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Natural remedies to relieve muscle contractures

Sometimes we meet lack of physical activity or obesity, which are risk factors for the appearance of protrusions and herniated discs which must be dealt with in order to avoid the inconvenience, and in this sense it must be taken into account that, despite the fact that the best solution will always be to put yourself in the hands of a professional who will help us solve the problem or reduce its incidence on our body, there are different natural remedies to relieve muscle contractures what can we try.

It is very likely that at some point in your life you have found that you have suffered a muscle contraction, which can be given by different factors such as stress, bad posture, sudden movements or weight bearing. Muscle contractures are states of stiffness or contraction suffered by a muscle that can be very painful..


Natural remedies to relieve muscle contractures

Both legs should then be dropped to one side slowly. natural remedies to relieve muscle contractures We find three options that can be very beneficial to deal with this type of discomfort:

St John's wort oil

This is a good preparation that is always recommended to have on hand. In this sense, it takes several days to be ready. It is prepared with 50 grams of flowers and small leaves chopped. They must be placed in a container of 250 cubic cm of crystal, and ends up filling with almond oil.

Then it will have to be left to rest in a cupboard protected from heat and light for 20 days. Once this time has passed, it will be strained and ready to use. In any case, keep in mind that do not apply before sun exposure.

red clay poultice

It should be prepared in a bowl with red clay powder which add little by little water, which can be cold or hot depending on the contracture. Water should be added until a homogeneous mixture is obtained., thick and lump-free.

Then it should be applied to the affected area and left to act for 30 a 60 minutes. It is applied once or twice a day, non-invasive positive pressure ventilation 2 a 5 days, but in any case, es necesario avoid this remedy if there is skin damage.


Serves to relax the activity of muscle tissue, siendo recomendable usar entre 200 a 400 mg magnesium, divided into one or two daily doses. In this sense, it is important to emphasize that it is not recommended to take it for a long time or in the case of suffering from renal failure..

Medicinal plants to relax muscles

Similarly, hay que tener en cuenta que disponemos de diferentes medicinal plants to which we can resort to relax the muscles, In this case, the options are the following::


The hairpagophyte It is a plant with analgesic virtues, that is to say, soothes pain and anti-inflammatory. It is an ideal combination so that the muscles can recover. They should be taken from 400 a 800 mg of dry matter per day, divided into one or two shots.

It must be borne in mind that treatment should be ruled out in the case of suffering from gastroduodenal ulcer. in addition, It is also not recommended in the case of pregnancy and lactation.


The valerian, for his part, These are plants most used in cases of stress. Its spasmodic and relaxing activity can be very beneficial for health in the event that you suffer from muscle contractures, being a way to treat them.

They must be used between 300 and 900 mg of dry root extract, divided into one to three daily doses. It should not be taken during pregnancy.

plant lotion

An alternative to be able to deal with muscle contractures with home remedies is to perform a plant lotion. For this you have to mix 40 grams of rosemary, 25 grams of mint and 25 grams of lemon balm. The plants should be placed in a glass container of 500 cc and add 250 cc of orujo or aguardiente.

Then it is necessary to cover and leave the preparation to macerate for 20-30 days in a dry place that is protected from sunlight. Once this time has passed, It must be filtered into another container and proceed to apply once or twice a day in the affected areas applying a light massage.. in addition, keep in mind that its application on irritated skin should be avoided, damaged or sensitive skin.

Aromatic baths to relax muscles

In case you are looking for natural remedies to relieve muscle contractures, otra buena opción a tener en cuenta son los aromatic baths, where we have several options that can be taken into account in order to achieve muscle relaxation. Among the most prominent and recommended are the following:

salt bath

Un baño relajante de sales helps to reduce the discomfort of contracture. To do this, it must be prepared in hot water., to which are added 250 grams of epsom salts. previously, to reinforce its general effects, it is recommended to add 5 marjoram essential oil drops, as many rosemary and another five drops of lavender.

in addition, It is important to keep in mind that first you have to pour the essential oils into the Epsom salts, before pouring them into the bath water.

coarse salt bath

The coarse salt bath is another classic natural remedy that has relaxing properties throughout the muscles. To do this, you have to fill the bathtub with hot water., to later add the coarse salt at the same time that some essential oil can be included, like lavender or vervain, to give it an aromatic touch.

When making use of this natural remedy for contractures, it is necessary stay in the bathroom for 10 minutes submerged in order to get the relaxing effect to take effect.

vinegar bath

One last option with aromatic baths to relax the muscles and thus achieve great relief from muscle contractures, involves making use of a vinegar bath. It also has relaxing properties similar to coarse salt. Simply replace salt and essential oils by using two glasses of vinegar.

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