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What is the best position to sleep according to your discomfort?

In about the 70% de las consultas de osteopatía que se realizan tienen vinculación con los back and neck pain, according to different studies, en la gran mayoría de las ocasiones ocasionado por un low back pain and shoulder pain.

For this reason it is very important to know the best way to sleep depending on the discomfort that is suffered. Although on many occasions it is believed that the causes of back pain are due to prolonged efforts or poorly done before some movement, and although it has its share of truth, It is possible that sometimes they are caused by small gestures or blows that have been the cause of this problem and pain in the lower back., dorsal or neck pain.

In many cases these are not the cause, and it is that without hardly noticing, the body tenses and the well-known muscular contractures arrive that end up leading to dysfunctions. for all this, has great importance take care of the posture when sleeping, as well as by adopting different postures in different daily activities.


The importance of postural hygiene

Before you can know what is the best position to sleep based on the pain you have, It is important that you are clear about what postural hygiene is, que no es otra cosa que los hábitos enfocados a mantener una proper body position, either when we are moving or when we are stationary.

We have to understand as an adequate posture that which seeks to correct bad movements or positions and that are carried out unconsciously in our day-to-day activities..

Among them we can highlight sitting in a bad position in the office for more than 8 hours, bear the weight of children on the shoulders, postures maintained for a long time when sleeping or repetitive and incorrect movements when handling heavy loads.

Thanks to learning correct postural hygiene, possible injuries can be avoided, mainly related to the spine, which will lead to the appearance of pain in other parts of the body.

What is the best sleeping position according to your pain?

The sleep It is a key factor in enjoying good health., so not getting enough sleep or sleeping poorly can end up deriving in the suffering of cognitive problems. To begin with, you should know that the hours of rest recommended for an adult person are Come in 7 and 9 hours.

Since it is a considerable time in our day to day, it is important that the position is as correct as possible, so that they can avoid shoulder pain, backwards, neck or legs when we wake up.

The spine has a certain curvature to be able to distribute the load and pressure it exerts on the whole body., hence the best sleeping position is the one that maintains the natural curve as little as possible. to get started, it must be emphasized that there is no perfect position, but we are going to talk about the best positions depending on the problems you may have.

The best position to sleep if you suffer from shoulder pain

If you have shoulder pain when sleeping, you should try to adopt a position that allows you avoid compressing this part of the body when lying down, especially in the event that this discomfort is caused by some type of ligament tear, nervous pain or inflammation.

In this particular case, you should not place your shoulder under the pillow with your head resting on it. It is preferable that you choose position the trunk laterally, with the shoulder that hurts on top. If even adopting this position you are not comfortable, you can choose to place a cushion or pillow in front of your chest, to find the most painless position possible on this support.

The best sleeping position if you have neck pain

It is common for many people to have trouble sleeping when they have neck pain when getting up, something that may be due to suffering from cervical contractures. In this case, keep in mind that the most appropriate position of the neck when sleeping will depend on where the head rests.

It is important to choose the one that is the best pillow for you., that is to say, the one that best suits your cervical area, so it is advisable to try until you can choose the one that you like the most. It is very important to have a good pillow so as not to suffer neck problems when falling asleep..

Currently you can find a wide variety of pillows for all tastes, whether they are soft, hard, medias, of different materials and different heights, among others. In any case, lo más indicado es una almohada que do not force the cervical vertebrae when you put it under your head, in too steep an upward curve.

In those pillows that have two kinds of curves, one that is more accentuated than the other, the head must be supported in the highest part, so as to compensate for the distance between the neck and the shoulder; and at the moment in which you appreciate deformations in the same, it will be time to replace it with a new one.

The best sleeping positions with sciatica and leg pain

Nocturnal leg pain is one of those discomforts that can appear at the end of the day and that usually affects the bones., nerves, blood vessels, muscles and joints of this part of the body. The causes can be varied, either by undertaking some prolonged activity, the posture, fluid retention, calambres… En estos casos, it is recommended do not cross your legs and keep them up for a while.

if on the other hand, you are a person who suffers from sciatica, the best option is to sleep on your back with a cushion or pillow under your knees. If you're better on the side, bend the knees towards the chest and place that cushion between the legs, since this will depend on your preferences at bedtime.

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