What are the posterior neck muscles?

The Múneck muscles are those that are responsible for covering, as can be deduced from its own name, to the kingsóno of the neck. They are mainly in charge of head movements in all directions, and can be divided into three main groups, that depends on your positionónot on the neck. In this way, we can meet them múanterior teeth, múlateral muscles and múdogs back neck. Of these úlast beingsá of which we will talk throughout the próKhimas lídenies.

In any case, you should know that the neck musculature is subdivided into groups más concrete according to different characteríimportant statistics, like your locationón exact, its functionón or its depth.

the positionón of a múI'm the group of múmuscles in the neck is usually related to beingá related to his functionsón. In the case of múdogs back neck, for instance, They are the ones in charge of the extensionóno of the neck.


Múposterior neck sculi

The posterior aspect of the neck is covered by músculi connecting the cráneo with the vertebral column and with the pectoral girdle. These múmuscles can be divided into three layers:

Capa superficial

What can cause back pain due to alterations or inflammation in the area of ​​​​the injury capa superficial we can find:

  • Trapeze. are a múvoluminous century, flat and triangular, which together with its contralateral counterpart has a diamond shape.  The músicle is extended over the posterior aspect of the neck and the portionótop n of tórax. According to the orientationóno of its fibers, the trapezoid isá divided into three portions: downward, transverse and ascending, each with insertion pointsóno different. Its functionón main is to produce flexión lateral y rotationón contralateral head when actúto unilaterally, así how the extensionón of the head when done bilaterally.
  • Músplendid centuries. When we talk about the múdogs back neck in its surface layer as welléno need to mentionóno to the músplendid centuries, what are two, splenius capitis and splenius neck. Its functionón is to extend the head when contracted bilaterally, while the contractionón unilateral origina flexión lateral y rotationón of the head on the same side.

deep layer

What can cause back pain due to alterations or inflammation in the area of ​​​​the injury deep layer, for his part, we can find:

  • Múcervical transverse spinous sculi: When talking about the múdogs back neckwe meet the múcervical transverse spinous sculi, what are the múdogs semispinous head, semispinous neck and multíneck fido. Its functionón is to extend the head and neck during contractionón bilateral, así like the flexión lateral y rotationóhead to the same side during contractionón unilateral.

lesser deep layer

By úlast, on the lesser deep layer they find each other:

  • Múdogs suboccipitals: It's four músmall centuriesñthose who sitústill in the regionón suboccipital, deep to músemispinous sculi and are: rectus capitis posterior major, rectus capitis posterior minor, oblique capitis major, and oblique capitis minor.

    All of them are innervated by the suboccipital nerve and supplied by the vertebral artery and the deep descending branches of the occipital artery.  The functionón of these múmuscles is to maintain body posture, but alsoén to be able to carry out head movements. in functionón of withál de estos múmuscles to contract extension may take placeón, flexión lateral y rotationóno of the head.

  • cervical interspinous: Its the pigócervical n of the group of múinterspinous centuries. East án composed of six pairs of músicles occupying the space between the tips of the spinous processes of vésuccessive vertebrae. Thus, have their origin in the superior aspect of the spinous processes of the véC3-t1 vertebrae and become inserted into those of the vértebras C2-C7.

    In this case they are músculles innervated by posterior rami of spinal nerves and supplied by branches of vertebral arteries, occipital and deep cervical. The main functionón de is type of múinterspinous muscles is to contribute to the extensionóno of the neck.

  • Intertransversarius of the neck: The intertransversarii of the neck represent the pigsón cervical of the múintertransverse dogs, which belong to the lower deep layer of the múpulled inídry back. These receive innervationón by the anterior and posterior rami of the cervical spinal nerves, y ademáare irrigated by the deep cervical arteries, occipital y vertebral.

    Given its small sizeñO, the functionón of these múmuscles is to only provide assistance in flexingóno side of head, así as to stabilizationón of the cervical spine during movement.

Múanterior and lateral neck muscles

In this way you already know the múdogs back neck, although in order to better understand the functioning of the neck it is advisable that you have knowledge about the other músculi of the same, what are the following:

  • Múanterior neck muscles. The Múanterior neck muscles are a group of múmuscles that cover the anterior aspect of the neck and that we can find the músuperficial muscles, the Músuprahyoid muscles and the múinfrahyoid centuries, así like the múanterior vertebral sculi.
  • Múlateral muscles (vertebral) By the neck. The Múlateral neck muscles, spaghettién called múvertebral lateral sculi, they are a group of meúmuscles that run obliquely along the sides of the neck. These include the múprevious scalene centuries, middle and back, which extend between the transverse processes of the vécervical vertebrae and first two ribs. These múcenturies mainly produce flexión ipsilateral neck.