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What is gigantism?

Gigantism describes accelerated growth in childhood due to the production of excess growth hormone..

By definition, gigantism must occur during childhood before the growth plates in the long bones of the body (for instance, the femur or humerus) have closed. In adults, the condition is called acromegaly.

Gigantism is most often caused by a tumor benign in the pituitary gland called pituitary adenoma. Nevertheless, can also be caused by the following disorders:


What are the signs and symptoms of gigantism?

How is gigantism diagnosed??

Magnetic resonance imaging (RM) used to determine the size and location of your child's tumor, if the disease is suspected to be caused by a pituitary adenoma.

On the other hand, various blood tests can provide a diagnosis.

High levels of prolactin or increased amounts of insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) can you suggest the acromegalia, as well as high levels of growth hormone in the blood after oral administration of a large dose of glucose.

low cortisol levels, thyroid hormone, testosterone (In the kids), y estradiol (in girls) may also suggest involvement of the pituitary gland.

Is gigantism very common?

Gigantism is an extremely rare condition that only occurs in children.. Near 100 cases have been reported only in the United States.

Gigantism has been reported to occur in a female to male ratio of 1:2.

What types of treatments are available to treat gigantism?

Surgery is the best form of treatment and cures the 80% of cases of gigantism.

Your son's surgeon will access his pituitary gland using the so-named transsphenoidal approach because the route crosses the sphenoid bone. This bone is located behind the child's nose, especially inside your skull.

With the use of precise surgical instruments, the surgeon will make an incision through your child's nasal cavity to create an opening in the sphenoid bone.

Once the surgeon has access to the sphenoid sinus (the fluid-filled area behind the sphenoid bone), further incisions will be made until a hole is created in the sella turcica, the bone that cradles and protects the pituitary gland.

After your child's pituitary gland is in the operative field, can proceed to the removal of the tumor. Your child's surgeon will use high magnification to easily distinguish normal pituitary tissue from tumor tissue.

Once the tumor has been removed, your child's surgeon will clean out the tumor cavity and seal it.

There are two types of surgery for adenomas; microsurgery and endoscopic surgery.

What can cause back pain due to alterations or inflammation in the area of ​​​​the injury microsurgery a powerful surgical microscope is used to help the surgeon distinguish between tiny structures in and around the pituitary gland.

On the other hand, the endoscopic surgery uses small tubes and a small camera to help the surgeon remove the tumor in small pieces.

Most patients can go home the day after surgery for removal of a pituitary adenoma., and nasal packing is rarely necessary.

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