Causes and treatment of iliac crest pain

The crest theíhere is an anat structureómica located at the upper edge of the hip bone, spaghettién known as ilium. This area is fáeasy to locate because it sticks out at the end.

The pelvis is the ácentral area of ​​the body that connects the torso to the legs. But to create the pelvis, you need the hip bones, the sacrum and the cóccix.

These two words are used in anatomyíto to describe the áarea located at the top of the ilium, which is part of the innominate bone.

It is the upper margin of the wing ilíhere that extends to the brim of the greater pelvis. Se note fáeasily in both men and women.

the vértice del véartex corresponds to the body of the fourth vértebra lumbar (L4). A puncture is performedón lumbar above or below this vértebra.

At palpar the crest theíaca, hands should be placed around the buttocks, and then at the height of the fourth vértebra lumbar, we can find a process óseo that stretches in directionón to the lower extremity. This structure ósea ​​is located on either side of the hip.


Cówe will locate the crest theíaca

The crest theíhere contains a large number of médrama ósea. if used withúnmind to extract céstem cells in m transplantsédrama ósea. Spaghettién is the largest source of grafts óbone used in surgeryíthe maxillofacial.
To see the difference, place your finger íforefinger on the rib and down to find the bulge.

The first bone to protrude from the hip is the pelvis, and the upper border that we perceive is the crest ilíaca. At the top point of the ridge ilíaca, place 3 fingers down.
We will place the lower edge of the bar where the three fingers that we placed previously end.

Once we know dówhere to put the leash, we put the velcro on the front. To improve the effect of pressureón on the waistón, must put the beltóon your back on the bed.

Functionsón de la crest theíaca

Además of that crest ilíhere is important because it is part of the anatomyíto the shoulder girdle, spaghettiédoes not fulfill the functionón to insert several múcenturies in this área. These músculi are located as follows:

The greater and lesser obliques and the transverse abdominis insert anteriorly.
Looking at the rear, hereí the m are insertedúsculus quadratus lumborum, latissimus dorsi and lumbosacral.

Again, this regionón goneóMica is important because it is where abundant mica is stored.édrama ósea.

The crest theíhere is an area of ​​the bone that inserts several múdogs, so when those múit's a dogán injured or inflamed, we can find pain in this area because it is where they connect with the bone.

In these painful cases, the person must see a méI say to determine whaté múit's a dogán affected and assess if there is anyúand yesñor in the fabric óseo.

Causes of il crest painíaca

Muscular weakness

If the múabdominal and lower back muscles areán very débiles, the crest theíhere can be affected, especially if you alsoéare not overweight.

A bump on the crestíaca.

The trauma of a caída or impact injures bones, causing pain and discomfort.

Bad postures or gestures.

Andñstill the nerves, the ligaments and the múmuscles around the hip. For instance, when playing a particular sport.

This oneón in the glúteo

The Múgl sculesúteos isán unidos to the fleece theíaco and any injuryón can extend to the hip.

This oneóno inflammationón of the sacroil jointsíacas.

Spaghettién isá adhered to the crest theíhere and any kind of lesion can be seenóno in the lower back, abdomen or english.

Apophysitis theíaca.

It's likeún in adolescents because their múmuscles and bonesán growing. It consists of tendons attached to the bones that areán tense and inflamed.

Síiliolumbar syndrome

Inflammationón the tearing of the ligaments pélvicos, causing groin pain, pelvis, the hips, the back or even in the areas íntimas. Sports like tennis, golf or volleyball, that can be caused ​​for a twisted pelvis and prolonged standing.

Síndrome piriforme.

The m is involvedúpiriformis succulus located in the áarea of ​​the buttocks. It can affect from the crest ilíhere to the back of the leg or even the foot.

Il Ridge Pain Treatmentsíaca

You may need an MRIética or a radiographíto the hip afterés to see a traumatólogo. These tests can help find the cause of the pain pélvico.

The treatment más habitual is the rest, applying ice during 15 minutes three times a dayía, applyáplacing it in the lower back and elevating the affected area. Anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed.

Some gentle stretching can help you regain strength and ​​flexibility. Nevertheless, the pain of the crest ilíhere is very sensitive and these exercises must be performed correctly so as not to cause máyesñO. For this reason, la rehabilitationón and physiotherapy should be performed under the supervisionóNo. of specialists.

It is the upper margin of the wing ilíhere that extends to the brim of the greater pelvis. Se note fáeasily in both men and women.

the vértice del véartex corresponds to the body of the fourth vértebra lumbar (L4). A puncture is performedón lumbar above or below this vértebra.