Eliminate back pain with hypopressive exercises

¿Back pain? you feel like you've done a lot of treatments and your back pain doesn't resolve. Read on and discover how you can eliminate back pain with hypopressive exercises.

Hypopressive exercises are a set of movements and breathing exercises, that have been used byños in yoga and other cultures for the relief of back pain.

In this artíass, spaghettién we will leave a file with hypopressive exercises pdf what can it be for you úUseful if you have not found relief with anyúno treatment.

¿Whaté are hypopressive exercises? these are breaths that make pressureón abdominal and through that compressionón relief of back pain occurs.

These hypopressive exercises for men and women take advantage of it equally and it brings them the same therapeutic benefitéuseful for the sword with pain.

It is important that you know that postpartum hypopressive exercises, give excellent results for strengthening the soil pélvico, by them they are recommended afteréI know about having a babyé.

The hypopressive exercises for beginners, spaghettiéYou can't find them online downloadable.


Cóhow to do hypopressive exercises at home

hypopressive exercises
Hypopressive exercises

You must have a special place, similar to the one you have to practice yoga or meditationón and a special mat for this type of exercise. Además of appropriate clothing, light sportswear and cófashion like the one you wear at home.

Maybe you've already done Pilates or yoga, it is said that hypopressive exercises can become moreás effective for back pain relief, strengthen it and improve bad postures.

These exercises are credited with long-term effects in addition to reducingón gradual y ráask from the waist.

Benefits of hypopressive exercises for back pain

  • Exercises of this type tone the múabdominal muscles, achieving a long-term reductionóno waist, sin dañar the back and cause greater pain.
  • Dramatically improves upright posture while relieving back pain
  • They strengthen the soil pélvico thanks to the compressionóno of meúabdominal circle
  • Improves the sexual life of women
  • Improves the conditionón of the abdomen and floor pépostpartum lvicus
  • Avoid bladder prolapses and úland
  • Relieves menstrual cramps with improvements
  • Improves breathingóno and alsoén performance in sports

Tétechnique for performing hypopressive exercises

It is based on maintaining some breathing exercises that you will doán takenón to the abdomen repeated form.

positionón standing or lying flat

  1. Breathe and open your ribs with your hands
  2. Then exhale and relax your abdomen
  3. Repeat this exercise several times, you can do it on the comma positionón horizontal or you can do it standing up.
  4. Another way to do the repetitions is by stretching the arms to the sides of the body and pressing inwards on the abdomen when inhaling the air

positionón quadrupleétip

  1. Vary the postures of your body to do hypopressive básick. Use the quadruple formétip, place yourself on your knees and palms and contract your abdomen at the same time you inhale air, hold the air as long as you can.
  2. Exhale the air and relax the múabdominal muscles
  3. repeat between 5 a 10 times exercise daily

Exercise precautions

Pregnant women should notístill do these exercises while you areá brewing. only benefits them post-partum.

People with severe respiratory problems, arrhythmias or hypertensionón arterial.

Sports advice is recommended and médico caná improve tépressure techniqueóof the abdomen by breathingón.

Whenever you want to relieve back pain that has not improved with analgesicéphysical or other treatments, always isá the opción to do exercises of this type.

You can download the exercises from a manual on hypopressive exercises pdf