How lumbar MRI is performed

The spinal column can be mainly divided into three parts: cervical, dorsal y lumbar. Pain in the lower back is becoming more and moreás frequent due to the sedentary lifestyle and the current pace of life that we lead, to overload or poor posture. Nevertheless, not because they are habitual you have to put them aside and endure the pain, so it is always important to receive a diagnosisóspecialized and professional clinic to obtain a treatment according to a pathologyíwho suffers throughés what is known as a lumbar resonance.


¿Whaté It looks on an MRIética lumbar?

The magn resonanceética is based on the effects that occur on the áhydra tomesógene in a magnetic fieldévery powerful attic and radio frequency waves, to theí get imádetailed genes of the óorgans and structures of the body. one of the characterím sticsáThe important advantages of the test patient is that it does not take place with radiation.ónon ionizing, this being a point to take into account in this regard.

The lumbar resonance It is a non-invasive procedure that is used when the radiografía does not allow you to find the cause of a pain in the lower part of the back, leg pain, soft spot, numbness or tingling, problems with bowel or bladder control

Its uses máFrequent problems or problems that are detected thanks to the lumbar resonance are the following:

  • The evaluation is carried outón of bone lesions, intervertebral discs, ligaments and nervous system such as the méspinal game, the cauda equina and the exit of the spinal nervesíthe gods, diagnosing injuries that are as common as disc herniation or canal stenosis, which in this case occurs more frequently  in the elderly.
  • It allows to carry out the study of the anatomyíof the spine and its alignmentón for valuationón of the possible existence of pathologyías they are, for instance, scoliosis.
  • They can help diagnose tumors, anomalousístructural or development, tumors, swollenón, infections or inflammatory conditions of the vévertebrae or the tissues that surround them.

For early detection of pathologiesíAs they may appear in the spine, it is essential that the entire process be carried out in a ráask.

A clear example of the use of lumbar resonance it has to do with the diagnosisóstico of a herniated disc. It is a disease in which part of the intervertebral disc is displaced towards the raíz nervous, presses on it and causes intense pain. This diagnostic testóStica allows us to see if all the anatomi- cal structuresómicas of the lumbar spineán your site or is there somethingún type of alterationón what can be the cause of the pain.

the imáThe genes obtained with this test allow the specialist to know where the origin of the pain that radiates along the path of the civic nerve is located.áethical in those cases in which this proof is sought if it is padece thereática, so that you can get a diagnosisóstic máit's appropriate.

Cóhow the lumbar resonance is performed

Once we have explained whaté is the lumbar resonance, you have to keep in mind cómo takes place. In this sense, it is important to take into account the steps to follow., beginning with the patient lying on a stretcher móvile while the télet it beúto the patient in a positionónot correct. The patient must remain immóvile during the time the study is conducted.

As the test is carried out, sounds are heard coming from the máwhich one, but with whom there is no need to be alarmed, since it is something completely normal. Además, during the process an indication can be madeón al técynical to stop the study immediately in case you suffer from somethingúno kind of discomfort.

¿Cuáwhen lumbar resonance is used?

The lumbar pain is one of the causesás common in the field of consultations of the ábad traumatologistía; and before treatment begins, it is common for the specialist to have to collect different diagnostic tests.óthat help you have the informationón timely to be able to issue a diagnosisóstico and its subsequent treatment.

For this reason, there are many occasions in which a lumbar resonance. There are many síSymptoms that can cause a patient to undergo an MRIéethics of this type, It is a physiological movement of the pelvic girdle that is usually performed when a hip flexion is carried out., for example in those cases in which one suffers from a clamping on the ci nerveátic for a long time; or if there is anyún type of pain or difficulty when moving the lower back.

It is also commonly used as a control test., both preoperatively and postoperatively for spinal interventions.  Spaghettién is a test that is frequently used in cases of patients suffering from sclerosis n —úmultiples. onceón is that it allows obtaining informationódetailed n of the méspinal game.

The proof

When it comes to talking and getting to know in depth the lumbar resonance keep in mind that this lastsón of between 20 and 40 minutes in the máhow closed and in between 15 and 30 minutes in case you areé open.

When facing this type of test, the need to go fasting or not to perform this test may vary.. Nevertheless, the usual thing is thatí to be asked to come fasting in case it needs to be administered by víintravenously a contrast, being this úlast required to be able to rule out different pathologiesías they may affect the patient.

Lumbar resonance is a test that is needed to be able to rule out different pathologies.íthus and therefore specialists go to her on numerous occasions to be able to have a diagnosisóreliable and to be able to know completely the state of the patient before starting a treatment that allows him to say good-bye.ós to your different ailments and problems that you may suffer.