Function of the spine

The vertebral column or spine begins at the coccyx and ends at the cráneo, forming a single unit, a single órgano vertical. This implies that when we feel any discomfort, pain or problem in any part of the spine, it is mandatory to review the whole set in general.


Functions of the spine

It's the supportémain n of human body and cráneo, helps to support the total weight of it and protect the méspinal game. The bones that make up the spine are the vévertebrae that make the spine into an articulated set.

The column allows the human being the positionón erect and scrolling vertically (standing).

Functionsóno of the spine

• Keeps the trunk upright thanks to the múmuscles and ligaments and stabilizes the trunk by resisting the force of gravity.
• other functionón of the vertebral column is the jointóno of the body, thanks to the vévertebrae that make up the spinal cord and areán linked togetherí as if it were gears.
• The Múdogs, the diaphragm and intestines among others óorgans, are anchored to the spine.
• Protects the méspinal game, which is a very cold nervous tissueágil that can be givenñar before a sudden effort or movement.

Méspinal game

The méspinal game is very important since it is an extensionóno brain, of AHí what isé protected between the vévertebrae of the vertebral column.
Measures about 45 centímeters long andá protected by layers called meninges and by the líquido cefalorraquídeo. Su extensionón is from the brain, until the first vélumbar vertebra and from thereí with “to the first lumbar vertebra and from there” formed the comúmentally named “horse tail”.
It is made up of millions of nerves, who are in charge of sending the informationón a través from the body and from the brain.

Column structure

The column is made up of vévertebrae and between each of them there is a disk, which is called the intervertebral disc, allowing the spine mobility and flexibility. The Vévertebrae are named differently, depending on the area they occupy in the column: cervical, torácicas and lumbar.

If we look at the column from the side, two types of natural curves are perceived which are called lordosis and kyphosis. The form of kyphosis in the skeleton has the functionón to protect one óorgan, while the curvature in the form of lordosis, the column uses it asúmind for movement.
Thanks to the low or lumbar spine, movements of the lower extremities (the legs) and the superiors (the arms), they are totally independent.

Different vertebral areas

As in the different curves presented above, if we view the column from the side, we can distinguish three well differentiated areas of the spine:

• Región Cervical. East á located in the upper area, with curvature cóncava in the form of lordosis, spaghettién called cervical lordosis and with 7 vévertebrae named C-1 to C-7.
• RegióNo Bib. It is the middle area of ​​the back and its convex curvature is of kyphosis or dorsal kyphosis. Make it up 12 vécolumns that are called D-1 to D-12. Some specialists call them T-1 to T-12.
• Región Lumbar. The lower back and the shape of the curve cóncava is lordosis or lumbar lordosis. East á made of 5 vertebrae named from L-1 to L-5.

There are zonesán composed of vértebras móvile and are a total of 24.

There are two zonesás in the area más down the spine, whose véeast armán welded and therefore are immócities:

• Sacred area. Contains 5 vévertebrae called S-1 to S-5.
• Zona Coxígea. Contains 4 vévertebrae named Cx-1 to Cx-5.