How to relieve pain in the coccyx bone

The bone of hips is a bone that has a triangular and flat shape; and which is known to be the úlast piece of the spine. This structure, like the rest of the column, It is composed of different vévertebrae. The difference of this element when being observed with respect to others, is that it is compact andá totally merged.

The spinal column is made up of different areas, Being the bone of hips the úlast of them. Specifically, notebookúat the end of the rachis, right afterés of the vértice of the sacred, where is the unión of  to the kingsón sacral with the base of the coccyx


Functionsón of the coccyx bone

Before talking about cóhow to relieve pain in the coccyx bone you should know the functionówhat does it have and  other details. Regarding its functionón, It should be noted that this structure is important for the stability and alignmentóno of the body being a queenón of the rachis; but alsoén is built with the purpose of being the insertion pointóno of meúsculloígeo, which is responsible for supporting the floor structures pélvic and  for the sacral ligamentsáticos, which intervene in the movements of the legs, especially in the stance phase of gait.

Causes of tailbone pain

Taking into account what it is and its functionón, It is time to know the causes that can cause pain in the bone of hips, a pain that runs around the structure ósea, in the lower part of the spine, and that it can come motivated by a caíand, from sitting for a long time on hard or narrow surfaces, from vaginal delivery or degenerative joint changes, among others.

The pain in the bone of hips can be annoying, but it is usually done más sharp at the time of performing some activities, how can it be to sit, stand still from a positionón sitting or standing for long periods of time. Además, some actions such as sex or defecation can become very painful. In the case of women, can cause discomfort with menstruationón.

Habitually, injuries to the coccyx bone generate sísymptoms like pain or coccydynia, what is pain in the coccal areaígea, sensitivity to touch and noticing discomfort when sitting down.

Cómo relieve pain in coccyx bone

In general, the pain goes away by itselfí same after a few weeks or months. Nevertheless, there are different ways in which we can help when it comes to knowing cómo relieve pain in coccyx bone.

For this, it is recommended that the person sitúwhat about your glúHave a pillow that is comfortable; además to try to stay for less time in the same positionón; and if it turns out that the pain occurs continuously and intensely, assistance may be requiredétip. In this case , to beá necessary to make the corresponding diagnosisóstico to proceed with a rehabilitation treatmentón that is focused on the reductionón of the sípain symptoms, and the strengthening of all the muscles.

Health is the mostáit's important, and in case of pain, lo máIt is indicated to go to a specialist who will assess it and indicate the best treatment to alleviate what bothers you so much. in addition, for decrease coccyx pain, it can help:

  • Lean forward while in positionón sitting.
  • Sit on a cube-shaped pillowña or V or donut shaped.
  • Apply heat or ice to the affected area
  • take analgéfree sale sicos, as is the case with paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen.

In the event that the coccyx pain does not improve because we find a coccydin crónica, the médico can do a rectal exam, so that it can be ruled out that another condition is sufferedón. Similarly, the méYour doctor may recommend that you have an MRI.étip for theí to determine the existence of a fracture, of a tumor or degenerative changes, which can cause these discomfort in the coccyx bone.

Treatments for severe painónico of the coccyx bone

Among the treatments that can be managed to try to cope with the pain that appears in the coccyx bone are the following:


A través of the services of a physiotherapist it is possible to get to know cómo perform térelaxation techniquesóno of the floor péthat can help in relieving critical painónico of the coccyx bone, how to breathe deeply and completely relax the ground pélvico, how it can happen when urinating or defecating. In this way, good results can be achieved when it comes to relieving pain..


Another option to be able to treat pain in the coccyx bone is throughéwith de la manipulationón. For this there will beá to massage the múthe dogs that isán attached to coccyx, since they can alleviate it. In this case the manipulationóshould not be done, so típica, a través of the rectum.


Another of the options that can be handled when it comes to knowing howóHow to relieve pain in the coccyx bone is to resort to the use of medicines. I injected herón of anestélocal pain in the coccyx bone can relieve pain for a few weeks. in addition, keep in mind that some antidepressants or antiepileptic drugséoptics tooéThey can not alleviate coccyx pain.


A fourth optionóIn order to alleviate the pain in the coccyx bone, it is necessary to resort to surgery.ía. In this case it is the procedure known by the name of coccigectomía, in which the tailbone is surgically removedúrgica. This optionón should not be evaluated in the first place; and it is only recommended on those occasions in which the pain persists and the rest of the treatments that have been practiced fail.