The sacralization of L5

During development there are different phenóunless they occur in certain transitional locations of the spine and that can give rise to the occurrence anat alterationsómicas. In the case of the spine, lo máIt is common for lumbarization to occur.ón de S1o la sacralizationón of L5.

What happens regarding this úLast thing is that it is a vévertebra that is attached to the sacrum, forming part of it, is that there is no differenceón to a vévertebra with its complete articular elements.

In the case of lumbarizationón of S1, for his part, what happens is that the sacrum, which is made up of different véfused vertebrae, does not complete the fusionóno of the vértebra más craneal, which makes it considered an apparent vértebra lumbar.


¿Whaté can happen with sacralizationón of L5?

As a general rule, the situations in which one suffers sacralizationón of L5 they don't usually present sísymptoms in people who suffer from it, since it is common for this problem to be found due to an accidental finding in the presence of a dolor lumbar crónico.

In any of the cases, it must be taken into account that it is very difficult to determine, as Low back pain is something that occurs very frequently, being something therefore very complex to be able in many occasions to associate the cause of the pain only with the sacralizationón of L5but it can be given for other reasons.

Secondly, sí it can be indicated that the múscules that are intended for the maintenance of the lumbosacral hinge, and mainly those who areán set to L5, may sometimes suffer a process that consists of the fibrosis and atrophy for immobility, so that it can cause them to end up suffering secondary pain that is precisely caused by this atrophy itself.

in addition, these changes on many occasions they are not complete. Therefore, can cause disk remnants to be compromised, así how to suffer diffuse calcifications (osteoarthritis) and that this ends up leading to suffering from arthritic painósico difíeasy to differentiate from other phenomenaóless natural derived from one's own degenerationóno of bones.

Biomec alterationsáunique for the sacralizationón of L5

In those cases in which there is a greater demand on the lumbosacral hinge, this type of pathologyías well as the sacralizationón of L5 They can cause pathological conditions to occur.ófunny like lumbagos, herniated discs, listis, artropatías and increment of the appearanceón of protrusions.

in addition, It must be taken into account that due to biomechanical alterationsáonly secondaries derived from the péloss of degrees in rotationón and flexion-extensionón, demands on joints such as sacroil increaseíupper spines and vertebrae.

The sísymptoms arriveán to appear in the sacralizationón of L5 in these types of situations and circumstances:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Bad postures
  • Trauma
  • Guestón and improper handling of loads
  • As theños and degenerationón of misuse of the musculoskeletal systemético.

in summary, the síntomas appearán in all those movements and actions related to mobility and that can accelerate the processesóless degenerative, giving rise to síntomas clíunique.

Preventionósecondary in the sacralizationón of L5

Since it must be taken into account that sacralization cannot be preventedón of L5, since it is not possible  the applicationón de preventionón primary.  This is why everything must be oriented toward prevention.ón to prevent injuries from appearingás early in the event that you suffer from sacralizationón of L5.

To do this, we must begin by taking into account the need to bet on the educationón of postural hygiene and load management, something that is really very important to know how to control and that it is advisable that everyone keep in mind, because even if you don't have this health problem, there are possibilities of health problems in the spine if the loads are not managed correctly or if postures are adopted that are not suitable for good back health.

Secondly, It is necessary to maintain an adequate situationón física, and for that you have to maintain a proper weight. To this we must add that the preventionón también sirve para la realizationón of general muscle strengthening exercises, and decompressionómuscle development and releaseón articular.

These guidelines are general recommendations that can help you when orienting yourself, although it is important that in case of any doubt of being able to suffer sacralizationón of L5 or any other health problem, Contact professionals who are responsible for carrying out the corresponding análisis y así be able to determine if you really suffer from somethingúno type of problem.

It is important to always receive advice and attention.ón by highly qualified professionals, something that is always essential so that the diagnosis can be known.óreal aesthetic that isá suffering. For it, professionals betán by carrying out different examination actions or carrying oután carry out certain tests that will help youán when it comes to knowing the diagnosisófinal stico.

In the event of suffering a sacralizationón of L5así like any other health problem in the spine, the professional will take careá to evaluate each case and check its level of severity and the sísymptoms that this causes in the patient, so that the treatment or performance is adaptedón of certain hábits focused on minimizing sus síntomas.

It must be borne in mind that spinal problems can become very painful and annoying., especially when they imply having mobility problems, something that is common in cases más severe. Therefore, before any type of problem, It is always recommended to put yourself in the hands of qualified professionals who are in charge of making the corresponding diagnosis.óaesthetic and powerí start working to achieve the mámaximum well-being possible, or fix the problem if it's completely possible.