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Tips for a healthy back

Consejos para tener una espalda sanaThe first thing to consider to maintain a healthy and strong back is to exercise. Statistics ensure that 8 decade 10 people suffer or have suffered pain in the spine.

The main cause of this condition is attributed to poor posture.. Those who spend the day behind a wheel or a computer are more likely to suffer from back pain, because without realizing it they spend most of their time sitting in a bad posture, and over time the body will take its toll.

Getting used to maintaining good posture and exercising is the best way to avoid suffering from disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. Additionally, a proper diet and constant hydration should be maintained.. These are the necessary ingredients to be fit and stay young.


healthy back: postures

When sleeping. Must have a comfortable bed, with a mattress in good condition, medium hard, no cracks and no sinking. The pillow must be soft and not very high (a cervical pillow will be ideal).

The most recommended sleeping position he is on his side and with his legs slightly shrunken (Lateral decubitus), but not in the fetal position. Or yes the prefiere, face up (supine position) and with a pillow under his knees. Never try to sleep on your stomach (prone position), this position increases lumbar curvature, thus increasing the risk of low back pain.

when getting up. Most people get out of bed without realizing how to do it.. Gently transition to a sitting position before getting up.

To walk. Walking correctly brings us numerous benefits for health in general, reduces stress and depression. We must walk with our heads held high, back straight and chin parallel to the floor, taking care of the breath. The arms must have a pendulum movement.

In this way we ensure that our spine is straight and that it works restfully.. When walking we must be aware of the posture at all times.

When sitting. Keeping the body in a static position is harmful to the spine, each 40 minutes it is recommended to get up and stretch your legs.

When sitting down, the height of the chair must be adjusted., so that the feet are flat on the ground. The head must remain in a neutral position and the arms in the vicinity of the trunk..

when working on a computer, the monitor should be at the height of your head and at an optimal distance that does not involve additional efforts to the spine.

healthy back: Training

Exercising constantly will keep you in shape. By doing the right exercises correctly you can have a powerful back, very flexible and resistant.

Before doing any exercise, You should warm up the muscles and when you finish stretching them.

Stretching. Every morning when you sit up in bed, make a session of stretching to release the muscles.

practice yoga. With the constant practice of yoga you can obtain transcendental changes in your lifestyle. Yoga provides stretches that greatly help the muscles of the spine and naturally releases compression from the back., creating the spaces between the vertebrae again.

back exercises. To keep a back in shape, the muscles that support the spine must be exercised.. These muscles that help hold the spine straight are: the transversus abdominis, multifidus and pelvic floor muscles.

The transversus abdominis, multifidus and pelvic floor muscles

Exercising the transversus abdominis guarantees us a correct posture. This muscle is the innermost of the abdominal area. Acts like an abdominal binder, but if it is not trained it loosens up and the spine arches. This muscle can be exercised with Pilates.

When we talk about the multifidus, we refer to very tiny muscles found in the interstices of the vertebrae, they give balance and firmness to the spine. The way to keep them active is by performing exercises of axial elongation or elongation of the spine.

The other point to exercise is the pelvic floor muscles, is located at the base of the pelvis. Due to its strategic position, if you don't exercise, will affect the posture and stability of the entire musculature in general. You can also exercise with Pilates.

Bicycling is also recommended, climbing stairs, dancing and not sitting for a long time.

healthy back: Feeding

Diet can have a notorious influence on back pain. Neglecting the diet will lead us to be overweight and can lead us to suffer from the spine.

We must follow a balanced diet and avoid consuming saturated fats, processed foods and excess sugar.

Caffeine and alcohol contribute to dehydrating intervertebral discs, these should be avoided.

For a healthy diet and a happy back, vitamins should be consumed properly, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. A balanced diet will lead us to the proper functioning of our spine.

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