Does the damaged sciatic nerve recover?

The dolores lumbres are very common in the populationón adulta, foundáwithin this group with a pain that is very strong and disabling, what we know as ciática. Además, is téterm is used to refer to all those conditions that are relatedónot with him nervous thereático and that cause intense pain and other síntomas.

Many people wonder if the nervous thereátic fromñado recovers yes, Conversely, this doesn't happen. In this sense it is important to know that recovers in majoría of the cases, but in functionóNo of the type of lesionóit will not be possibleá determine whether or not it is recoverable.


Síci nerve symptomsátic fromñado

Before explaining everything you need to know about the nervous thereátic fromñado recoverswe have to refer to the sísymptoms that can be suffered if you have the ciátic fromñado.

The síntomas in questionón are as follows:

  • very intense pain and throbbing in the lower back, radiating down the leg. The pain is usually felt more intensely in the buttock and leg than in the region.ón lumbar, it is unusual for it to be bilateral.
  • The pain worsens when standing up or sit down, while if the person remains lying on their back or walking, the pain subsides.
  • can be felt tingling or weakness in the leg affected by a ci nerveátick what isá inflamed or pinched.

nervous thereátic fromñado recovers

recovery timeón of the nervous thereático

Now that you know that a nervous thereátic fromñado recovers in many cases, you need to know the recovery timeón. In general, a nerve thereáinflamed attic stop hurting in questionón of días or a few weeks.

Nevertheless, when the nerve ciático has suffered somethingúand yesñO, time and forecastórecovery sticoón depends on the type of dayñor that has been suffered:

  • In the event that it is a nervous thereátic fromñI go for a compressionón does not affect nerve fibers used to stop hurting in questionón of a few weeks or a few months. Nevertheless, It is true that there are some cases in which compression relief cannot be achieved.ón without surgical treatmentúlogical and beá need to know the risks and benefits.
  • When the ci nerveático is affected más allá of myelin sheaths, recovery is not always achievedón total, being able to reach take until añO, although you always try. the proneóstico is good, understanding that the nerve ciáAttic can get to recover enough to be able to develop a normal life.

treatment of the dayñor in the ci nerveático

Más allá to know that he nervous thereátic fromñado recovers, and to know the time it may take to recover, always start with a treatment sás conservative. In this way, In a first attempt, it is usually enough with a treatment that helps to solve most of the civic problems.ática, albeit in a temporary but lasting way.

It cannot be guaranteed that you will not suffer from another episode of ciáethics throughout the patient's life, especially if something happensún type of hernia or lesión that predisposes to suffer this type of pain before the más slight inflammationón de la raíz nervous.

Anyways, the first treatment for andñor in the ci nerveático consists of the rest with analgesic anti-inflammatorieséphysical for a few daysítwo weeks, continuing with a physiotherapy treatment. In some cases, although it is in the least, the pains of ciática remit a few díundress themés of having been at rest with analgésick. In this case not beíIt is essential to have to undergo a rehabilitation processón, although yesí It is recommended to avoid a repeat of the episode for a short time.áit's late.

The rehabilitationón in the treatment of a nerve ciátic fromñado try to relieve the pain first, to later try to maintain a musculature in the back that contributes to avoiding postures in which the ci nerveátic on the side that is affected may be compressed.

On those occasions when it is necessary, if after several months have passed it does not look bettería, and above all, in the event that the neurol systems persistógicos, to beá need to start the rehabilitationón neurológica, which may be linked to cr pain treatmentónico.

nerve thereático that does not recover

done the above, if we find that despite the fact that the nervous thereátic fromñado recovers many times, it happens that we do not find a favorable answer, be evaluatedá Is it appropriate to resort to surgery?íto so that throughés of an interventionón wantúrgica can be achieved that the nervous thereátic fromñado recovers yes, Conversely, what happens is that there is a dayñthe permanent. shoulder blade or shoulder higher or bulging than the other úlast case, the solutionóto beá opt for re-educationón facing pain crónico.

Nevertheless, although it may seem something very negative and even discouraging for those who may be presenting this type of problem, keep in mind that in the great majoría of the cases the ci nerveático recovers at cuestión weeks or a few months.

On those occasions when there is a dayño neurolólight gico beá necessary to have somethingás of patience and tranquility, although I know to goá progressively seeing how there is a bettería. In any case, once you have gone through the rest and analgesia stages, it is possible to start the exposure therapyóno progressive to pain if the patient doesí requests it.

Nevertheless, this therapy is not usually needed for severe painónico; and that is why it is common for specialists to focus on treatment of physiotherapy núsculo-esquelética during the first weeks; and in this way to be able to check and evaluate the evolutionón de la lesión and of the problem, so that I caná adapt to the needs of each patient.

nervous thereátic fromñado recovers