General care of the spine

when we are jóWe come, we don't usually think about the importance of taking care of our body., Due to this lack of awareness, we do many negative things that affect our health in the medium and long term and we stop doing other good things.égood for our body, in this section we will give some general care of the spine on what we should do and what we should not do to have an adult life and a quiet old age with no spinal problems.

since the childrenños son niños, parents should make them aware of the importance of general spinal care, Playing and running with the right shoes is one of the main care that must be taken with children.ños, shoes must be the correct size, do not sinñthe big ones, where possible they should cover suchón and not have a flat sole, with this it is guaranteedíso that the knocks when running or jogging are cushioned and in this way the spine is protected.

Spinal care

The niñChildren and adolescents tend to have inadequate postures for the spine, they usually sit down on the chairs and stand leaning the trunk to one of the sides, these bad postures in the long term generate two of the diseases más common in the vertebral column, lordosis and scoliosis. Our youth must be educated on the subject.ócome and if necessary The physiotherapist will order posture correctors.

In all ages the mattressón and the pillow play a fundamental role in the general care of the spine, very soft mattresses may seem cómodes, Nevertheless, They are not suitable for the care of our body since in the medium term it causes deformities in the column structure, at the other extreme, very hard mattresses may be suitable for patients diagnosed with problems and should be used if the orthopedist recommends it, Nevertheless, the ideal when it comes to prevention are orthopedic mattressesésemi-hard records that guaranteeíto an ideal degree of firmness. On the other hand, the tamañor the guarantee pillowíto what the regionón cervical is in the positionón goneómica during sleeping hoursñor avoiding the cakeípackage, neuralgia or deviations of the spine.

Take care of your spine

Must be avoid carrying weight to one side, If the market bags are carried, try to distribute the weight evenly to the right and left or ideally in a suitcase on the back; Likewise, women and students tend to always carry the bag on one side and to prevent it from slipping, they acquire inclined positions far from the ergon recommendations.ómicas.

Exercise is essential for preventionón of spinal diseases, sit-ups should be done at least 3 times a week not only for thiséethics if not alsoén to protect and support the spine, exercises that strengthen the musclesúdorsal muscles and back, neck and legs promote and prevent related diseases. When walking or riding a bicycle, keep your abdomen againstído to avoid spinal injuries.