What are the causes of herniated disc L5 S1?

The Many people do not know what a is a pathologistía a través of which the intervertebral disc that sitsúto between these two vévertebrae suffers a break, what causes some of your content to pop out, which causes the spinal canal to be reducedídeo, a channel through which nerves exit the spinal column.

This condition causes pain in the lower back and even pain that can be felt down the leg., what is known as ciática. This is a problem that must be tackled to avoid discomfort and improve the patient's quality of life., being key for this to understand in whaté consists of thaté treat a herniated disc, así as the causes that cause pain; and acting in the appropriate way to solve itón.


Whaté it's a herniated disc

herniated disc is a pathologistía in which the intervertebral disc suffers from a fissure, a disc that is made up of two parts. One of them is the annulus fibrosus, what is the partáexternal s of the same and that has a hard consistency; and the núcleo pulpy, which is the internal part and of gelatinous consistency.

This rupture of the disc is produced by the continuous pressures to which the disc is subjected that make it become más débil and dehydrated, causing the annulus fibrosus to fissure and the núpulpy cleo tends to come out through this fissure.

In its beginnings it is a protusiódon't smallña fissure and over time it can become a herniated disc. In a herniated disc, the rupture is greater  part of theúpulpy cleo can get out, which usually occurs in the directionón posterolateral and compress the spinal canalídeo, a space through which the nerves that go from the spine to the lower extremity exit.

Causes of L5 S1 Disc Herniation

The L5 S1 herniated disc is a lumbar herniated disc that is a pathologyíbecause it has different causes that cause its appearanceón, foundáhovering between the mechanical factorsáonly the following:

  • strong trauma, such as those that can occur in the case of accidents
  • La adoptionón of incorrect postures
  • In those cases in which it is given by efforts with loads
  • Microtraumas that are caused by repetitive activities
  • lack of exercise fíphysical, that is to say, those people who are sedentary.

in addition, In addition to the above, we must talk about other causes and factors that can cause the appearance ofón of the hernia discal L5 S1. These are the visceral causes, that is to say, a ódysfunctional organón that can lead to cause a herniated disc or do it progressively until there is a situationón that causes strong pain as a trigger.

In this way, a dysfunctionón de riñón can cause the appearanceón of a left L5 S1 herniated disc; while the dysfunctionóno. of úuterus in the woman or the próstata of man can cause a right L5 S1 disc herniation to originate. These situations that we are going to mention nextón can negatively affect the operation of these óorgans:

  • The strés and the fatigue that is generated by the strés is a key factor, since it is a situationón in which there is a waste of energyíto excessive for the body
  • The diet, since an incorrect dietón can favor the occurrence of a dysfunctionón en los óorgans mentioned.
  • Different emotions can negatively affect the óorgans, causing a dysfunctionón. Emotions that negatively affect the riñóThey are not the fears, insecurities or financial problemsómonkeys that generate insecurity. In the case of dysfunctionón in the útero of day próStata are the fears, the lack of self-esteem in relationón with partner or children, divorces…
  • In the case of women tooéThey can affect hormonal changes and even factors thatímics from prolonged use of oral contraceptives, or the use of the IUD.
  • El riñón, próbeen or úuterus can cause vertebral blocks at this level causing a Many people do not know what a. These blocks cause asymmetryímuscle aces and mobility restrictions in the vertebral segment L5-S1 that cause the appearanceón of asymmetryímuscle pain and mobility restrictions, affecting the pressures that the intervertebral disc supports; and this can cause disc herniation. Nevertheless, spaghettiédoes not affect the entire mecháBody support of the lower back, lower extremity and pelvis.

Sintomatología and treatment of disc herniation L5 S1

The symptomatologyía of the L5 S1 herniated disc can vary in areas and intensity according toún the degree of affectationón of the intervertebral disc. The signs tíspikes are pain in the gl areaútea, in the lower back, on the leg or ciática, así such as tingling in the leg that can extend to the foot  or muscle weakness.

As for the treatment of herniated disc L5 S1 is a pathologistíto which it usually forms progressively due to causal factors, to exceptón when it is given by a strong accident or trauma. For this reason, it is important to assessóglobal analysis of the body to be able to determine the cause that has caused it based onón of its different factors thatímonkeys, mecáunique, emotional, of strés…

The usual treatment consists of:

  • Massage and manual therapy
  • osteop vertebral manipulationsátics
  • Exercises to strengthen the múmuscles that are weak and promote mobility
  • Anal Muscle Stretchesítics and muscle chains
  • Diathermy tertiary therapy
  • Neurodynamics to mobilize the ci nerveático and correct possible entrapments
  • Treatment with medicinal plants and dietary guidelines aimed at correcting the dysfunction.ón visceral that causes disc herniation
  • stress controlés and emotional disturbances that can cause and/or irritate a herniated disc.

In this way, a través of these treatments can be managed to deal with the L5 S1 herniated disc.