What is the best sport to take care of your back??

carry out activities fíSicas helps to strengthen the back and prevent pain, and although there are better sports than others to be able to achieve a better state of the back, We will tell you some details about it that you should take into account., for your information cuáIt is the best sport to take care of your back.

A fundamental part of back self-care is acquiring the right tool.ábit of doing regular exercise, achieving elasticity and flexibility in this area that are essential for prevention.óno pain. And it is that, although it is common that your back may hurt, you must take into account that It is not advisable to rest. Tan solo isá indicated during the first two daysíso that the inflammation goes downón, and on the third dayíafter suffering the pain, it is advisable to exercise, since otherwise, the Múmuscles shorten and strength is lost in this area.


The best activity for your back

When you consider whaté type of sport choose, so that your back does not suffer problems, You must think that one of the best sports you can practice is swimmingón, since it is a práethics that serves to exercise all the múscles and the risk of getting hurtñor it is very small.

Nevertheless, We must keep in mind that there are other sports like run or ride a bike they can be tooén beneficial as well as safe if you adopt a series of precautions. thenóWe are going to talk to you about the best sport to take care of your back..

the swimmingón, the best sport for your back

The swimmingón is a greatígreat sport for those who suffer Back pain, although it is necessary to practice it well to avoid injuries, although the risk of suffering an injuryón in it is very small.

This is because when you swim there is no prácticamente ningún impact on spinal structures, because water supports the body, that in this environment does not weigh, what helps cushion movements. in addition, It is advisable not to keep your back hyperextended and not to jerk backwards.ás the neck when you lift your head out of the water to catch air.

Secondly, It is recommended to get used to swim backstroke. In this way, the column will be foundá straight during prápractically the entire exercise fíphysical.

Precautions when practicing running

The running spaghettiécan be a good práethics to be able to take care of your back, although to do this we must keep in mind that running involves a repetitive shock to the spine, which causes a problem to appear or worsen in the area. In each of the strides and to reduce the impact when running, the Múmuscles must counteract this impact and keep the body upright.

In this sense, there are several points to take into account to be able to do this activity safely and without risks to the back., starting with the recommendationón of do not put your head in front of your body when running. Try to maintain the alignment axis at all times.óno of the spine.

You must try, Secondly, run on grass or sand. Do it on the city streets, although it is a práusual ethics, it's not the mostáit's appropriate, because when you step hard on the asphalt, se agreden las vévertebrae and the soft structures between them. for this reasonón, it is advisable to run on grass, sand or a padded track, since this will beá flattering for the spine by significantly reducing the impact it suffers.

Among the rest of the tips to take into account, it is necessary to emphasize that you have to wear special shoesíyou're running of good quality, thanks to the cuáyou can reduce to mámaximize impact and rebound, and should be replaced as soon as wear on the sole can be detected., since otherwise the problems will beán older.

By úlast, to achieve better health throughés del running, must be eliminate the belly and strengthen the abs, since this way you can getá that the spine better withstands the impact of running, since these músculos hasáits function wellón of support the lower back.

Cycle carefully

As we have already indicated, además of the swimmingón and the running, There are other sports that can be practiced and that are positive to take care of your back and prevent some problems in it., being one of them cycling.

to get started, If you are going to opt for this sport, It is recommended that you keep in mind the need to use a bike that fits your height. Otherwise, the body adoptá a positionón wrong than what will doá to beá let your spine suffer. For this reason, You must take into account a series of recommendations regarding its práctic, how are the following:

  • The neck should not be arched iáswing it backás, not even the back. From time to time it should be raised and lowered smoothly and without jerks., to theí get the area to loosen and prevent it from becoming tense.
  • Many times beá máIt's easy to cycle on a positionón leaning forward, on the handlebar, especially if you have degenerationón of the lumbar vertebral disc.
  • Is better than don't do mountain bikingña nor do you go on uneven surfaces where you may suffer shocks, ya que la vibrationón increaseá I understood itón of the column and what it will doá to beá let me sufferáyesñO. If you go by bicycle, to avoid spinal problems and jerks, It is advisable to drive on smooth terrain.
  • you must put shock absorbers on the front wheel and use cycling gloves to reduce upper body shock.

Watch other sports

in addition, además of the sports mentioned, It must be taken into account that there are some that have a reputation for not being comfortable for the back., like tennis, skiingí, golf or squash, among others, but if you like them, they don't have toé stop practicing them.

If you are going to practice them you will haveáI know that preheat in an appropriate way to prepare your body for its prásafely.