Back pain and work absences

The Back pain It is a very common ailment among citizens, esteemáknowing that he 80% of the populationón world sufferá low back pain throughout life, which makes it clear that back pain is one of the most prevalent ailments throughout the planet.. In this way, it is not extrañwhat half of the sick leave in Spainñhave to do with back pain.

So that you can have máwith informationón about it and you can see all your doubts about it resolved, we are going to talk about back pain and its relationshipón with the absences in the áwork environment.


Common causes of back pain in the workplace

Although it may not seem like it, since it does not suppose a priori anyún type of exercise or effort fíphysical, office work is one of the más harmful and detrimental to the health of the back. These professionals often suffer from different ailments., among which we find tendinitis, osteoarthritis and even more serious problems such as herniated discs, all this derived from sitting in front of a computer screen for many hours and executing repetitive movements, which ends up causing a negative and harmful effect on the body.

The poor postural hygiene doesn't help it, so it is essential to follow some principles báergonomic padsíto improve lumbar health. in addition, spaghettién is key to reducing other health problems such as síndrome of túin the carpiano waves tendonitis in the arms. 

For this reason, it is not extrañThese common back pain problems occur, which have their impact on the world of work, and that they are responsible for many of the users' sick leave. And onceóno of it, It seems essential that workers are able to adopt good work postures and good practices.ápostural hygiene practices to try to avoid these discomforts and health problems.

in addition, In the work environment there are other problems that occasionally cause health problems in the back.. Some common causes of back pain in the workplace with the following:


  • Wrong posture: Maintaining poor posture for long periodsíears of time, such as slouching or leaning forward when sitting or standing, can exert tensionóexcessive n in the spine and the múback muscles, which leads to pain.
  • Lifting heavy objects: Lifting heavy objects incorrectly, especially without the téadequate technique, can cause tensionón in the múback pain and cause injuries such as muscle sprains or herniated discs.
  • Repetitive movements: Perform repetitive movements, how to lift, twist or stretch constantly, can overload the múback pain and cause severe painónico.
  • Ergonomíto inadequate: Using furniture or work equipment that is noténo designñados ergonóly can contribute to the development of back pain. For instance, chairs that do not provide good lumbar support or desks that are notán at the proper height can cause stressóno in the back.
  • strés labor: The strés and anxiety can manifest fíphysically in the form of back pain. The strés crócan only cause tensionón muscle and stiffness, which increases the risk of experiencing lower or upper back pain.
  • lack of activity nísica: Remaining sedentary for long periodsíodes of time can weaken the múback pain and increase the likelihood of experiencing pain. Lack of regular exercise alsoén can contribute to posture and flexibility problems.
  • Work overload: Performing tasks that require prolonged standing or repeated heavy lifting, without enough breaks to rest and recover, can lead to the development of back pain due to tensionón constant in múbones and joints.

Cóhow to prevent or reduce back pain

Given the above, it is important to find solutions to back pain, since in many cases it becomes an ailment that is even disabling and prevents carrying out normal daily activities.. For this reason, we are going to talk to you about some principles bápostural symptoms that we recommend you take into account, since they can help you avoid or reduce pain in this area of ​​the body. Some recommendations are the following:

  • Use good furniture: The back is one of the areas más suffered during office work, which implies that it is really necessary to use high quality furniture, with a chair that has a backrest that reaches the shoulder area to support the entire back and offers good support.ón. Además, It is recommended that you have a headrest to rest the cervical area and reduce contractures.
  • Ergonomía: Además of the quality of the chair, It is very important to make correct use of the furniture at our disposal.ón, For this purpose, it is necessary to adjust the chair so that the lumbar area is well and firmly supported on the backrest.. Además, It is recommended to use a footrestés to minimize tension in the lumbar, and choose an ideal height that allows your arms to rest on the table and your eyes to be at the level of the screen frame. arms dutyístill remain on the table forí avoid tendinitis, and it is advised do not sit for many hours in a row, But it is preferable to get up and move to relax your muscles.úbones and avoid tensionón on the neck and back.

Thus, Taking the above into account, you canáwith favorer una adoptionón of a position más cófashionable and safe for your back when working. It is very important to bet on preventionón to avoid pain and injuries in the spine, which at first can be anecdótical or punctual, but with the passage of time and some bad hácontinuous bits over time, You can suffer serious health problems that can reduce your quality of life.. there will be more pressure on the lower back, in case of any problemíphysical, It is recommended to consult a professional.