The postures that help you take care of your back

Surely you are the first person to recognize that on many occasions you do not adapt appropriate postures, either when sitting in front of the computer to work, in bed when sleeping or relaxing on the sofaá, but you should know that the úThe only way to do that is for you to step up so you can change it and make it become a hábito para ti eel adoptar postures that help you take care of your back.

One of the big culprits for back pain is, without a doubt, the adoptionóno bad posture. Many hours standing or with her sitting incorrectly at work, además of many other daily activities, finishánotábilling you and you need to know the best way to correct this problem.


CóHow bad postures affect you

The body imbalance leads to using the body incorrectly and causing injury, since all the músculi are connected to each other, and the moment one destabilizes, contracture or tension, makes the rest of the tendons, múmuscles and fascias that are part of the chain to which the muscle belongsúcentury, are repositioned through tensions and imbalances to be able to face the pain, with what it implies.

The suffering of the cervical

People who perform tasks that overload the area too much, as the case of receptionists who answer the phoneéphone or those who work for hours in front of the computer screen, either people who iron at home for a long time or sewing, can provoke that the cervicals suffer a lot.

The vertebral column consists of seven vévertebrae that form a smooth arch that helps maintain balance in the head, but if that balance is lost, it can appear Pain in the neck. This can come withñi love véarticle, dizziness, contractures, lack of mobility, headaches, and there are even occasions when the discomfort radiates to the arms and causes tingling in the hands.

Therefore, Yes, I performedñas a very repetitive manual work, how to type on the computer, handle food, find yourself on an assembly line, or sew, among others, you should know that It is very important that you adopt a proper posture to theí reduce the risk of developing a contracture. Además, it is recommended take a break every 30 minutes to relax neck and shoulders.

Problems in the lower back

The lumbar area is one of the parts más vulnerable of our body, and is that the lower part of the back isá constantly subjected to bad postures and efforts, what if added to a low form física, as a sedentary life and lack of exercise that weaken the lumbar muscles, it is not extrañar we find that many métell them to make sure that the 80% of people sufferán low back pain in someúa moment of his life.

If this is your case and it affects you, you should know that It is essential that you strengthen the abdominals with specific exerciseíficos for it, and be careful when doing the abs, because if you do them wrong they can harm your spine.

Overload of the central part of the spine

The dorsal area is often one of the great forgotten when we refer to the pain we suffer in the back, but you have to be aware that it overloads very easily, and that when found together with the ribs it has little mobility, so you have to be very careful.

If you have weakness in this area of ​​the body it is It is essential that you avoid postures that overload the area. For it, you should not stretch your arms to the mámaximum to reach objects on the table or that when you lift a heavy object, don't do it above your chest.

Take care of your posture daily

Lo máIt's important that be aware of cóhow is your body when adopts determines postures. You must realize that beingá the starting point to be able to correct the problem and for the body to function in a harmonious wayónica.

In this sense, you must take into account the way in which you sitúlike this when it'sáI'm waiting for the bus, when you are working in the office, when you iron, etcétera. Be aware of the way you usually position yourself when you areás doing daily actions and your día a día.

in addition, you must identify your mistakes, having to be aware that these postural vices, that you may never have stopped to think about, they can affect you a lot, for what you will haveáI know that rectifying and adopting positions más respectful with the spine.

If you follow the recommendations for a while you will be able toás ver cómo your body goá recolocásitting naturally, alleviating the problems and gettingás adopt postures that help you take care of your back.

Correct your waiting posture

When you are in line at a store waiting to make your purchase, when isás in the queue at the cinema to get your ticket or when you are at the bus stopús or when standing talking to someone, beás standing upright and you may shops to shrink. In this sense, a bad háBit can give you back pain and there will beá to rectify it to avoid the inconvenience.

If you want to check if you take a standóninadequate, We recommend that you stand in front of a mirror to see yourself standing, so that I canáI know if you round your back, if you flex your neck, or if you relax your shoulders forward. These postures are not very conducive to health and can cause a tensionón cervical.

The best way to be able to adopt a good positionón wait goes through feel your head on your shoulders and look straight ahead, not to the ground. The líline marking head and shoulders runs perpendicularly throughés hip, pelvis and knees.

For it, you must try to address, for which you can tighten the abdomen a little and lift the chest slightly up so that it is easier for you.áit's simple. It is important that you rest your feet well on the ground, distribute the weight well between both legs and notice how the belly isá más plana.