exercises for herniated disc

When we talk about doing exercises to strengthen and improve the herniated disc, We have to keep in mind that we must start in a moderate way and if possible with the help or supervision.ónot from an expert.

Anyway, There are some exercises that are performed correctly and as indicated, They are a great help to improve health., mobility and even decrease in some cases the herniated disc pain.


Prepárate for the exercises

herniated disc

You always have to be cóway to do the exercises and it is best to wear comfortable clothesófashion that does not pressure us and helps us to perspire correctly.
The surface must be smooth and without deformations to avoid possible injuries when performing the exercise incorrectly.. Say an algaeún moment it is necessary to do exercises on the floor, it is recommended to use a surface on which to lean, to be cómodes and dampen in the mámaximum impacts on the back.

At first the routines should not last long.ás de 10 O 12 minutes, to gradually increase throughout the week, up to even the 40 minutes. The work must be done for at least 5 díace a week and rest 1 O 2.

You have to be aware of your breath.ón and not stop doing it at allún moment, trying to take air in through the nose and blow it out through the mouth.

The movements beán slow but sure at first, to check the capacity and elasticity of our body. Never make sudden movements that can also cause injury.ás of the ones we already have.


You can do the exercises at home., at your own pace and at the time that best suits you, but alsoén you can complete a good table of exercises with other activities such as:

• The bicycle isática
• swimmingón
• Running pool. Simulate running but in the water, to avoid impact on the back.
• Pilates
• Yoga
• stretches or “stretching”
• floor exercises

It is recommended to start in a moderate way and with floor exercises it is easier.ás fácil start a routine.

floor exercises

All the exercises are performed on the floor and for them it is necessary to place a padded surface to avoid damage.ñar the area of ​​the back with its own weight.

• knee to chest. ÉThis exercise is very effective for stretching the lower back.. you lie on your back, you grab the right knee with your hands and in positionón of 45 degrees, we gently bring it closer to the chest. Mantéin the positionón for a few 5 seconds. You go back to the start and do the same with the other knee. Do it 10 times with each knee (this is called a series). you rest 20 seconds and you return another series, así until do 3.
• Contradict usón abdominal. Face up on the ground, bend the knees forming a áangle of 45 degrees, placing the soles of the feet on the ground. Mantén both arms on each side of the body, stretched out and palms down. Contract the abdominal area and “Push” the lower back as if you wanted to erase the natural curvature. do it during 15 times (this is a series) and rests 20 seconds. repeat the series 3 times.
• cat stretch. On the floor, you stand on all fours and raise your back in a gentle curve upwards until you form a kind of “puente” With your body. The head must face the ground. Mantén 10 seconds and curve your back down, all you can, while you keep your head up. Mantén 10 seconds and rest others 20 seconds. repeat the series 3 times.