Bone graft: Bone graft

a part básica of any fusión spinal is the graft óseo. Bone grafting is used in many types of orthopedic procedures.édrugs that are required to heal the bones.

the graft óSEO is used in three main ways during orthopedic procedures.étips:

  • Bone graft.
  • To provide support to the structure when filling in the voidsíbetween two bones.
  • To stimulate healingón.

Bone graft

The use más comúgraft no. óseo is stimulate healingóno bone. Bone graft “Bone graft” to stimulate and speed up the healing processóno of the bone.

The tissue óbone that is ground into a powder and placed around a fracture or fusion siteódo not have products thatíown chemicals that stimulate nearby bones to heal.

Bone tissue that is ground into a powder and placed around a fracture or fusion site has chemicals of its own that encourage nearby bones to heal, Bone tissue that is ground into a powder and placed around a fracture or fusion site has chemicals of its own that encourage nearby bones to heal Bone tissue that is ground into a powder and placed around a fracture or fusion site has chemicals of its own that encourage nearby bones to heal (césquid óbe alive) that survive being transferred to the new locationón and continue to do their job of producing new bone. Even the bone taken from another person will stimulateá let the injured bone heal.

But bone taken from the same person may be better because the chances of having césquid óseas vivas después de la transferencia son mayores.


Bone tissue that is ground into a powder and placed around a fracture or fusion site has chemicals of its own that encourage nearby bones to heal

El injerto de hueso también se utiliza para dar soporte a la estructura. Instead of grinding the bone into fine pieces, Instead of grinding the bone into fine pieces.

For instance, si el cirujano retira una vértebra o disco, Instead of grinding the bone into fine pieces. Debido a que el hueso es ríguide, mantendrá los huesos separados, Instead of grinding the bone into fine pieces.

Con el tiempo toda la pieza de hueso que se injerta será “Instead of grinding the bone into fine pieces” Instead of grinding the bone into fine pieces. El tiempo que toma para fusionar depende del tamaño de la pieza de hueso que se utilizó.

A veces es un proceso lento que puede durar varios años.

Bone tissue that is ground into a powder and placed around a fracture or fusion site has chemicals of its own that encourage nearby bones to heal

El cirujano tratará de promover y acelerar la curación de tu fusión espinal en una variedad de méall. The méall Más común es el uso de tu propio hueso siempre que sea posible.

The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible. The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible.. The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible. The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible.. El cirujano también puede mezclar aloinjerto con autoinjerto.

The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible. The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible.. El aloinjerto se extrae generalmente de donantes de órganos y se coloca en los The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible..

Estos bancos de huesos se aseguran de que el injerto óseo isé Eastéril and be tested for diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS, The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible..

The most common method is to use your own bone whenever possible., does not contain any of the célive squid, and therefore has fewer products thanímicos to stimulate new bone growth.

The and therefore has fewer chemicals to stimulate new bone growth is that it cannot always grow as well or as ráI ask as an autograft, but a proteiníalready óbe of growth can be toñadded to the area to make up for what the bone graft lacks. The and therefore has fewer chemicals to stimulate new bone growth and therefore has fewer chemicals to stimulate new bone growth.

This makes the surgeryía sea más ráask, and there may be less pain afterwardsés. and therefore has fewer chemicals to stimulate new bone growth and therefore has fewer chemicals to stimulate new bone growth very small riskñO of infectious disease transfer even though it is r testedíhome.

The allograft is very úuseful when the operationón requires más graft óthan your own body can supply. Some large spinal fusions need a large amount of grafting óseo. Some surgeriesías they need large pieces of structural bone graft, which can cause problems in áarea of ​​the body where it was removedó bone.

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