Scoliosis: pain, causes and treatment

There are different injuries that can cause great pain in the back., además of different diseases that can have a greater or lesser severity and durationón. In this case, we are going to talk about scoliosis pain, treatment and causes, so you know whaté consists and cóhow can you face your situationón in the event that you suffer from it.


¿Whaté is scoliosis?

The scoliosis it's a deviationólateral n that can occur either to the left or to the right of the vertebral column.

When we look at a normal spine from the front or back we find that it is in a positionón straight. If you look in profile, in the healthy spine without problems four curves can be found, two convex in the anterior part, found in the neck and regón lumbar, and on the contrary, two convex curves at the back, in the sacrum and in the tórax.

Causes of Scoliosis

In regards to the scoliosis pain it is myás usual and one of the first sísymptoms that can lead us to think that there is a problem. As regards the causes, in the majoría of cases are unknown, while in others it is given as a consequence of injuries, infections or other congenital defectsékids in trainingón of the vertebral column within the úmother earth, así as later in the stage of growth and development that takes place before the stage of puberty.

signs, sísymptoms and effects of scoliosis

The scoliosis and the pain they don't always go hand in hand, so there are other signs, sísymptoms and effects that we can appreciate in a simple way. In fact, At first glance it can be seen thanks to these features that make it very evident that the patient suffers from it:

  • A part of the hip is appreciated más bulging or in a positionón más higher than the other.
  • One shoulder sitsúat a height higher than the other.
  • one of the omóplates is located in a positionón más high, or you can appreciate that it is más bulky than other.
  • The head is not centered in the spine or in relation to the hip.
  • Standing, with arms on the sides, the space between one of the arms and the trunk is más wide than on the other side.
  • When the person suffering from scoliosis leans forward, until the back is horizontal, one side of the back isá máare tall or bulky.

in addition, It must be taken into account that all these signs can be seen on the same side of the back., that is to say, toward where the spine is curved the wrong way.

As regards his sísymptoms and health effects, we find that people often suffer from lack of physical activity or obesity, which are risk factors for the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs, there is pain in the back and sensationóNo tiredness or weakness.

Although most people with scoliosis they suffer in a slight way, and its effects are mainly focused on complications that lead to problems when moving, spaghettiéThere may be cases in which it is a severe scoliosis, in which they can imply complications in the respiratory or cardiac functionsíjust for having a tor boxáabout a tamañthe lower.

Scoliosis: pain in the back

Adults with problems of scoliosis You are more likely to have severe back painóunique than the rest, which is due to the fact that the deformationón of the spine causes them to take bad postures that can cause damageñyou in the back.

in addition, the vévertebrae and dañraqu nervesíwishes before the incorrect curvature of the spine.

Diagnóscoliosis and scoliosis treatment

When diagnosing a scoliosis, keep in mind that, a través of an explorationón clíunique and appreciationóno of cl historyípatient's unique, scoliosis can be diagnosed by performingón of a neuronal examógico, checking in this way if there is numbness, abnormal reflexes or muscle weakness. The diagnosisóStico can be completed throughéwith de la realizationón of diagnostic testsóstico per image, with which it is possible to observe the state of the spine and thus be able to determine the existence of somethingún type of problem in the same.

With regard to the treatment of scoliosis, in the face of back pain derived from suffering from this problem in the spine, bets on the infiltrations and radiofrequency treatments, which are options that allow pain relief without the need for the patient to undergo an interventionón whoúrgica.

In fact, only in very severe and severe cases, or in which the patient does not respond to these treatments will beá necessary to assess that the análisis de la situationón by a surgeon, what will i haveá to be responsible for making the decisionówhether it is necessary for you to undergo an operationón wantúrgica o no.

in addition, It is very important to emphasize that beingá It is important that a physiotherapist intervene in the case, it is included, that the possibility that the patient may have to have changes in their diet is contemplated.ón, which may make supplementation necessaryón, recommended by a nutritionist.

In this way, we are faced with a problem that does not have a fácil solutionón in the cases más graves, although fortunately, the scoliosis  it is suffered to a degree that is not severe enough to require surgeryófano. This is a great advantage since throughés of other treatments más conservatives or infiltrations and injections can be made so that the patient suffering from pain can cope with this situation.ón, especially when it comes to a non-permanent problem.