Gestures that overload the upper part of the back

The upper back pain It is often caused by bad postures, But there are different ways to deal with this problem.. When we refer to back pain, we generally tend to think of the lumbar or cervical, without paying attentionóno to the central part of the column.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that it is easily overloaded, and being attached to the ribs, has little mobility, so you have to be very careful so that it is in perfect condition and these problems can be avoided.

The back pain, In this type of intervention, an incision is made above the lipoma and its capsule is separated from the surrounding tissues and structures., It usually comes given by adoptionóno bad posture, but there are others to take into accountíntomas, and it is that if we find ourselves with a great intensity in pain, it can be given by a crushing of the vévertebrae because of osteoporosis. in addition, dorsal hernias tooédo not cause sharp pain.


Gestures that overload the upper part of the back

Since we can feel pain in this part of our back, we need to know gestures that overload the upper part of the back, as, without hardly noticing, daily we carry out a series of hábits that may be responsible for our back going, progressively “charging” the back.

So that you can meet them and soí prevent possible back problems, We are going to talk about each of these actions or gestures that can be the cause of the pain and strain in the upper back:

Standing too far from the table

One of the gestures that overload the upper part of the back has to do when we stand too far from the table at lunchtime, work…. Lo máIt is indicated that the chair is close to the table  to avoid having to lean forward; and it should not be low either because in that case it will meaná excessive arching of the back. The table should be at the height of the sternum.ón, below the chest.

Wipe with arm raised and stretched

another actionóThe daily question that may be behind this pain has to do with the dust cleaning, crystals or other corners with the arm stretched and raised. By doing this actionón that apparently can be harmless, we find that the muscles of the dorsal area are tensed excessively.

To perform this actionóIt is not recommended to do it with the arm bent, without raising it too much, using if necessary a ladder or bench, what to beá much máIt is appropriate that having to raise the arm.

You must think that the movement you draw is locatedúe between the lower chest and waist, neither above nor below. Además, rest as necessary to avoid overloading the area.

Stand on tiptoes to reach upper cabinets

when talking about gestures that overload the upper part of the back, spaghettiéWe don't have to talk about the gesture of stand on tiptoes to reach upper cabinets or to reach elements that are in high parts, since when we do this actionón the usual thing is that we stretch our arms to the mámaximum in order to achieve our goal, keepéRaising them above shoulder height for a period of time that can be very damaging to the lats. Thus, it is recommended to always use a stool or a ladder to avoid this.

When you pick up a weight and lift it too much

When you take a weight and you have to raise it excessively, this causes the lats to suffer unnecessarily. Therefore, to avoid this gesture that can cause pain in the upper part of the back and overload, it is recommended to lift it as máup to chest height, and in those cases where the load is too heavy, it is recommended to seek help.

The position of hiding the chest

Both legs should then be dropped to one side slowly. the gestures that overload the upper part of the back that you have to know is the tendency of many women of slouch forward, either to hide a large chest or because they drop the weight forward.

It is recommended to place the shoulders backás and chest out, slightly shrinking the abdomen, what helpá to that the back is más relaxed and pain free. It is preferable to try to rectify this position gradually.

Do “mácorners” in the gym on my own

To finish the list of this type of daily actions that usually cause pain and overload in the upper part of the back, we have to talk about the tendency of many people to do mámachines in the gym on their own and without the help of a professional.

It is important that if you are going to do weight exercises or mámachines for toningón of pectorals or others, use a monitor or personal trainer, what to knowá cóI can help you to perform these exercises without causing damage.ños in your spine.

Recommendations to relieve pain

if you suffer from upper back strain, It is necessary that you take into account a series of recommendations to relieve pain:

  • Do exercises to relax and strengthen the múdogs of the dorsals to prevent them from suffering más due and pain occurs.
  • Download the tensionón doing appropriate exercises for it.
  • Work with exercises to strengthen the back muscles.
  • It is advisable to prápractice of activities that can help end back problems, like yoga or pilates, what are prápractices that can help you a lot to be able to feel a greater well-being.
  • You must know the háBites that are unsuitable for your back, like the ones already mentioned, to little by little try to avoid them, since aceí mayás get  relieve pain and make you feel much better, and free of pain and overload in the upper area of ​​the back.