What Causes Spinal Pain

The causes of spinal pain are almost so numerous that it is sometimes difficult to describe all the symptoms.íntomas. You should know that the Back pain It's one of the main reasons people seek care.ón métip. In fact, it is estimated that around 80% of the populationón adulta, an algaeúno moment sufferá of a kind of back pain. Considering that back pain does not respect ages, géblacks or races, we are facing a fairly frequent health problem.


DóWhere does spinal pain originate?

spine pain

In general spinal pain originates from the cervical neck, what is the center of the back torácica tambiéno in the lower back, in which case it is known as low back pain. Spaghettiécan not be a combinationóno how “low back pain”. However, depending onóNo origin or source of pain, certain types of pain may indicate a particular disease or disorder.

Back pain can be described as sudden pain, sharp pain or persistent pain. As for the síntomas, These can be presented in a áspec areaíback of the body, like neck, for instance, it's también the pain may radiate to the shoulders, the arms, lower back, the legs, the feet or even the glúteos. Often this pain is accompaniedñado of síntomas neurolólogical as the case of numbness, tingling or weakness.

When It's a sharp pain, This can start suddenly as severe pain that usually lasts for a long time.ón relatively short. For his part, when it comes to pain crónico, we are talking about long term persistent pain, many times even lasting a lifetime. If you know además, that the pain crónico may present episodes of acute pain.

At this point it is important to mention that certain síntomas neurolósigns may indicate a need to get attentionón méimmediate dica. These síntomas o señAlert ales include for example, dysfunctionón intestinal or bladder, weakness or numbness of the limbs, así withísevere symptoms that do not go away afterés about días, or even pain that interferes with the person's daily activities.

Causes of spinal pain

spine pain

One of the causes más common causes of spinal pain or back pain is tensionón muscle and spasms. I tensed herón can be a consequence of an effort fíthe work is very heavy, a movement or flexión clumsy, even bad posture can be tooén a cause of spinal pain.


When a car accident occurs, it's pain in the neck, what withúmind the person experiences. This normally is caused by hyper-extensión o hiperflexión because the head does what is known as “Lash”; that is to say, jerks back and forthás, más allá of the range of movement of the neck as a result of the impact This unnatural and forceful movement affects the múmuscles and ligaments of the neck. thenón, the Múmuscles may show hardening and contractingón, with which they can create the so-called muscular fatigue, what Báphysically results in pain and stiffness.


spine pain

It is a degenerative disorder that can cause péloss of vertebral structure and functionón normal. While it is true that aging is the main cause, the locationón and the rate of degenerationón is a single factor. This degenerative process alsoén can affect the cervical, the thorácat, así as to the lumbar regions of the vertebral column, thereby affecting the discs and joints of the spine.


This disorder is caused by a péloss of mineral density ósea, thereby generating boneságiles, that can eventually fracture. Osteoporosis alsoén can cause vertebral compression fracturesón, además of péloss of height, hunched posture, even a hump.