Hypothyroidism and muscle pain

In this case we are going to talk about the thyroid and muscle contractures. Thyroid hormones influence the functioning of the entire body., and this is no exceptionón in the case of system músculo-esquelético.

Those patients suffering from untreated hypothyroidism, It is very common for muscular problems to occur., that occur even in a 80% of the cases, and with a higher prevalence among women. The affectationómuscle n derived from thyroid and muscle contractures, It occurs because the lack of thyroid hormones reduces the oxidative capacity of the célula and this causes you to have less energyía.

This makes at the same time the contractionón of the múmuscles are carried away in a much moreás lenta, and they can reach cause muscle fiber atrophy. in addition, the símuscle symptoms are not specificíphysical and include contractures and alsoéthey can't make you suffer fatigue, weakness and pain, the cuáthey can be más evident once the activity has been carried out física.

These sísymptoms are resolved betting on the hypothyroidism treatment, although it is necessary to take into account when talking about thyroid and muscle contractures, that the recoveryón total it can be extended for several months; and is that most of the effects of thyroid hormones on the body itself are slow.

In patients who have hyperthyroidism, muscular manifestations are less frequent, and they get used to giving with sensationón of weakness, así as with the presence of cramps when carrying out activities físic. The mechanism has to do with the higher energy consumptionía así as of the degradationóNo of the proteinsíin the muscles by  excess thyroid hormones in the body.


Thyroid and muscle contractures

There are different muscular manifestations that can occur as a result of thyroid problems., including contractures. speaking of thyroid and muscle contractures It must be taken into account that they can occur in both patients with hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism..

Nevertheless, keep in mind that the chances of muscle contractures originating from hyper or hypothyroidism are very low, especially in cases where they are not accompaniedñtwo of othersísymptoms suggestive of dysfunctionóno thyroid.

In this way, hypothyroidism is just one of the almost 30 conditions that are considered as possible causes of muscle contractures. For this reason, In many cases, suffering from this problem does not have to do with muscle contractures.

In summary, muscle contractures are one of the sísymptoms that may occur in patients with hyperthyroidism, but especially in those with hypothyroidism. Además, the chances that muscle contractures are due to thyroid-related problems are very low, without other symptomsíso I accompanied themñon.

Hypothyroidism and muscle pain

when talking about thyroid and muscle contractures, Given the above, it is essential to talk about hypothyroidism. This is a conditionón that is produced in the thyroid and its glándulas, an affectionón which alsoén is known by the name of underactive thyroid. Hypothyroidism is a disorder throughés of which the thyroid is not capable of producing the amount of hormones it needs to carry out certain activities.

The condition of hypothyroidism  may not present sísymptoms in early stages, but with the passage of time it can end up deriving in the suffering of different problems that affect the health of the organism, as is the case of muscle pain, joint pain or obesity.  His sísymptoms may appear progressively and during the first toños son práactically imperceptible, although they may consist of weight gain; dolores, tenderness and stiffness in múmuscles and joints; sensitivity to coldíO; and dry skin.

var hypothyroidismía between different people and since each body is different, maybe the síntomas varíin from one person to another, so its effects are different in each body. In any case, can affect the múmuscles and joints in different ways.

to get started, we can find that, as a consequence of the same, it suffers dolor muscular, stiffness and tenderness in both hips and shoulders; joint pain and stiffness, cramps, tendinitis in the arms, swollenóno in joints, especially in hands and feet; síndrome del túin the carpiano; síndrome del túin the Tarsian; and adhesive capsulitis, among others.

CóHow to relieve muscle pain caused by hypothyroidism

Musical pain caused by hypothyroidism can be alleviated by adopting different measures, that dependán of each particular patient, since not all bodies are the same and the reactionón from one to the other can vary considerably; and this implies that not all these treatments are equally vágood for some people and others.

to get started, There are many people who, to end these muscle pains caused by hypothyroidism, choose to go to massage sessions, acupuncture and myofascial treatment that help alleviate theípain and joint symptoms caused by hypothyroidism. Other people can bet on taking Food Complements rich in glucosamine and chondroitin, that help alleviate theísymptoms of injury and recover múosculos joints.

Además de  the massages, A good way to deal with muscle pain is the applyón of calories, since it can be very helpful to apply it on the affected area, además of the use of certain products on the market that are specially designed to achieve muscular well-being. In this sense, there are many possibilities that can help you when dealing with this ailment that can cause so much discomfort..

In this way you already know what you need to know about the thyroid and muscle contractures, and how it can affect the health of our múdogs, what to implyá that it has to be treated to prevent the problems from persisting or going to más.