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Back pain

Back pain

We have all experienced spinal problems from time to time., like back pain or neck tension.

In fact, back pain is a extremely common condition and one of the main causes of time lost at work, not to mention the time and money spent seeking relief.

Back pain includes pain in the muscles and tendons, herniated discs, fractures and other problems. Very often, the causes of back pain have developed over a long period of time.

The spine is an extraordinary mechanism. Keeps us stable enough to stand, but it is flexible enough to allow movement.

The vertebral column or spine, it's actually a pile of 24 individual bones called vertebrae.

A healthy spine is shaped like an S when viewed from the side. The spine is the main structural support of the body.

It also houses and protects the spinal cord, and the intricate network of nerves that run through the vertebrae to transmit sensations and movement control throughout the body.


What Causes Back Pain?

Back pain ranks high on the list of self-inflicted diseases.

Most of our back problems occur due to bad habits, generally developed over a long period of time.

These bad habits for back health are:

Sometimes, the effects are immediate, but in many cases back problems develop over time.

One of the most common types of back pain comes from straining the bands of muscles that surround the spine..

Although this can occur anywhere along the spine, occurs most often in the curve of the lower back. The next most common place is at the base of the neck.

Sometimes the back hurts for no apparent reason. This is known as non-specific back pain.

May develop from weakened muscles that may not allow walking every day, bend over and stretch normally.

In other cases, the discomfort seems to come from general tension, stress and lack of sleep.

A condition called fibromyalgia causes chronic back pain from localized muscle tension. Sometimes this original muscle tension comes from stress or other emotional problems..

It doesn't make much difference if the muscle tension comes from lifting heavy objects or something as harmless as a sneeze.: pain can be agony.

The pregnancy commonly brings the symptom of back pain. Hormonal changes and weight gain put new types of stress on a pregnant woman's spine and legs.

Contact sports injuries, Accidents and falls can cause problems ranging from minor muscle injuries to serious damage to the spine or spinal cord..

Prevent back pain

Back pain is common and can be debilitating.

First, steps must be taken to avoid back injury, this could help avoid pain, suffering and the need for further treatment.

Quick tips to avoid putting stress on your back

How can I prevent back pain?

By learning how to prevent back pain, keep your posture in mind. The most important preventive measure against lower back pain it is maintain good posture when standing and sitting.

When standing

Try to keep your head facing forward and your back straight. Keep your legs straight and your body weight balanced on both feet.

When you sit down

Do it in an upright position with lower back support. a small cushion or a rolled towel can help.

Check that the chairs adjust their height keeping the knees and hips at the same level. Feet should be flat on the floor or on a footrest.

When using computer keyboards, forearms must be horizontal, with the elbows at a right angle.

In companies and offices, office furniture must be provided that can be adjusted to the proportions of each body, as well as offering visual presentations to make sure staff know how to avoid poor posture and other problems.

People can make adjustments to workstations and displays to make them more comfortable, this increases productivity and prevents injuries:

When driving

Make sure your lower back is well supported. Proper mirror adjustment prevents unnecessary twisting.

On a long journey, try to stop for regular breaks and stretch.

Before trying to lift something heavy

Check if you can lift it safely: know your limits.

Check if equipment is available to help you safely lift and transport a load.

The companies must offer training to lift objects safely, There may also be rules about when to lift something by yourself and, when to use equipment, like a forklift.

a safe lifting, involves starting with feet apart and one leg slightly forward to help with balance. During elevation, keep your back straight and bend your knees.

Thinking about back health is important throughout the day, even while sleeping.

a mattress should not be too soft, but enough to maintain the body and support the shoulders and buttocks to keep the spine in a straight and firm position.

The pillows are important also to support the head, but without putting the neck at too steep an angle.

Walk or swim

They are simple ways to strengthen the muscles that support your back..

Ask a physical therapist about strengthening exercises for the back. You can also check with your local gym or health center for strength classes..

These stretching exercises and strengthening can help with chronic back pain and prevent future episodes.

What's more, some ways of yoga O tai chi can help you learn correct posture and improve strength, balance and flexibility of the spine.

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