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How to stretch sternocleidomastoid

The externalcleidomastoid It is a thick and easy-to-palpate muscle that can be found in the anterior and lateral part of the neck., which fulfills different functions depending on whether only one or both are activated at the same time.

The neck, just like the face, It is a region of our body that is made up of a large number of muscles., among which are the scalenes, esplenio, straight, hyoid muscles or sternocleidomastoid muscle. In the neck region it is possible to find a sternocleidomastoid muscle on each side.


What is the sternocleidomastoid?

The sternocleidomastoid muscle is one of the longest muscles in the area, since it extends from its origin in the clavicle and sternum until it inserts into the temporal bone, more specifically in the mastoid process.

The sternocleidomastoid is a muscle that has different functions depending on whether only one or both are activated.. For this it is important to know how they work., and these are activated as follows:

  1. Unilateral contraction produces flexion in the head, tilt to the same side and rotation to the opposite side.
  2. Contraction of both sternocleidomastoid becomes a powerful flexor of the head.
  3. in addition, helps when carrying out the action of inspiring.

How to stretch sternocleidomastoid

If you feel weakness in your legs or suffer, it is important that we know stretch sternocleidomastoid to avoid problems and ailments in this area of ​​the neck. To stretch this muscle in the cervical region, we must first proceed to perform a tilt of the neck to the opposite side, for next rotate head to side to be stretched, causing the position to be held for at least two minutes.

This is a self stretching, but if you want to carry out a more complete stretch, with the help of another person, what was previously described is done, but a little neck traction is added. During the stretch you should try to maintain a steady rhythm of breathing.

Usually it is an area that is more stretched than strengthened, but in those cases in which it is necessary to strengthen the muscle, smooth movements can be carried out where rotation is included, cervical tilt and flexion, as well as active shoulder mobilizations. It is a cervical muscle that flexes, rotate and tilt head.

Pain in the sternocleidomastoid muscle

in regards to pain, The neck area is a region of the body that is very susceptible to changes in muscle tissue due to overloads., as well as the adoption of harmful positions that are carried out in a constant and continuous way.

In this type of case, besides knowing how stretch sternocleidomastoid according to the indications made, gentle mobilizations should be carried out, all designed to eliminate muscle tension. Nevertheless, in those cases where there is severe pain, It is best to contact a physiotherapist, who will be the professional who has to evaluate and diagnose and then indicate the most appropriate treatment.

Most frequent causes of pain in the neck muscle

Many activities of our day to day can contribute to affect the sternocleidomastoid muscle, especially when keeping the neck in a certain position constantly or for long periods of time. Some common causes that generate pain and problems in this part of the body are the following::

Symptoms of problems in the sternocleidomastoid muscle

Among the main symptoms of problems that can occur in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, we can highlight the following::

Treatment for problems in the sternocleidomastoid muscle

If you suffer from problems in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, you need to know the different options you have to be able to treat problems in it., being able to resort to the following solutions:

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