back contracture

Normally we think that only athletes or people who make sudden movements suffer from contractures in the back, but it's a myth, sedentary lifestyle also causes contractures in the back.

The contracture of the back is the lesión más común of which we can suffer in the back, It is not serious and is caused by a sinfíno reasons, that make it present in almost all people, at least once in life.


¿Whaté it's a back strain?


A contracture arises when a músculo works máI know what he is capable of, either intensely, punctual or maintained said work, causing an inflamacióexaggerated n of the múcentury, causing a lump in the area, on éyou're cool, in the back. Due to the bulk, colloquially we call “naked” to a contracted back.

A back contracture is not only caused by overstrength the back, or sustained inappropriate movements, but alsoén due to lack of back power, result of previous injuries, operations and even lack of activity física. Some astronauts suffer from the pémealtime óbone and muscle after months without gravity in space.

The back contracture causes pain because the back contains the transmitting nerves de informationónot from the brain, so it directly activates the pain nerves contained in it, the pain being very intense and radiating at times.

The contracture alsoén decreases blood flowíneo, causing a loop, because the lack of irrigation also causeséno contractures, and the lack of blood, spaghettién activates pain nerves, and when the loop starts, weakens the múdogs, causing frequent contractures.

That's why it's key exercise and strengthen the back and its múdogs, whatever the origin of the contracture.

¿Whaté causes a strained back?

As we have mentioned before, the main origin of a back contracture is excess effort, but we want to be más clear so that you can prevent it.

● Subjecting the back to a greater effort than it can bear, either suddenly, repetitive or by resistance
● When we want to do a task with a musculature débill on the back, being prápractically the same effect as the previous point
● A sedentary lifestyle weakens the muscles, significantly decreasing its strength máxima
● err posturesólines held for a long time or repeated many times, how to carry something with your back turned, study with your head to your chest, standing for a long time with a bad positionón, etc.
● by a sudden sudden movement, for instance, do gymnastics without warming up or without the conditionón fíproper physical
● The strés or anxiety can generate a contractionón of the múback muscles

The exercise: key to preventionóand the treatment

If you have been unlucky enough to have had a back contracture, sabrás that can last díso and that the pain, sea más or less strong, It is really annoying, constant and does not rest. We guess that experience is enough to make you want to avoid having another one.… if you haven't had one, pregútell someone who has had it: wantás not have one.

Both to prevent and treat, the exercise níphysical is key, then strengthen the múback muscles and increases the level of resistance in strong or sudden movements and increases the level of tolerance for inappropriate movements.

Experts recommend fitness exercises such as walking, bicycle, and run, además of exercises to strengthen the abdomen. Instead, they do not recommend anyún exercises that involve twisting the back or that involve carrying or holding, for instance, weightlifting or throwing objects.

It is recommended to do the exercises at least three times a week and take breaks every 30 O 60 minutes, depending on the durationóno of your routine.

we won't talk, as on other occasions, of treatments or remedies, since they can only be prescribed by a méI say, otherwise, you can cause dañirreparable of another kind. If you have a contracture, come to you méI say and hopefully you recover soon and that éhundred informationón help you prevent any other contracture or injuryón.