Why is it important to take out insurance??

Insurance is a contract between the insured and the insurer., in order to provide protectionówhen an accident happens, the coverage covers different services depending on the póliza to be hired.

Insurance like health have póWide coverage lists to provide support to the insured in the event of an unexpected event, which are adjusted to the needs and budget of the beneficiaries of the póliza.

Accidents can happen at any time no matter how careful you are and it is at these times that the figure of insurance is important, To protect yourself and your family it is necessary to take out insurance.

On the internet there are several recognized insurers with good insurance plans,to choose the ideal you must compare the relationshipón value for money in the services they offer you, depending on the type of póliza to acquire you can protect the well-being of your family and patrimony.

Insurance becomes a financial ally when an unforeseen event arises, in this way the family budget is kept intact, as, In the event of an accident, the insurance is activated to cover the expenses mélosses caused by the unforeseen.

The objective of the insurance is to prevent financial expenses that may arise for the insured as a result of an unforeseen event or accident., through compensationón stipulated in the contract conditions.

The insurance contract has three elements that make it up:

  • Interés insurable
  • AndñO
  • Risk

Interés insurable

Sessionón económica that is established between the insured with the object of risk stipulated in the insurance contract.


This oneón partial or total produced on the object due to an accident.


Random probability that the accident will occur

It should be noted that not all risks are insurable., Nevertheless, this depends on the insurer with which the insurance contract is agreed, To insure a risk, the following requirements must be met:

  • That the insurable asset be valued economicallyómically
  • In the case of insuranceédicos or of life there is no relationshipón between the interés y yesñO
  • The valuationón of a claim involving dañthe personal ones is done a priori
  • The valuationón for accidents involving dañThe materials are made by appraisalón pericial, after the accident occurs
  • The insurance must have coverage for the holder and his family group
  • That the risk is fortuitous and not premeditated

When the insurer agrees to the contract, it undertakes to indemnify the insured when an accident occurs under the termséterms stipulated in the insurance contract in exchange for a monthly or annual premium.

To conclude the importance of insurance lies in the fact of having a protectionóComprehensive n in the event of an emergency that occurs unexpectedly, service coverage depends on the type of póliza who is hired.

The insurance offers the necessary resources to resolve the event presented by the insured by activatingón from póinsurance list, prior notificationóNo of affected party to companyñíto insurance.

Being insured is withoutónimo de overhangsón, against accidents or claims that affect the quality of life of the insured and the beneficiaries of the póliza, for this reasonón is important to take out insurance.