Disc herniation l5 s1: Disc herniation l5 s1

When talking about the Hernia discal L5-S1 It is important to take into account a number of aspects, that begin by knowing in whaté It consists. to get started, you have to be aware that there are a total of five vélumbar vertebrae, and the vertebral columnúto with the sacrum. The L5-S1 segment is formed by the vértebra L5, intervertebral disc, facet joints, the ligaments of the músculos and the first vésacred bones.

In this way, Taking the above into account, it can be said that a Hernia discal L5-S1 It is given when the content of the intervertebral disc L5-S1 comes out of the disc and enters the lumbar canal., which can cause the disc material to become compressed and affect raíz L5 at the exit through the hole between the two vévertebrae, así like a raíz S1 before it leaves the column.

In those cases where the hernia is too large, spaghettién can affect raísacral ces and may produce a sícauda equina syndrome, as it is known.



When a person suffers from a hernia we find that this person suffers from the includedón of one or several of the nervous structures what do you have at that level, being the main síTake a tune ciática.

whyáIn ethics, we understand radiating pain that descends down the posterior aspect of the thigh and that continuesúfor the leg to the foot. Usually associated with weakness and sensitivity-related disorders. In the case of Hernia discal L5-S1, we can find that both the raíz L5 like S1 and dural sac; y además may be affectedás of one of the nerve structures at the same time, what to dependá directly from the narrowness that exists in the lumbar canal and the dimensions of the hernia.

The sísymptoms of a Hernia discal L5-S1 are the same as those of the herniated disc, with the difference that only the leg through which the pain radiates changes. In the case of central hernias that are of a large sizeñor we will find that both legs can be affected.

Very large hernias can cause compressionóno of dural sac, and provoke likeí different sísymptoms that are called Sícauda equina syndrome, and that causes there to be less sensitivity in the inner thigh, genitals and soil pélvico; and at the same time the péloss of control of sphyíinterest and impotence. It is sísyndrome is a urgencyétip, and there is required to be a performanceón immediate decompressionón to avoid bigger problems.


In order to determine the existence of a Hernia discal L5-S1 it is necessary to determine a diagnosisóstico that is based, mainly in two types of tests, Which are the following:

  • magn resonanceética. It is the best test to diagnose the pathologyíto disc and in which the different nervous structures are seen with greater clarity.
  • Electomyografía. It is a test throughés from which one can know whaté raíz o raíces are affected by the hernia.

Hernia discal L5-S1: Operationón

when talking about Hernia discal L5-S1: operationón, Keep in mind that this is only one of the treatment options that exist for this problem.; and that it is common to opt for other previous treatments to check if the problem can be solved or minimized before undergoing surgery.ófano. Similarly, when talking about the operationón of one Hernia discal L5-S1 we can mainly distinguish between the following procedures:

treatment with lábe the radio frequency

Treatment of herniated disc with lábeing or radio frequency is a pre-surgery stepía. These are different téhit the cnicasálines that are performed with local anesthesia and sedationón, that is to say, what are ambulatory.

These consist of inserting a needle into the intervertebral disc that emits heat; and in this way what is sought is to make the water contained in this disc evaporate and thusí make its volume decrease.

Doing so reduces the pressureón that the intervertebral disc exerts on the nervous structures and in this way pain is reduced. The biggest drawback of these tétechniques is that they are not indicated for all types of hernias; and that they must be used in discs that are quite healthy and can only be used in contained hernias.

surgical treatmentúrgic by microdiscectomyía

The microdiscectomía is the técnica máitsástandard and currently used. In this case, para la operationón of Hernia discal L5-S1 an incision is madeón on the back of a tamañthe littleñO, of some 2 a 5 cm, and through different systems that magnify the visionón it is possible to open space in L5-S1, to theí remove the herniated disc. To do this, we proceed to dissect the musculature and sometimesñat the jointón facet and proceed to the removal of the ligament.

surgical treatmentúrgic by spinal endoscopy

An alternative is the spine endoscopy, a ténovel technique that consists of introducing a cámara through the hole through which the nerves exit so that it is possible to reach the interior of the column and proceed to the treatment of the Hernia discal L5-S1 mediate la operationón.

This tétechnique has the advantage that it allows resorting to the use of a natural access, what prevents it from happeningñe the muscles or joints to gain access to the interior of the spine. In this way, there is less bleeding., less postoperative pain and enjoy a recoveryón más ráask.

In fact, the time it takes a person to recover from an operationón of Hernia discal L5-S1 wasíto functionón of the tétechnique used for it. In the case of a microdiscectomyía is from one to two días, albeit with effort limitations; and in a spinal endoscopy the recoveryón is más ráask.