIA?

As it mentioned above, Pharmacies are establishments that perform fórmulas méinstructions and are in charge of dispensingón of the same or others. All this is alwaysá related to the health of customers and that same objective is pursued with the VISTAFARMACIA pharmacy. The products are not úonly top brands, but there is availability of genetic medicinesérich that are just as effective. The categoriesíso they are:

  • Skin care, where dermocosm products stand outéethics like for example https://www.vistafarma.com/marca/sensilis
  • digestive care.
  • Medicines for the circulationón.
  • respiratory care.
  • Women's health and sexual health care.
  • vision healthón.
  • I attendedóno to urinary system.
  • Medicines for relaxationón.
  • Pregnancy test and ovulation testón. Además, collectors for the anáurine lysis.
  • weight loss products.
  • Stress Medicationsés, anxiety, depressionón.
  • Termómeters and tensionóWhat are the types of dwarfism.
  • Care for the oíof the.
  • Muscle relaxant and joint care.

Parapharmacy: ¿In qué differs from the VISTAFARMACIA pharmacy?

However, the parapharmacy is responsible for the sale of medicinal products. Unlike the pharmacy, does not fit in a complete space, but a section is allocatedón of a store for this type of establishment. The best of all is that, the medicines they have do not need a prescriptionétip. remembering that, none of these should be dispensed by a pharmacistéuseful, but someone capable of performingñfor said work.

Parapharmacies can count on páginas in líline capable of displaying all its products and selling them, without the clienté in the obligationón go to the establishment to obtain the product that requires. In fact, The VISTAFARMACIA parapharmacy has a página in líline where the client caná get into, read the specifications of each product and view the price.

Even, mayán find artívisi's assesón of different brands and prices. The glasses areán available in sectionón “óbird” and the client will haveá the power to select the price range that suits your requirements and the brand that suits you best.áif you like. ¡You can view each photo of the model that máif you like!

Skin care with Roche Posay

And by úLast we will mention one of the brands más important for skin care: La Roche-Posay. For what they don't know, They are beauty products., including sensitivity and facial care. The biggestía of them have excellent opinions, as they hydrate and rejuvenate the skin. It has been recommended by meás de 20.000 with itóworldwide logos, which demonstrates its high efficiency. ¡Enter in the página in línea and pruéBala aquí in VISTAPHARMACY!