Mielitis Transversa

neuronal disorderóTransverse Myelitis

Transverse Myelitis it is a neurological disorderógico associated with inflammationón of the méspinal game. “Mielitis” means inflammationón of the méspinal cord and “Transverse” refers to the fact that the entire section is affectedón transverse of the respective segment of the méspinal game.

It belongs to a group of neuroimmunological disorders.ógicos. The inflammationón in the méspinal cord leads to demyelinationón and reduce to functionón nervous. As a result, patients suffer from sensory disorders, or vegetative engines.

Myelitis is a rare disease of the nerves, which occurs mainly between the ages of 10 a 19 añbone there of 30 a 49 años. Men and women are affected equally. The inflammationón of the méspinal cord tooédoes not occur in animals.

Myelin plays an important role in the transmissionón of señales theéelectrical in the central nervous system. In the case of Transverse Myelitis, transmission speedón if it decreases significantly. This is a relatively rare disease.

know meás about this disease, hereí we will tell you its main causes, diagnóstico, síntomas, treatment and complications. This sickness can start at any age, That is why it is important to know about it and recognize its main characteristics.ísticas.


Causes of Transverse Myelitis

Myelitis can occur singly or in relationóNo with other diseases. In cases where the disease occurs alone and without a recognizable cause, there is talk of idiop casesáticos. An activationóabnormal immune system, which then goes against the méspinal game, seems to be responsible for this.

A Transverse Myelitis often develops in relation toón with bacterial or viral infections, like chickenpox, sarampión, rubéola, mumps and flu. The patsógenos dañan la méspinal game by penetrating directly thereí.

Polio, herpes zoster and the HIV virusén can cause myelitis. Además of the patsóbacterial genes such as mycoplasma pneumoniae, Lyme's desease, sífils y tuberculosis. Vaccines tooén can cause myelitis and there is talk of postvaccinal myelitis, which increases afterés to place the vaccines against rabies and typhoid fever.

This neuronal disorderóseldom occurs in conjunction with autoimmune diseases such as sarcoidosis or msclerosis.úmultiple. Además, Transverse Myelitis may be due to spinal artery thrombosis, since the spinal arteries are responsible for supplying blood to the méspinal game.


Due to the rarity of the disease and the variety of síntomas, the diagnosisóstico is often a challengeíor for the métips, which starts with history mésay and an exam fíphysical in depth.

Diagnosis of Transverse Myelitis

In general, a historyésay and an exam físico made by médoctor or specialist in the hospitalún do not provide clear indications of myelitis or the causes of the damageñof that day méspinal game.

The magn resonanceéethics of the méspinal cord and brain is the Méall by choiceón to detect inflammationón caracterídiagnosis of Transverse Myelitis and rule out other causes of the symptoms.íntomas, like tumors, herniated discs or other neurological diseasesócool.

If the magnetic resonanceéethics does not allow a diagnosisóclear stico, a myelographía. This is an x-ray exam in which contrast dye is injected during a puncture.ón lumbar. Los anáblood lysis and análysis of the líquido cefalorraquídeo are used to detect signs of inflammationón and rule out other diseases.

The course of the disease largely depends on the circumstances of the individual case.. If the treatment is timely, the biggestíof patients will recoveránot completely. Nevertheless, the recoveryón is protracted and can take months orños.

Síntomas de la Mielitis Transversa

The sísymptoms of Transverse Myelitis depend to a large extent on the áaffected area of ​​the méspinal game. The first síntomas appear en cuestión of hours or weeks afterés from the onset of the disease.

The sísymptoms can be very different. The locationóno inflammationón in particular is responsible for the table clínico. It is important for theíntomas, the affected level of the méspinal cord and in whaté measure is givenñan las cénerve cells and the myelin cortex.

In about half of those affected, the inflammationón reaches its peak within the first día. Complaints arise because there are motor neurons in the spine, who can no longer perform their job properly.

When information exchange is disruptedón between the periphery of the body, like the limbs and the brain. Affected people suffer from emotional disturbances and back pain.

leg weakness

If the course is severe, bladder and rectum functionán bad. The first sign of Transverse Myelitis is usually a a sensationón increasing weakness in the legs. The weakness alsoén can occasionally occur on the arms. there is a péloss of sensation below the affected segment of the méspinal game.

Sexual dysfunctions are often seen in relation toónot with this disease. With severe forms, muscle weakness becomes paraplegia o parálisis espástica. hypersensitivity to fríO, warmth and touch, spaghettién son sícommon symptoms of this disease.


The successful treatment of the disease depends to a large extent on the speed of its diagnosis.óstico. this depends on each one corticosteroids se usan títopically to treat inflammationón of the méspinal cord in patients with Transverse Myelitis.

The plasma exchange used as a treatment to suppress the immune system. La rehabilitationón, especially the physiotherapy, It's fundamental. Patients should prepare for a rehabilitation programón that coincides with the dayñthe medullary.

Una fase de rehabilitationón intensive follow afterés of completionón of the acute drug therapy. La therapy de regenerationón focuses primarily on healingón of the fromño medullary y la rehabilitationón física.

Spaghettién physiotherapy is used to counter muscle weakness, spasticity and lack of coordinationón. In some cases, physiotherapy is used with treatments térmicos and bañagainst pain and motor deficiencies. Many patients suffer from strés mental, such as anxiety and depressionón. Hereí the médico advises psychological helpógica additional.


Complications of Transverse Myelitis

If Transverse Myelitis is left untreated for a periodíodo long time, May cause serious complications. first appearán emotional disturbances and back pain will increaseá. Spaghettién startá a malfunction of the urinary bladder and rectum.

With increasing disease, the sensationóNo weakness in the legs will beá más acute causing severe movement disorders. In isolated cases, it is síthe apostle alsoédoes not occur in the arms. A negative lead can cause torqueálisis espástica until paraplegia.