what is best for you: HR foaming or pocket springs

foamyón HR or bagged muelles

For your breaks to be truly pleasant you must choose the best mattressón to sleep at night. those of foamyón HR or bagged muelles are the más popular for offering incredible benefitsíbles.

But, ¿cuáhe of these two is the one? We advance that with a colchón Nubett Magnum , discoveráI know what it is like to sleep with the greatest possible comfort.


¿Whaté it's a caróno foamingón HR?

First of all, it is important to know that HR is a high quality foam. Much has been usedísimo in the makingónumber of mattresses by level of comfort and satisfactionón that it offers when resting.

The Nubett Colchón Premium It is a clear example of better mattresses with núcleo HR. Además, it is termo adaptable and offers an unparalleled surround effect.

foam mattressesón HR are characterized by being más resistant than foam. It's so cóway to feeláI know you sleep on a cloud.

¿Whaté it's a quiltóNo. of pocket springs?

They are known for offering a set of independent docks, which are kept perfectly aligned with each otherí. Each of its springs is incorporated into a cloth or plastic cover.áStico so they don't have contact.

His stamina level is quite ógreat. Además, is recommended so that about él can sleep two or moreás people. It is that by having independent springs, guarantees bed independence, that is to say, that you do not notice the movement of your companionñbefore sleeping, which indicates that the quite adequate support level.

Differences between a quiltóno foamingón HR and pocket springs

These are the main differences between a quiltóno foamingón HR and one pocket spring.

1. Firm

The foaming modelón HR has a much higher level of firmness than conventional foam. Nevertheless, The spring ones are the ones that guarantee greater firmness of all the mattresses available on the market..

2. breathability

It is an essential quality for people who tend to sweat too much. Today in Díto HR mattresses are so far much moreábreathable. But if you sweat a lot at night, just at bedtime, the best optionón are pocket springs.

3. Strength and durability

There is no doubt that the Spring mattresses tend to last a long time.ás time than other models. It is that they have been created with quality materials that confer a higher level of resistance. But the pocket spring ones tooéthey have not gained a reputationón positive for being strong and durable.

4. Adaptability

The adaptability depends on the type of padding (layers over the núcleo) take the quiltón. Así that does not depend on whether it is spring or foamón, but from the Viscoel layeráStatic of more or less CM that they have and the type of viscoelástica.

¿Whaté I have other options?

While pocket sprung or foam mattressesón HR son los más recommended to sleep cóways and pleasurable, There are other models available on the market that might interest you..

The mattresses of látex, bic dockósingle or continuous threads can be a great alternative. ¡Just choose the one that best suits your needs and requirements!