The importance of a good mattress to take care of your back

the choiceón a good mattressón is key to alleviating back pain problems, sleep on a mattressón Adequate provides the support required to maintain the aligned posture of the spine, preventing the onsetóNo of low back pain.

a colchón for back pain adapted to the needs of the user gives comfort and rest to the structure of the column, It is important to note that not all mattresses have the same characteristics.ícharacteristics or benefits which depend on the material of manufactureón.

In the market you can find mattresses with different characteristicsífeatures and features such as:

  • hard mattresses.
  • soft mattresses.
  • Mattresses with separate zones.
  • thick mattresses.
  • thin mattresses.
  • mattresses térmics.


Tips for choosing the quiltón for back pain relief

People who suffer from back pain should rest on a firm surface, the biggestíto of the médicos recommend a mattressón whose firmness range is medium-high, which provides the necessary support to the spine to prevent back pain.

a quiltón that does not yield to pressureón the body generates a pressureón in the hip bones, shoulders and lower back, affecting the múdogs, joints and ligaments of these areas, what is implied in the appearanceóNo accompanying inflammationsñbouts of intense pain.

On the web specialized in products to improve the quality of life, wellness360, you can find a selectionón of mattresses indicated for back pain.

1.- Constitutionión física

This is a relevant factor when choosing the mattressón suitable, as, if the user has a complexión robust requires a mattressón firm, if your constitutionón fíSica is thin, she can opt for a quiltón soft.

2.- sleeping posture

People adopt various sleeping positions, Experts recommend that people who suffer from lower back pain sleep on their side., as, this positionón respects the natural curvature of the spine.

the choiceóno of the mattressón based on the sleeping position if it is on the side it should have a medium firmness, If it is on your back, the firmness is recommended to be hard and for those who sleep on their stomachs, the firmness of the mattress.ón should be soft.

3.- Thermoregulationón

mattress capacityón to regulate body heat, for people who suffer from heat can choose a mattressón of springs which is resistant, does not yield to weight and has a high firmness due to the layers that make up the springs.

For people who suffer from frío to optionsón correct is a quiltóNo foam or one made of viscoel materialástica.

Other factors that must be taken into account to buy the quiltón ideal son:

  • Sessionóno value for money.
  • Buy brand-name mattresses.
  • Purchase the mattressón in a reputable storeón and trajectory.

¿CuáThese are the factors that indicate the change of the mattressón?

The following factors are decisive when purchasing a new mattressón:

  • Péloss of comfort.
  • lack of rest.
  • Body pain when getting up.
  • Cervical pain.
  • colch saggingóno in different areas.

FunctionsóNo of cervical pillows

The cervical pillows they fulfill a functionón relevant to granting adequate rest, as they prevent neck pain that occurs during poor sleeping posture.

This type of pillow is used to enhance the effects of the quilt.ón by aligning neck posture while sleeping, improving rest and therefore the quality of sleepñor by relieving pressureón exerted on the neck whená sleeping.