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Back pain myths

Back pain myths

The most common pain or condition in the world is back pain (around the 80% have had it at least once). The treatments to alleviate this ailment have evolved over the years and with them some myths of back pain have been unveiled. Beliefs that can do us more harm than good.

This affliction has a great influence on our change in mood and behavior, especially when pain is habitual. It can be caused by a bad posture habit, for presenting any disease or suffering bruises at the level of the spine.

Joint pain like lumbago, It is one of the most frequent causes of medical consultation and consequently of absenteeism from work.

This time we have prepared a special article, where we will expose myths and advice in order to maintain a healthy back.


Maintain a straight and upright posture

This proposition is not entirely true, keeping your back straight at all times is just as damaging as keeping it hunched. The natural posture of the spine must be maintained (a little hunched over the cervical and lumbar areas).

Trying to keep your back completely straight does not benefit as much as it is believed since it overloads the lower back and can cause long-term pain.

Lie back and rest to recover

If it is an acute back injury, rest is very helpful in relieving pain, but only for a few days. After that, activities should be done (increasing little by little) that speed up relief and prevent new lesions from appearing.

Only the doctor should advise you on the activities that may be more suitable for you and that can help you improve in less time.

Do not lift heavy objects

The problem is not lifting the weight itself, but how we do it. Many people suffer from lower back injuries when lifting objects, the reason is because they don't do it the right way.

Leg muscles should be used, not back muscles, for this we must lean as close as possible to the object. You can see that it becomes easier to lift without compromising the back and without pain.

Active people don't get back pain

It is not true, Unfortunately. Consistent exercise does not guarantee immunity against back pain.

Many professional athletes have ever experienced an episode of back pain, only with less intensity compared to those who do not practice any sport.

However, exercising the muscles of the back makes us less likely to suffer a lumbago. It is very important that these muscles have strength to support the movements and tasks of the day to day, otherwise these loads would fall on the ligaments and vertebrae and pain will appear over time.

Back pain is always caused by injury

Is not always that way. There are many different causes that can cause back pain that are not necessarily attributed to injury.. For example, daily stress alters the state of the nerves causing dysfunction of the back muscles. (contracts them improperly).

Back problems can also be caused by an infection, disc deterioration or genetic causes such as Spina bifida, spinal muscular atrophy, etc. Even a poor diet can cause back pain.

A massage ends the pain

Completely false, There is a belief that massages are the solution to all pain and it is not like that. If we suffer from back pain, the healthiest thing is to go to a specialist.

The massage will only be effective if the pain is caused by muscle tension and must be performed by a professional. Getting massaged by a hobbyist can make the condition worse and cause more damage.

Sleeping on a hard mattress keeps your back healthy

This is another myth that has become famous and that is not true. Not everyone favors sleeping on hard surfaces.

In Spain a study was carried out, where it was shown that people who sleep on a medium hard mattress suffer less back pain than those who sleep on completely hard mattresses.

If you are comfortable on a hard mattress and your back is feeling better, so, welcome. But if you don't like it, better get a softer mattress, because contrary to helping, may end up accentuating the pain.

If your back hurts, you can't do anything to remedy it

Although each case of back pain is individual, you must take a proactive attitude to eliminate back pain, a different attitude will not improve your condition.

You can start with light to moderate exercises. In case the pain doesn't immobilize you, continue with your daily activities that contrary to what is thought will help you improve.

Pain must be given the importance it deserves, if it is persistent, go to a specialist doctor.

A positive attitude will make you forget that pain disables you. This is the beginning of your recovery.

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