What is a mega transverse process?

The mega apótransverse physis, spaghettiénot known as síde Bertolotti syndrome, It is a little known cause of low back pain., but that should be known since it is a problem that can have very negative consequences on health. In this sense we are going to explain everything you need to know about it, so that you know their síntomas, cóhow it is diagnosed or its treatment, among others.


¿Whaté it's an appótransverse physis?

The apótransverse physis in a part of the vévertebra located lateral to the vertebral body. Serves as an anchor to the paravertebral musculature así as to the iliotransverse ligaments.

¿Whaté it's a mega appófisis transversa o Síde Bertolotti syndrome?

A mega apótransverse physis it's a still growthóbad guyótransverse physis más caudal of the lumbar area. By increasing in sizeñor it can come into contact with the sacrum or the íleon, which can lead to an overload of the jointsón sacroilíhere and cause pain.

According to different studies, it is estimated that between 4 and 8%  of people suffer from mega apótransverse physis, and that the appearanceón delos sísymptoms of it, what are we going to treatás go ahead, is located in the age between 30 and 40 años.

Secondly, it must be emphasized that the mega apófisis transversa o Síndrome of Bertolotti is máit is common in males, y además usually occurs to a greater extent on the left side, although the reason is unknownóno of it.

Secondly, It must be taken into account that we can find different types of mega apótransverse physis, what are the following:

  • Type I.. Apóupper transverse fissure from 19mm
  • Type II. Lumbarizationón about sacralizationón of a vévertebra associated with a diarthrodesis between the apótransverse physis and sacrum.
  • Type III. There will beótransverse physis is fused with the sacrum
  • Type IV. There is a mega appótype II transverse physis on one side and type III on the other. In turn, the types are subdivided into a and b according toún sea unilateral o bilateral.

Sísymptoms produced by a mega apótransverse physis

The mega apótransverse physis It is a health problem that can present with different síntomas, the main ones being the following:

Low back pain

The low back pain is back pain that occurs between the buttocks and the úlast rib. The mega apótransverse physis causes the existence of alterations at the level of the facet joints as well así as imbalances in the musculature, especially in the lumbar picture and in iliopsoas.

Dolor sacroilíaco

The clash between the apótransverse physis and sacrum can overload the jointón sacroilíaca. the sacroil painíaco has as characteríIt is a case of low back pain that affects the area of ​​the glans.útheos and what, many times, down the thigh.


The increase in sizeño from apótransverse physis can cause the space that the raínerve z to exit the lumbar canal compressedédollar. By compressing a raíz there is severe pain that travels down the entire leg and is linked to a péloss of strength, sensory disturbances and cramps.

Diagnóstico of the mega apótransverse physis

The way máIt is easy to determine the diagnosisóstico of a mega apótransverse physis it is throughés of a radiographía simple. In this way, the practitioner caná observe the tamañor of the same.

A través of the magnetic resonanceétics and the TAC can be assessed with greater precisionóin the relationshipón existing between the apótransverse physis and sacrum. For confirmationón del diagnóOn many occasions, it is necessary to block the area resorting to the use of an anesthetic.élocal physical and check if the pain decreases. On many occasions you can find that the síBertolotti syndrome coexists with other reasons for low back pain.

Treatment of mega apótransverse physis

When treating the mega apófisis transversa o Síde Bertolotti syndrome It should be borne in mind that conservative treatment is usually started, in which recourse is had to anti-inflammatory, analéphysical and physiotherapy. A través of them is, many times, enough to be able to control the pain suffered by the patient due to his injuryón.

Nevertheless, in those cases in which the initial treatment is not effective, blocks can be carried out using corticosteroids or radiofrequency from the mega apóphysical, so that it disable the nerves that transmit pain.

Además, there is a third víwhat is the optionón whoúrgica, what isá reserved mainly for cases in which the patient suffers greater pain. the surgeryía in this case focuses on remove the appótransverse physis, so that the pressure is relievedówhat is thisá exerting on the jointón sacroilíaca. The results of the surgeryíthey tend to be very good, reaching important improvements in the great majoríto of the patients.

He síBertolotti syndrome is an underdiagnosed cause of low back pain that usually affects young people.óyou come. As in a large number of occasions it goes unnoticed, it is advisable to go to specialists in pathologyíto of column, since in this case it is máIt is likely that those skilled in the art can recognize that this is a mega apófisis transversa o Síde Bertolotti syndrome.

Así well, Once all this information is knownón, you know in whaté consists the mega apótransverse physis, the reasons whyáThis problem can occur, which can  become very painful, the sísymptoms that are máIt is obvious when you have this problem and the different options that are handled for its treatment..

Anyways, before any of theímentioned symptoms, it is important to go to a professional who is in charge of evaluating your particular case and, based on it, to be able to determine the way in which that particular case should be dealt with. It is important to always put yourself in the hands of professionals in the face of any ailment of this type to find a solution.óas soon as possible.