The importance of the scalene muscles

It is very likely that inás of an occasionóHaven't you heard of the múscalene centuries,  but you don't really knowáthe sounds. For this reason we are going to explain everything you need to know about them.

to get started, you have to know that theúscalene centuries are divided into three according to functionóNo of your locationón. In the facet joint there is a cartilage that has the same function anterior scalene, middle scalene and posterior scalene. It is located on the side of the neck and between the three they manage to create the base of the triáposterior angle of neck. thenón we will see in depth each of them, so that you can know cuáthey are the múscalene centuries with depth.


anterior scalene

The múIt is in front of the echeloná located on the lateral aspect of the neck, just in the deep layer that hides the prominent músternocleidomastoid sculus. Regarding your inserts, originates from the appótransverse physises of C3-C6 and inserts on the medial border of the first rib.

The functionón of this is to elevate the first rib. The contractionón ipsilateral causes tiltóipsilateral neck contraction andóbilateral n that performs flexión anterior neck. To innervateón occurs in the anterior rami of C5-C6.

middle scalene

The second of the múscalene sculi is the middle scalene, which is the one with the largest sizeñor of all three and that it has several thin and long bellies that arise from the vertebral column and that converge in a common bellyún which inserts on the first rib.

In this case it originates from the apótransverse physises of C2-C7, and joins the first rib. To innervateón takes place in the anterior branches of C3-C8 and its functionón is the elevate the first rib. The contractionón ipsilateral causes flexión ipsilateral neck.

posterior scalene

The posterior scalene is the smallestñor of the múscalene centuries, and contrary to what happens with the previous two, in this case the posterior scalenus inserts on the second rib.

This originates from the appótransverse physises of C5-C7 and inserts on the second rib, with innervationón in anterior rami of C6-C8 and has the functionón to elevate the second rib while ipsilaterally flexing the neck.

anat relationsómicas

The Múscalene muscles are an important part of the anatomyíaround the neck, counting on several important structures that are located around them and between them. The subclavian artery and the brachial plexus pass between the anterior and middle scalenus, and this furnishes a landmark anatómonkey in anestéphysical when performing an interscale approachésingle brachial plexus.

The subclavian vein and the fr nerveénico pass anteriorly through the anterior scalene. The subclavian vein crosses horizontally through theés de él, while the nerve fréunique stretches vertically through the múcentury. The subclavian artery lies posterior to the anterior scalenus..

The importance of the múscalene centuries

Síscalene syndrome

He síscalene syndrome or síscapulo-tor gorge syndromeácica occurs when the blood vesselsíneos or nerves are compressed as they pass through the ribs, the Múscalene sculi or clavíbutt.

The sísymptoms include pain, tingle, or weakness in the arm and shoulder, especially when hands are raised. Having a cervical rib increases your chance of developing this síndrome. Treatments range from physical therapy to surgery.ía to cut the múmuscle or remove the extra rib that is pressing on the nerves or blood vesselsíneos.

interscal blockénico

The brachial plexus extends between the muscle bellies of the anterior scalenus and middle scalenus.. in surgeryíto the upper extremity, the brachial plexus can be infiltrated with anesthesia locally to avoid the use of general anesthesia. At this téconic is known as interscalal blockénico; and consists of the injectionón of anesthesia between the múosculos at cart levelícricoids lake.

Pain is inflammationón

There are different activities that can cause pain and sísymptoms on the scalenes, semitendinosus and biceps femoris:

  • Carry a heavy backpack or bag
  • road accidentsáfico
  • Whiplash
  • excessive cough
  • Shortness of breath when breathing, people with asthma being especially susceptible, bronchitis, emphysema or pneumoniaía.
  • Lift heavy objects with armsás allá Of the waist.
  • Sleep on your stomach with your head turned to one side
  • Work for long periodsíears with head turned.
  • Wearing a tight collar or cropped.

Múaccessory muscles of respirationón

The Múscalene muscles work together toí manage to raise both the first and  the second rib, which increases the volume of tórax. In patients who have trouble breathing, the Múscalene muscles are often activated to try to aid in breathingón, onceón for which they are called múscalene muscles of respirationón.

As the volume increases within tórax, the patient can fill his lungs with air moreás effective. Nevertheless, the use of the músculus accessories is a clímajor sign of respiratory distress, since they are not needed in respirationón of a healthy individual.

Scalene muscle test

When performing the test of the múscalene muscles the following should be done:

  • positionópatient no.. The persona isá lying on cúbito supino, with head elevated and turned to the contralateral side to be assessed, with hands raised above head.
  • positionóno for physiotherapist. The physical therapist stands, on the back of the stretcher with the fingers of the hand on the individual's forehead.
  • descriptionóNo muscle test. The individual is asked to flex their head toward their chest and push against light resistance from the physical therapist..

All of the above must be taken into account in order to know everything related to some múscalene muscles that are so important for our body. It is recommended to stretch them in the proper way, having to follow a series of steps and instructions depending onón of múscalene sculus that wants to be stretched, either the previous, the middle or posterior scalene muscle.